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Minseo went home with a packet of research that Jackson dug up. She smiled non-stop the whole way home. She walked so that she had more time to herself.

She was happy to know about this family. That she came from such prestigious, humble and caring people.

She wanted to know them. But, Jackson warned her not to call yet. Not to say anything till she was ready to go through everything. To leave this place and meet them. He was sure that the family would want her back.

The thought made her smile faulter.

Sure, she hated it here. A-and the only people she knows is here... Her ballet is here. Is she ready to leave it all behind?

-missing sister, Min Minseo. He says that he misses her everyday and that he made that whole organization for her. To help anyone lost. I'm whatever sense.

She's breathless reading about them. It seemed that although she was missing, she was still missed and loved dearly.

She thinks of her mother.


A kidnapper. That's why she must hate her so much. Her plan didn't pull through.

She thinks of her grandfather who knew.

They're all fake. No one she knew of is real.

She thinks of her ballet studio and how much they've done for her. She thinks of Jungkook and how much he's done for her without her knowing.

Everything good, everything that healed her and calmed her, came from them.

What's stopping her?

She turns directions and runs. She runs towards the little house like office. She runs with the wind in her hair and a smile on her face. Her body is begging her to stop but her soul keeps pushing her forwards.

I need to see them.

She runs past stores and wonder what's their home like. Is it warm and bright? Big like hers? It must be, they're rich too.

I need to know them.

She wonders how her brother is. How her sister is. How the youngest of them is. She wonders how many cousins she has, how many aunts and uncles.

I need to talk to them.

She wonders about her dads, about their lives and their hugs. What they were like! If they were strict or more free willed? If they gave you hugs when you were sad or hot coco when it was winter?

I need them to know me.

"Jackson!" She bursts through the door, making Mark jump with wide eyes. A pair of feet come running, gun in hand. She tops with her hands up, pale and wide eyed.

"Wow, there-" Youngjae softly pushes his gun away.

"What's wrong, Minseo?" He tucks the gun away.

"I can't go back." She heaves from her running, leaning forward with her hands on her knees. She shakes from the adrenaline.

"I c-can't! I can't! It's not my home! Everything is fake memories! Fake love!" She almost yells. Mark stands there awkwardly, unsure what to do.


"Please, Jackson. Let me have their address? I'll travel there myself! I have enough money!" Tears are filling her eyes again. She had to escape. She can't be here in this town that hated her.

"Minseo. You can't just... just leave."

"I can. And I will." She says, determined. Her voice stern as she gained breath. "It's either you give it to me or I find a way there myself." She almost threatens. Jackson stares at her before cracking a smile.

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