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"Taeoh, buddy? Wanna sleep in my bed? I'll be there later." Minseo shakes the child in her arms. He whines and cuddles closer to her, stealing all warmth possible.

"Taeoh." Seojin calmly pats his cheek and kisses it. "Wakes, Wakey. Let's go to the room." Seojin tried to lure him.

Taeoh must have been used to it as he gets up without complaint. He kisses Minseo, muttering a soft 'I love you, Nuna.' And taking Seojin by the hand before the three of the boys went upstairs.

"They're so cute." She whispers gently and hugs Sujin who's leaning against her tiredly.

"Yeah. As long as they're not fighting." Sujin giggles. She smiles as Minseo hugs her. They both watch those around them.

Hyunjin, Jisungs, Sunny and Jinah were all arguing if it's weird to shit in the school bathrooms.

Minjae was talking to Felix about something on the other end of the room.

Sangmin and May was building houses out of food, Jungkook, Tae and Jimin there to help instruct and give ideas.

The grandparents were talking to Yoongi and Jin.

All the other adults were in the other room, talking loudly and laughing. Half of them drinking intoxicating drinks, the other half sighing that they have to drag them home.

Jungkook sticks food in his mouth and drinks his beer to which Yoongi yells at him not too drink too much.

"I'm really happy they found you." Sujin whispers. "Everyone's so happy. Dad and uncle Yoongi actually look rested."

"Uncle Yoongi?" She pauses to think of all their relations and slowly asks. "You have like, three dads. What do you call them all?"

"Well Jungkook is my biological dad so I call him Dad. Taehyung is my step Dad so I just call him Dad too. Usually, they can just tell or they both listen to me and help. Then, I call your Dad, Uncle Yoongi. He's like a dad to me but, it's just easier. I mean. He's my step dad too, you know? But, we agreed on that. Me and him are too lazy to decipher names." She chuckles.

"And Taeoh?"

"He calls your dads his Uncles and his dad, Dad or Daddy. But, they treat him like a son and he recognizes them as a parental figure too." She explains and Minseo softly nods.

"What... What about Minjae?"

"He calls them by what they are. Dads. Uncles, Aunt. That's what you guys call them." She clears it up, knowing her confusion. Minseo looks at her and laughs gently as she takes it in.

"You know," Minseo began, "I was raised as a single child. And, although I loved my family, I always wished it was bigger. I wished I had siblings and cousins. But it was just my mom and her dad... So, finding out that my real family is so big... It's overwhelming yet, so satisfyingly fulfilling."

In that moment, it really sinks into Sujin Minseo's situation.

"Were you lonely?" She asks gently and Minseo nods.


"Do... Do you miss them?" She hesitantly asked, not sure what she should say. She didn't want to trigger anything in her or be rude. She was genuinely curious.

"I do. I think that's the hardest part of this. Missing a family that isn't yours. Knowing that they were bad and they hurt you, but they're all you've ever known. Then, coming into a family you always wished you had, but still missing them. It feels like betrayal an either end." She explains. Sujin has a weird, unsettling feeling in her chest and stomachs about what she said. She just squeezed her hand and sighs.

"I'll try my best to be the sister you imagined!"

"You don't have to be. You already are."


"I don't expect anything of you, Sujin. You're my little sister. I take you as you are and as you are is and always will be good enough for me."

Sujin stares up at her with stars and sparkles in her eyes. Minjae said things like that too her but she's always just heard it from him. To hear it from her, was different. Don't get her wrong, his words still made an impact, but for her to say that and only know her for a couple months- it made her heart warm.

She felt loved by her older sister.


"They're angry." Namjoon nods as he sits in Minjae's room with Minjae and Felix. They were discussing how the release statement of him going on Haitus is going. Everyone was obviously upset and Namjoon wanted to check in on the younger.

They've all seen the comments, the pictures and videos. Many people were even pointing out mistakes he's done- some of them including things that happened due to his injury.

They see this as the beginning of his fall in the industry, and as they say: Kick them when they're down.

"What are you going to do?"

"Give then what they want."

What are your thoughts on all the characters and how they evolved?

Is there more you want to read of? (For the reader that asked for smut- it is coming up. It's just a little tricky to put it in when it's mainly focused around the twins. I don't write smut in a lot of my books, so I'm a lil eh.)

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