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Yoongi knocked on the door frame, peering inside Minseo's room at the twins. They were back in South Korea and Minjae was helping his sister unpack.

"Mind if I talk to your sister alone?" Yoongi asks and Minjae just drops the shirt he was folding and leaves with his hands in the end. Yoongi rolls his eyes and shuts the door. He gently smiles at Minseo and pats the bed. She nervously sniffles and sits down.

"Y-Yeah, Daddy?" She questions and Yoongi takes her face in hands and gently turns her face to each side. He chuckles at her confused stare and his lip begins to wobble.

"S-Sorry... Sometimes, I still can't believe my baby's back." He breathes out shakily and she fondly smiles and hugs him. He squeezes her in his arm and kisses the top of her head.

"So grown up. So beautiful." He whispers and sniffles as he wipes away silent tears.

"You'll always be my baby. Forever. You always have been and you always will be." He whispers and let's go, then sighing as the air turned serious.

"Which is why I need to talk to you." Minseo slowly nods, urging him to go on. "Now, to my understanding, you've been talking to a boy."

"Dad... It's not that serious-"

"Who's the boy, sweet heart?" His tone is stern or reprimanding. He's calm and sweet, a tad quiet about the situation. She looks at him unsure.

"Han Jisung."

Yoongi's eyebrows shoot up. "Minjae's smart friend?"

"Yeah, him." She nervously breathes out and he nods, taking in the information. He just got his baby back and he can't believe that he's talking to her about dating.

It was only a few days when Jungkook had brought to Yoongi's attention how much the two have been talking and how Jisung clearly had an interest in her. Jungkook urges Yoongi to talk to her about it and the two rehearsed what he's to say.

"You're 16 now, practically- almost- an adult. I trust that you have good judge of character. I want to meet the boy before you go on any dates, both me and Papa are to present. I also trust that you two will be responsible. In all aspects." The last two were said in his daddy voice before he dropped it again and spoke gently to her.

"I don't know how they raised you... But, I wasn't there to show you how a man should treat a woman." He says gently and rubs the back of his neck. Minseo's pouts a bit and slowly nods as she listens.

"But, I would like to make up for that.... Minseo, would you like to go for a Daddy-daughter date tomorrow?" Yoongi asks and Minseo lightly blushes but giggles at her father.

"Of course, Daddy...." She widely smiles and hugs him close, "Thank you for trying. Thank you for being a good dad." She whispers in her ear and Yoongi smiles and nods.


"My turn!" Jungkook says and he sighs and walks in. He groans as he closes the door, playfully collapsing to sit on her bed. He still had on his suite from work, his maroon tight loosened around his unbuttoned shirt.

"Your turn?" Minseo raises as eyebrow as she turns in her rolly chair. "What for, Papa?"

"Your dad had his talk and now it's mine. I'm- for whatever reason it may be- am in charge of the sexy talk. Your dad handled Minjae but the dude freaked and I had to do it. Might have to do with the fact I'm not his biological dad." Jungkook shrugs nonchalantly as Minseo almost combusts into flames in her seat.

"W-we dont h-have to!" She squeaks and Jungkook sighs.

"I know, it's awkward. Might as well fly though it." He frowns.

"Dad! Please, no!" She begs him, kicking her legs in their chair and flailing her arms as she throws her head back.

"Cheer up, buttercup! We about to talk about sex!" He teases as laughs at the look on her face.

"Dad. Please-"

"Nonsense. Now, listen. When a person and a person love each other AND ONLY WHEN THEY LOVE- very very much. They engage in sexual intercourse.-"

"Dad, you don't have to tell me this part." She whines and Jungkook chuckles.

"I know." He teases. His smile slowly fades as he gets serious. He looks at Minseo and realizes how much she's grown.

"Minseo-ah..." He says gently. "You're at an age where you become curious and you're discovering new things. I'm not going to be your enemy in this." He stresses the last sentence. He remembers being her age and in love. Yujun was the sweetest girl and he remembered how he wanted to discover her body and made her feel like he did.

"I was once a teenage, I get it. I do. And, I remember how youth is. So, all I ask is that you wait. You wait for the person you believe you can trust with your body and heart, okay? And when you find that one, please tell me or your dad. I rather you come talk to us than going out there behind our backs and without protection. We'll ask you what you want in that moment and take precautions. Wether that's condoms or some kind of birth control." He finishes up and Minseo nods with a slight blush upon her cheeks.

She honestly wasn't expecting that. She was expecting a little "don't have sex, you'll get pregnant and die."  Type of thing but she was pleasantly surprised.

"I will. I don't think I'm ready for that, yet. Thanks for uh, being concerned and but not going crazy on me." She awkwardly says and Jungkook laughs.

"Of course, sweetie. Your father and I only want the best for you." He smiles before clapping his hands and rubbing them together.

"ONTO THE GRAPHIC THINGS!" He declares as he seems to magically pull a condom and banana out of no where.

"Dear God, please stop this mad man." Minseo prays, looking up at the ceiling.

This book may have a chapter or two left and then an epilogue.

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