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"I wonder how Sujin will do her hair." Minjae hums as he stares out the plane window. He frowns as he plays with his sleeve.

"Worried about her?" Yoongi asks, smiling a bit.

"Always am. What about Taeoh? We usually watch cartoons together every Saturday! Does he know that I left?" He mumbles, worried about his younger siblings.

As a child with Minseo, he didn't fret that much. He always counted on his big sister to look after things. But,in the end, he had to be the eldest sibling.

"They're fine. They have their cousins too, Minjae." Yoongi chuckles. He turns his head towards him and smiles thoughtfully. "You care a lot for your siblings, huh?"

Minjae nodded, replying with a simple yes. He didn't know where this was going. He was nervous. The subject of how he treated his siblings didn't came up often.

"Can I ask why?"

"Because you never know when you'll loose them." He says in an instant. It made both their chest burn with the familiar sting that lasted the last 13 years.

"The last thing I said to Minseo," gulp. "Was that our parents would find us but only I would come back. The power of words." He bitterly scoffs. He sighs through his nose and turns toward his dad. "I'm sorry that I said that."

"You were a child, Minjae. And rightfully upset. You didn't know better." He says quietly, patting his hand.

"Still. I said it." He mutters but quickly turns to his Dad. "Why did you ask?"

"Oh. Well, me and your Papa aren't getting any younger... We love the four of you, with all our hearts, but we're thinking about expanding our family." He holds his breath, waiting for an answer. Minjae looks like he's thinking and bites his lip.

"How would we... acquire said child?" He asks and Yoongi shrugs.

"Uhm, not sure. We wanted to ask your Auntie Yujun to do surrogacy, but if she says no then I would like to adopt."

"Is Auntie Yujun your only option?"

"We wouldn't ask Mirae of it, her pregnancy cause her a lot of problems. Uh, Auntie Min just had Aofie, I don't want to put her under that stress. Aunt Bea is... well-"

"Had one, don't wanna do another one?"

"Exactly." He chuckles, shaking his head at the memory of her telling Min that if there's any more babies- they go to her.

"So, adoption." He sums up and Yoongi slowly nods.

"Are you okay with it?" He questions and Minjae shrugs.

"Whatever makes you guys happy." He says nonchalantly and Yoongi feels irked. He always said that. But, this changes the family.

"No, Minjae. I need your actual thoughts on it." He uses the father tone and Minjae winces.

"Fine, Fine. I really don't mind. I already help a lot with the cousins and my own siblings, one more shouldn't make it too difficult. Having a baby around might liven the place up." He shrugs and Yoongi takes in his words.

And he sums it: Minjae can't give a single shit if a child is added to their family.


"Taeoh, just because Uncle Yoongi isn't here to tell you no candy, doesn't mean I won't." Jungkook grumbles as he watches Taeoh eat another candy from the jar.

"Taeoh! You haven't even eaten your sandwhich!" Sujin yells from the dining room. She stomps in, a plate in her small hand and an expecting face on.

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