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The song Jungkook sings is The Way I Am by Ingrid Michaelson

"Hey, buddy..." Jungkook came home late from another long day, and as he passed Minjae's room, he could hear the familiar cry. The soft one he had when he didn't want anyone to know he was sad. The same one him and his father shared.

"P-pa-" he gasped out before letting out a loud cry. The noise seemed to alert Yoongi as Jungkook heard the thump of feet running for the door. He catches Yoongi's eye as he opened the door in a towel, his body still dripping from the bath. Jungkook waves him away, signaling he had this. Yoongi hesitates but nods as the cold air closes in on him.

"Why are you crying?" Jungkook closes the door behind him and takes off the suit coat he had on.

"Nightmare." He keeps his cries in. Jungkook sits on the bed and he takes notice of how Minjae seemed to grow half a foot in the last year.

"Want to come sleep in Papa and Daddy's bed?" He whispers, hoping he'd say yes. He missed him sleeping next to him.

"Just tonight." He whispers and clambers up to latch onto Jungkook's neck.

"Did you have the dream again?"

Minjae always had dreams where he relived those moments refined in that apartment. He relives the words and the hits. He relives loosing his sister.

He nods against Jungkook's neck. When they make it to the room, he sets him down the the bed and looks for clothes.

"Can you sing the song... the one you used to sing to me and Minseo?"

Her name left an unexplainable ache in their bodies.

"If you were falling," He starts off, a little breathing.

"Then, I would catch you." His heart aches. He didn't catch her.

"You need a light? I'd find a match." He unbuttons his shirt and replaces it with a red one.

"Cause I~" He feels his heart ache even more.

"Love, the way you say good morning." He smiles a little as his lip shakes. Every morning is a struggle.

"And you take me the way I am." We're all a little fucked up in this house.

"If you are chilly, here take my sweater." He slips on sweats. He slips into bed and makes sure that Minjae is snuggled against in his arm. His eyes eyes watching Jungkook, glossy with tears as he remembers.

"You're heart is aching." He boops Minjae's nose, causing the younger to let up a smile but causing tears to fall. He squeezes him against his chest.

"I'll make it better~!" He kisses Minjae's cheek in attempts to make him him better.

"You're forever my baby." He changes the lyrics and it brings tears to his eyes. His little baby. He feels blessed that he at least, was able to get him. He's so precious.

"And you take me the way I am."

"You'll buy me rogain, when I start loosing all my hair." He changes the lyrics and smiles at Minjae's giggles but he can't help but want to crumble at the fact that one day, he'll be gone. And Minjae will still be here.

"Sew on patches, to all you tear." He taps the patch in Minjae's shirt that he made when he pulled on the button. The thread was strong but the material was on the weaker side.

"Cause I love you more than I can ever promise." He sings with a fill heart, belting the truth.

"You take me the way I am..." He smiles as Minjae's eyes droop.

"You take me the way I am~." He kisses Minjae's forehead as he falls asleep.

"You take me the way I am." Mistakes, scars and all.

Yoongi sat in the tub, a hand clamped over his mouth in an attempt to not make a noise. Trying so hard not to disturb them.

He reminds him of the first night he brought the twins home.

The memory itself breaks him even further.

He sits in still, luke warm water, crying to God and praying for him to send his daughter back.


"Sew on patches to all you tear," Jungkook sings in the kitchen as he makes breakfast, still in pajamas.

"Cause I~" Minjae joins him as he walking into the kitchen, dressed in a school uniform, "Love you more than I can ever promise!" Jungkook looks back at him with a big grin as he sings along with him.

"And you take me the way I am~" Yoongi sings from his spot at the table. He was a little off tone and flat but they both loved it.

"School?" Jungkook asks and Minjae nods.

"Jinah and Sangmin are picking me up today." He says. Sujin comes running in with a hair tie and brush.


He sighs and has her sit on a stool from the breakfast bar. He hurriedly brushes her hair her back but left hair to frame her face. He left a bit out and quickly braided it and wound it around the hair tie before tucking it into the elastic.

"Done." He pats her shoulder. She smiles and hugs him.

"THANKS MINJAE OPPA!" She yells as she takes her exit.

"You know, I saw her jump out fence the other day." Yoongi says as he sips his coffee.

"Brat didn't even say hi to her own father!" He says in disbelief.

"She only loves Minjae." Yoongi adds with a chuckle and shakes his head. Jungkook slides a plate to Minjae who begins eating.

"How did you do it?" Jungkook asks Minjae.

"I gave her Mac n cheese when she was first learning to eat." He hums in amusement, smiling.

"Brat." Jungkook rolls his eyes.

"Hello, family!" Jinah smiles as she comes through the door, waking at all of them. Sangmin follows behind and waves.


"Yes, please! Thank you." Sangmin signed. He had aphasia. A side effect of epilepsy that makes you unable to speak.

Jinah was Hoseok's adopted daughter, finding her as a child that lived on the streets. He offered jobs to the parents and convinced them to hand custody of Jinah. They let him take her but never showed up to his work, nor did he see them again. They've have her for 11 years.

Sangmin is Jimin's and Namjoon's adopted son. Fully aware of his health issues, the two adopted him at the age of 10, and raised him for the last 7 years.

Jinah was now 17 and Sangmin is 18, both in their last year of high school.

"Eggs and sourdough. Bacon or sausage."



"Can't you two ever agree on one thing?" Jungkook playfully groans, throwing bacon and sausage into a pan.

"Never." Jinah smiles, eyes twinkling.

The two had a special relationship with Jungkook. Both of them had a time in their lives where they felt like they didn't want to be alive.

Jungkook was the one they both step forward to when getting better.

"How's your friend over seas, by the way?" Yoongi asks, setting his coffee down and tearing into a bacon.

"Minnie? She's fine. Her moms getting surgery." Jinah says, Sangmin nodding.

"Well, I hope things get better." Minjae frowns.

Sangmin smiles and ruffles his hair before signing, "She's a strong girl. A lot of bad things have happened but it's bound to turn around soon."

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