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It's been 3 days.

She hasn't talked to her grandfather or her mother. Nor, has she talked to her friends.

She was falling apart, staring into mirrors, asking herself "who are you?"

A question that she thought could only be defined by herself but, recently she has been eating her own words.

She knocks on a door to a house, a wooden sign with "happy swings" engraved in it's grain, swung above her head.

"Come in!" A voice yells and she enters to be greater by a front desk. It was odd, walking into a place that was a mixture of house and office.

"Hi! How may I help you?" A skinny and pretty boy asks with a warm smile.

"U-uh.. Jackson Wang told me to come here." She shows the card to him. He adjusts his glasses and nods.

"Youngjae! Your boyfriend brought you a customer!" The man winks at Minseo who hides behind the neck of her workout sweater. A puppy like man enters the room, his eyes lighting up as he sees the girl before him.

"Minseo... Correct?" He asks and she nods.

"You're korean too?" She asks and he nods.

"Do you speak korean?" He asks and she shrugs.

"I use it at home with my mom and grandfather. Not completely fluent but I know most of it. I speak English and German better." She informs and he nods, impressed.

"Well, come back with me. We'll explain a few things and I need you to sign some things. My names Youngjae." He says. As they walk back, his voice turns low.

"I understand from what Jackson told me was that you're concerned you have blocked memories?"

"Yeah." She breathes out, her anxiety rising in her.

"Should there be anything that I should stop the session of it pops up?"He asks gently as they enter the room and he closes the door. He gestures her to lay on the black couch that reminded her of the dentists.

"Like what?" She shakily gives out as she lays. Youngjae goes behind a desk and he starts to look through pendants.

"Death, rape, suicide, any specific traumas?" He lists and she's almost concerned for the way he so carelessly says it but, she realizes that this is his job and he's done it many times.

"No. I want to know it all." She says and he nods. He has the pendant in his hand and he sits in a chair beside her.

"I'm going to need you to fill this out." He says and hands her a paper to fill.

"Can you talk during this or would you rather wait?"

"We can talk." She says softly as she picks up the pen that dangles from the clipboard and begins writing.

"What makes you think that you're blocking memories?"

So we ain't even gonna break the ice?

"Uhm, I have these dreams that link back to a lot of drawing I have as a kid, and some stories from when I was really little. They can be uh- disturbing. I do certain things that... feel like there more to just liking it, or there's more of a reason of doing a certain thing."

"Can you give me an example?" Youngjae asks, crossing his legs as he writes things in his notes.

"Uh, I do ballet. It's a daily thing. If I'm not practicing, I'm learning. If I'm not learning, I'm teaching young kids how to do ballet."

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