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"You don't have to do this." Minseo whispers, holding Minjae's hand in hers. He was shaking so much, it hurt her to know he was doing this for her.

"I do. You're my sister. Family has priority over all." He whispered, closing his eyes and rocking a bit on the chair he sat on. Namjoon watched the twins from the door, managing his nephew personally.

Minseo was calming Minjae down from an upcoming anxiety attack. Sujin was carding her fingers though her hair, Taeoh was sitting on the ground and hugging his leg. All his siblings there for support, to give him love.

Minjae hated the press, but he hated them (and others) so much more now that the news got out. People were sending so much more hate, frustrations, their own problems to him, people were making videos on why they should "unstan" him and all his mistakes. They do it ruthlessly, like he wasn't a human with a family or is just a young teen. Like he wasn't supposed to explore or make mistakes.

They've targeted his family. Homophobic comments, death threats, old momo videos sent to the younger ones- even going as far as to say his parents are controlling and brainwashing him.

Within a week, sasaengs have broken into their homes (nothing stolen or hurt- just a bit traumatized), all of the kids where drawn from school and are getting private lessons together (by grade/year) because kids bullied or threaten them, Minjae were as getting stalked, Yoongi's car was keyed- their lives were going into shambles and being disrespected.

Is weighed on him a lot.

So much that he decided to quit.

It wasn't worth it. Fan didn't meant shit if they didn't respect him as a human first. Their favorite model and actor is all he is. Not human. A product.

He hugs his sister and remembers the piece of advice that his Uncle Tae always told him.

"Minjae, being in the industry... People will materialize you. You're no long human, you are their favorite toy. They will make you into a fantasy. Dream of how you are their ideal boyfriend. They'll forget that you have your own preference and that you are not going with their guide lines. They'll idolize you. All the good things you do, they'll raise you in the highest light and the moment you fall into a bit of shadow- they'll rein hell on you. But, never ever forget who you are. Don't loose yourself in the lights. Stay by your family's side. Listen to your father- he has a good head on his shoulders and is very good at bringing someone back to the ground. Remember, that you are nothing they say you are. Good or bad. There is "dream Minjae" and there is you. Always put you above all else."

"I love you guys." He whispers in their hold, all of them murmuring one back. Sujin kisses the top of his head.

"It's time." Namjoon sighs and Minjae looks up from his heap of limbs and nods. They all make way for him to leave, and then following to where everyone else was. They watched from the television where they see Jungkook and Yoongi stand with Minjae in stage.

He stares down the crowd.

Their eyes ridicule him. Their humanity does not spare him. His eyes narrow in determination, searching for any bit decency, humanity - even in this situation. His hands grab his fathers'. He can feel the shake of both of their palms and he gains even more strength.

They are not wrong.

He gathers the courage as he hears a soft sob from his Dad, and the soft consolation of his other father. He takes in a deep breath.

This isn't hard on just himself. This is hard on his family.

"Hello, I am 16 year old Minjae." He begins, the crowd bored into his head. "I'm sure you have heard my father talk about this. Years back, it was a big thing... But, it has faded. I can see it in your faces." The crowd stills, a few hang their head in guilt and sniff and the awkwardness.

He caught their attention.

He's not here to mess around.

"Well, my sister has been found." He says firmly, looking at separate reporters who he had noticed their comments and upset faces in the beginning.

"But, we have a lot of work to do. So much lost time, and work within our families." Reports gained interest. "So, I am resigning from all positions I currently hold."

The rawr is deafening.

The lights are blinding.

His hands hold on tighter onto his parent's comforting hands.

They're all yelling questions. Selfishness shining in their eyes. They claw at each other like animals, just trying to get a slice of juicy meat. He pride himself of his work but his work had gotten him no where but this.


He can hear fans in the far back cry out, screaming for their oppa. They beg him not to leave his position so that they can see him still. He keeps his eyes hard on them, feeling sorry but also angered.

He built a support, a family, of his fans. But, in this moment, he can see it's all fake. They loved his passion, his kindness and enthusiasm. People love a good looking person that pursues in helping people and is compassionate enough to sit and listen to a thousand sad stories. Even if they're all the same.

But, that's all they loved. They have it mixed up. They don't love him, they love what he's doing.

Or his face.

"Enough!" The deadly growl of anger he give out, surprised them all. He never raised his voice out of anger. He never lost control of his emotions. He was always calmed, kept himself in check.

"My family is the most important thing to me. Not this job, and certainly not people who don't genuinely care. My organization will stay up but will be cared by my Uncle Jung Hoseok, who co-created it with me, but since he's not famous you didn't care. As for the drama I'm in, it'll be finished and that will be the last." He's sure his fingers are blue with the hold of his dads.

"So, in saying that. I would like to thank my uncle and CEO of Bighit, Kim Namjoon for supporting my decisions. I would like to thank my Aunt and Uncle, Kim Yujun and Kim Taehyung for helping me and my fathers look for Minseo. I would like to thank my fathers for being as strong as they are and their willingness to grow. I would like to thank all of you, for spreading my failures so that my success was greater. Thank you for supporting my cause. Thank you for spreading my face so that when people googled me, Hope world organization was shown and had given so many people the opportunity to better themselves. Thank you." He ties it up. He ignores the screams, the cries, the lights.

He's numb.

He steps off stage. Sujin, Taeoh and Minseo run from their parents to him, hugging him with tears in their eyes, repeatedly telling him that they're so proud of him (or Taeoh repeatedly saying i love you). He curls his arms around all of them, still void of emotion. He looks around, his eyes traveling to his parents, to his uncles and aunts, to his cousins that watched with tears and support.

He's finished the chaos and had begun his truth.

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