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"Oh god, I never want to go back to America again." Minjae sighs as he collapses on his couch.

"It can't be that bad." Jungkook chuckles and he sits with his son, ready to hear stories.

"The musician I had to talk to was called hoonE. She was a disaster! She didn't care one bit for the organization and when I turned her down, she got offended! She said that I should talk the money! I politely told her that our sponsors are accepted if they are good people. We don't want dirty money. She went livid." He shook her head, expelling air past loose lips and Jungkook laughs.

"She was a real brat, huh?"

"Yeah! She then went on to say things like I didn't know English enough cause I wasn't taking her offer. She told her guard to her a translator because I'm not understanding her! The nerve of her! I can't- I speak korean, English, Japanese and Tagalog fluently! How dare she!" He scoffs and Jungkook smiles. He really was proud of him.

"People are still close minded in this day and age." He sighs, and takes a sip of coffee. He looks over at Yoongi who was passed out on the other couch.

The door opens and they hear Sujin yell out, "Someone's looking for you!"

Jungkook and Minjae look at each other curiously before walking to the foyer. Sujin wasn't even in sight, probably leaving to go back to her house.

That girl has no sense of danger.

They're met with 3 strangers, two males and a young female.

"Hi, how may I help you?" Jungkook asks, puffing his chest and trying to insert dominance.

"Uh, I uh- I hired a private investigator. This is him." The girl points to Jackson. He stretched his arm out and Shakes a very confused  Jungkook's hand.

"This is his boyfriend, Younjae. He specializes in hypnosis therapy." They shake hands.

"I hired them after finding out that I'm not related to my mom that I've been living with and-" she pulls her backpack off and starts unzipping it. "Well, my names Min Minseo and I grew up in Germany. I love ballet and I have this bear that sings to me whenever I'm upset." She hands the slightly ragged bear to Jungkook.

"I think I'm your daughter."

Jungkook stares at the bear, his eyes already wet. He softly presses the bear and hears himself sing. He presses a hand to his mouth, letting it sink in.

"Here's my ID." She hands Minjae her ID and he just stares at it in shock.

"Same birthday." He whispers. She nods and looks up at Jackson who just awkwardly stands there, watching it all go down.

"Babe, who's here?" They year a third voice. A smaller male appears but pauses as he sees the crowd. He grows concerned as he sees the tears trailing on both of his boys' faces.

"What's going on?" He growls stepping toward, protective stance in action.

Minjae passes the ID to him, Jungkook doing the same with the bear. He looks at them confused but looks at the objects. He gasps, and looks up at her.

"Minseo? Baby?" He whispers, his eyes searching her face and she smiles big with fat tears collecting in her eyes.

Never has her name been said so lovingly.

"I-I mean, I think so. I... We can get us tested." She whispers but wiped tears from her eyes.

"Who are they?" Yoongi whispers, trying to keep himself under control but he's crumbling.

"These are the people that helped me find you. This is Jackson, a private investigator. This is Youngjae, a hypnosis therapists. He helped me unlock all my bl-blocked memories. They both helped me find you." A sob breaks through her chest.

"Is it true?" Minjae asks them, eyes red and swollen.

"Yes. Why don't you tell them?"

"I was able to remember most of things. Like we used to have a dog named Holly. I have this one memory when he messed up my blanket a-and you," She points to Jungkook," you made me strawberry pancakes! And... Bumble hearts. Bumble hearts and honey hearts." She says quietly.

The nickname her and Jungkook gave each other.

"Oh, baby-" Yoongi drags her into a hug and she looses control and she falls into his arms, sobbing. They end up on the floor, crying into each other.

"I remember the purple bunny I called Bush." She mentions and laughs, "I remember Bey blades and Ballet with Papa. I remember the days when we were kidnapped and we were stuck in a room together- I remember!" She cries out. Yoongi hushes her and begins to rock her. She allows it, crying into his chest, her hands aching at how hard she clentched onto his shirt. Her nails dug into the palm of her hand.

"I spent years wondering why I never fit in... now I know... I know..."  She cries. She breaks apart in his arms, trusting that he'll be able to pick her up.

And he does.

He kisses her head and lays his cheek against it. He pats her back, rocking her. Jungkook kneels down and moves the hair out of her face.

"You're here now, Minseo." He reminds her with tears running down his face too. He runs a thumb over her cheek and he grins.

"You're home." He says.


After calming down, they're all set on the couch. Although she spilt her heart out to them, she was still shy. She sat with the couple she came with as the three sat on the adjacent couch, staring at her.

The three agreed to dinner with the family. Jackson wanted to stay for a bit and make sure no red flags popped up. It was the same for Youngjae but watched them in more of a physiological way.

"You still do ballet?" Jungkook asks, realizing that she said she liked ballet earlier.

"Y-yeah. I actually love it. I teach the little kids at the studio back in Germany. In my spare time, I'm either learning more or in a dance room." She nods, slowly and Jungkook smiles.

"I used to take you to your dance classes. I used to try and do your ballet bun-"

"-But, he's mess up and I'd come to the rescue and do it properly." Yoongi cuts in and Jungkook blushes.

"You... You can do those? I always get either a maid to do it or my instructor. I can't every get it." She blushes too. Yoongi grins wide.

"I can always teach you." He says, faintly. His heart fluttered with excitement. He's still in shock.

"Are you staying?" Minjae speaks up the question that's been on his mind.


"Yeah, like here. You belong with us after all." He says calmly and her eyes dart to Yoongi and Jungkook. They look at her with hopeful eyes, shining with pleads.

"I was hoping I can. If not-"

"No! No, please. Stay." Yoongi says, he reaches out for her hand as the tears build.

"You have no idea how much we missed you." He sniffles as he begins crying again. "We never stopped looking for you." He lifts a hand to try and stop the crying.

Minseo looks at him and smiles through tears.

"I'll stay."

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