Chapter 1 - My Sad Wish

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  Third P.O.V

       You are on the bus. It's the last day of school and you end up sitting with one of your friends, (Friend's Name). You both usually always discussed Black Butler when there wasn't much going on in either of your lives. It was always a good conversation starter for you and (Friend's Name), and usually, once you guys started talking about Black Butler it usually wouldn't end until one of you got off the bus.

You P.O.V

       "Dude, I just finished watching season two of Black Butler. I plan on watching it again." I said with a chuckle afterward. She chuckled along as well. "Yeah but what if we were in Black Butler? It would be so cool to be in that time era and being in an adventure such as that. Demons, reapers, angels... whats not to like? Ciel is pretty cool too if I do say so myself." She spoke with admiration. I knew she'd mention Ciel. She found him quite appealing. I can't disagree. Ciel is her favorite character. I was always more into Sebastian even though despite my how much I can relate with Ciel. "Yeah I would too, but that's nothing but a distant fantasy," I said with a sigh. She nodded and at that moment I began to feel a bit disappointed. When you don't have much going on in life all you really spend your time on is on fantasies that most likely come from shows I watch on a daily basis. I was a dreamer.

       When I was a kid I was in love with the idea of falling in love with someone. When growing up I would always keep my expectations up because I wanted someone that was perfect in every way even though there is no such thing. Tv and the personalities of characters in these show didn't help in that area of my life. My expectations were always too high.

       As I was lost in my thoughts (Friend's Name) elbowed me in the side knocking me out of my thoughts, to finally realized I was at my stop. As I grabbed my stuff and stepped out of the seat (Friend's Name) grabbed me by the wrist and I looked back at her, expecting her to tell me maybe I left something behind. "(Your Name), you look a little down. If it's about the Black Butler thing don't let it eat at you. It'd be silly to get worked up over that. It doesn't hurt to fantasize!" (Friend's name) said giving me a heart warming smile. I gave her one in return and continued my way off the bus.

       I went towards the mail box to see if there was any mail. Usually, there was but this time there wasn't but I didn't think anything of it. I made my way inside, to expect the same old stuff. It was quiet and everything seemed kinda slow and dull.

        I walked into the kitchen but surprisingly mom wasn't sitting at the table. She was usually always there when I came home from school. "That's strange," I mumbled to myself. "Wait, where is my (brother or sister - you chose)?Usually, he/she gets off the bus with me. It's the last day of school it's not like there's tutoring after school today." I thought. I tried to forget about it and I sat down at the table and took out my phone and started watching my favorite YouTuber, (Your Favorite Youtuber). I then started checking my Facebook and all the usual stuff I do when I get home from school.

         As soon as I finished checking everything I usually check I went into the cabinet and reached for a bag of chips. I grabbed my backpack and headed up to my room to go watch Black Butler on Netflix. 

         As soon as I reached my door I noticed there was light outlining the door. "Maybe it's just really bright outside now?" I guessed. It seemed really abnormal though. It couldn't just be the light outside, and my light is definitely not that bright. "What the hell is going on in there?" I asked myself. I reached my hand out towards the doorknob. I opened the door and when I opened it, all I could see was light. I didn't see my room, it was just a blinding light that surrounded the room. It looked like it went on forever. I was very hesitant in entering my room. It didn't seem dangerous, but I also didn't know what to expect. I took a few steps in, but suddenly my head started to pound. "Ah, Oww! Make it stop!" I screamed. Every muscle in my body started to have a burning sensation to it. Sweat began to start forming all over, my vision began to go hazy. I dropped to the ground and curled up into a ball. I started to sweat uncontrollably. Tears started to form in my eyes. I started to feel as if I was dying. "So this is what pain feels like." I thought. I then shut my eyes and shortly after that, I blacked out.

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