Chapter 14 - John And Phill. Are They Killers?

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    "Sebastian what are you doing in my room? I though Ciel gave you something to do." He turned his gaze to me. He looked angry. It was an evil stare. It started to make my heartbeat faster. I felt uncomfortable. "I was just switching the covers to your bed. Is there a problem?" Just to think he was all up beat and charming long ago and now he's expressionless. "No thats fine I was just wondering." I leaned my back against the wall watching him change the sheets to my bed. There was something I want to ask him. Im trying to bring myself to do it. With a few minutes of curiosity I spoke up. "Sebastian ... Are you... Okay? You don't seem like yourself." He finished up making the bed, then we walked towards with me. "Who were you with when I was looking for you?" He asked. My heart skipped a beat but I tried to play it as if I didn't know anything. "What are you talking about?" I said trying not to sound suspicious. "I already know you were outside with someone but I couldn't see or tell who it was." At that point I knew I couldn't throw him off so I tried to bend the truth to were he would be satisfied. "Okay yes, I was talking to someone but I don't know his name. He didn't mention it. Sebastian why are you being like this?" I couldn't believe what I was hearing from him. He was acting like a child. He just stayed silent. "Sebastian, I can't just keep away from people. I'm not your pet. You can't just tell me what I can and can't do. I'm grateful for the things you've done for me but you can't just get mad at me for interacting with other people. I don get what your mad at me for. Why dont you want me to interact with others? That's like telling me not to live. God dammit Sebastian, why are you so confusing?" I was slowly getting angry. Tears were peering in my eyes. I didnt know why. I managed to keep them in though. I took a deep breathe in. "Me playing the gentleman has got me no where." I was confused on what he said. "What do you mean playing the gentleman? What does that mean?" I thought. "Never mind, you're right (Your Name). Do as you wish." He walked out the bedroom door. I felt bad. I wanted to go after him and apologize but another part of me didn't because I didn't do anything wrong. I was greatly confused and somewhat feeling guilty for the most of that night. "Why couldn't I just keep my mouth shut?" I thought. 

- That Morning -    

   Sebastian was putting Ciel's suitcases in the carriage while Ciel and I sat it the carriage waiting. He was giving me a blank stare. I tried to avoid eye contact though. Then Sebastian stepped in and sat next to me. When he closed the door of the carriage it went dead silent. You couldnt even hear the morning birds chirp anymore. Just the sound of the carriage moving. I tried to keep my gazed out the window. I tried not to think about everything. We had a little ways to go before we arrive. 

- In Brixton -    

   The Carriage went to a stop. I looked out the other window and what I saw was a bar. It was called, "The Den." We all got out of the carriage and approached the bar. "Sebastian, how many suspects do we have tottal?" I asked. "We have exactly three total. I narrowed it down to were it could only be one of these three suspects. I believe two are working together. Are suspects are John and Phill Williams. They are both brothers and they've been suspected of the killings of these women." He replied. I nodded my head and we walked in. I followed Sebastian and Ciel towards the front of the bar. Once we got closer to the bar I noticed who the two men we were inspecting were. They both were taking shots. Just by the looks of the both of them they were drunk. When we finally reached them Ciel spoke up. "John, Phill, I'm Ciel Phantomhive I'm here t--" The man who seemed to be Phill cut him off. "Get lost kid. We're busy." He spoke taking another shot of alcohol. "Busy doing what? Sitting on your asses getting drunk?" What Ciel said had surprised me. He didn't usually talk that way and when he did it wasn't the same. John got an angry look in his eye and he took a hold on to Ciel's shirt collar. "What did you just say you little brat?" He growled. "Sebastian take these two men outside for a chat." Ciel said with a smirk. "Very good my lord." He replied. He then threw both men out the front entrance. Everyone else in the bar didn't seem to mind what was going on. That surprised me as well. Ciel and I both walked out side to see both men sitting on the ground looking worried. "Now, where were you two last Saturday at 5:48 Pm?" Sebastian asked giving them a smirk. "We were here at the bar taking shots as usual. What's this about?" Phill asked with a shaky voice. "You are suspected for the killings that have been going on in Brixton!" Ciel stated. "We didn't kill anyone! I swear! John and I just come here every night! We havnt done anything wrong!" Phill pleaded. "Do you have any proof?" I asked jumping into the conversation. They both gave me a blank stare as if they didn't know what to say next. They were acting guilty. "Y-You can ask the bar tender and any other regular customers here. They see us here almost every night." Just as I saw that Ciel was going to go in and talk to the bar tender I stopped him. "Uh, Master Ciel, I'll go talk to the bar tender you stay out here with these too." He nodded and I walked back into the bar. There I walked in and approached the front of the bar and took a seat in front of the counter. The bar tender approached me. Once he did I got a good look of his face and I couldn't believe it. It was Jack. It was so inconvenient. I didn't understand. I found it a bit strange he was here in all this. I just have a feeling he has something to do with all this. It didn't add up. "Oh Jack, you're a bar tender?" I asked. "Yeah. Even us demons have to make a living." He said giving a chuckle. "Don't you think you're a little young to be drinking at a bar?" He asked. "Oh I'm not here do drink. In matter of fact I don't drink, I'm just here to ask you a few questions." When saying that he slipped his hand onto my cheek caressing it. My heart started to beat. "What kind of questions?" I took a deep breathe and slipped his hand of my cheek. "Serious questions like, where were John and Phill last Saturday? Where they here like they said?" I asked feeling nervous. "Yes they were here. There here everyday. I honestly don't know how they could afford being here everyday." He replied. "Okay well I'll see you tomorrow or something." I got up and started walking towards the front entrance of the bar. "What about tonight?" I heard him call from behind me. I turned around and looked back at him. "Yeah... Maybe." I answer and made my way out of the bar. "What did the bar tender say?" Ciel asked looking  eager. "These two men have been here every night as they claimed." Ciel looked disappointed. "Dammit." He mumbled. "Sebastian, (Your Name), Let's Go. We are going to the other manor." He mumbled sounding depressed. "Should I prepare something sweet for lunch my lord?" Sebastian asked. "Yes that would be nice." Ciel replied. I just stood there silent. We then went in the carriage with nothing else left to say heading towards the other manor he was talking about.

That Was Chapter 14! It Wasnt As Long As I Hoped And It Didnt Turn The Way I Wanted Exactly But It Wasnt A Bad CChapter In My Opinion. (: But Anyway Im Off To Bed And Ill See You Guys In The Next Chapter, "Chapter 15 - Anxiety"


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