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Knock knock knock.

"Come in!" Minseo says and Minjae slides in and sits on her bed. He falls back, his back against her legs.

"Dad and Papa made me come in here." He said and Minseo looks up from her computer, pushing up her glasses.

"It's probably because it's our birthday."  She says lightly and turns off her computer. She sets it to the side and starts playing with Minjae's hair. She twirls the light brown locks between her fingers.

"We're 17." Minjae sighs and Minseo giggles and nods. She strarts braiding his hair into small strips, a habit that she gained since doing Sujin's hair.

"It's our first birthday together since the disappearance." She says softly and Minjae nods. He looks up at her and smiles. He still thanks his lucky stars for her.

"I'm happy you found us." Minjae says and the older twin smiles back, wondering how in the world she got so lucky to have a twin like him.

"Me too."

"Hey... About Jisung..." Minjae speaks up after a moment and Minseo looks at him nervously. "There's nothing wrong with you dating him and all, I'm quite glad that he's the guy you took interest in. He's a good guy. One of my best friends." He lightly licks his lips and sighs. "I just don't want either of your hearts broken."

"Thank you, Minjae." Hernlips flutter into a shy smile, as her eyes turned downcast, "I don't know if he'll ever ask me on a date, he's a bit shy." She says softly. Honestly, it made her scared that he was so hesitant. It made her double think of he actually liked her.

This is her first crush that she thought liked her back, and now she questioned if it was even true.

"He's really shy, he double thinks everything, he's so.... He really over thinks. If it bothers you that much, ask him out."

"Ask him out?"

"Yeah. I don't see why not." He shrugs and reaches up to feel the several strands of braids. He groans and looks at her, slightly annoyed.

"You know, this'll take forever to take out!" He whines. Minseo pretends she can't hear him and continues anyways.

"What do you guys do for birthdays?" Minseo asks and watches as Minjae takes out a braid as he makes more.

"Cake. Presents. Papa likes to hide this hand thing every birthday... looks like an okay sign? Whoever finds it, he spanks. So far, it's been uncle Hoseok the last 4 birthdays. I hope it's him again."

Minseo laughs at both her brother and Papa. Minjae settles under the blankets next to his sister and he hums.

"I got something." He says and she looks at him with waiting eyes, but he yawns as he settles himself for a little birthday nap with his twin.

"You can't see it yet. It's a secret." He scoffs and Minseo pouts.

"You're horrible."

"But you still love me." He says with eyes closed.

"Just cause you're my brother. If you weren't, I'd throw you out the window."

"Harsh. Stop talking to dad."

"But... He's our Dad."

"Stop it."


"I don't know. Just stop."

Minseo cracks up into loud laughter that's heard down the hallway and into the kitchen where the 2 pairs of coparenting parents was gathered, decorating the house.

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