While sitting there in the carriage I couldn't help but stare at Madam Red. She just seemed to be in her own little world. When shes awake she tends to remain fierce looking and sharp. Now she was slouched and at peace. We hit a bump and she jumped up in surprise but she still remained slouched and tired. "Angelina, are you alright? You seem tired and sick. We could take you back to the manor if you arnt feeling fit to continue. You look like you could use some rest." I spoke softly. "Do you want to go back Madam Red?" Elizabeth questioned. She looked at us with saddened eyes. "She must be really sick." I thought but before I was going to say more to her a tear ran down her face. "Whats wrong?" Elizabeth asked. I jumped over and sat next to Madam Red. I sat as close as I could to her, gripping onto her shoulder. "Angelina, look at me." Once she did I looked her in the eyes, noticing that she was stressed. "Is something bothering her?" I wondered. "Angelina, is something bothering you by chance? I can tell you are stressed." I spoke. I gripped onto her shoulder a little tighter. I could feel her heart beat just gripping onto her. The blood pulsing through her. She wouldn't answer. She just kept crying silently. I tried to think of all the possibilities. "Did something happen before she arrived this morning?" I thought. "Madam Red, I'm dearly worried about you. Whats upsetting you?" Elizabeth gripped onto her hand. That seemed to make Madam Red cry just a little more. "Something is affecting her emotionally." I thought. "Lizzie, did something happen this morning thats causing her to be upset?" She shook her head no. "Not that I know of but I'm pretty sure that there is nothing." She reassured me. "Angelina, was it a dream perhaps?" I asked. Her eyes widened and she looked at me. "Yes..." She mumbled. "Would you like to talk about it?" I asked in a quiet tone. "No ... not right now." She mumbled. She straightened up her posture and I released her. I didn't really know what to say next. There wasn't much I could say. "Thank you for your consideration but you guys don't need to worry about me." She spoke so coldly. She didn't seem sad and she wasn't like she was moments before. She was fierce and she was turning her sadness into anger and passion. "The same way she was when she killed that women in season one. She was enraged. Maybe she was thinking about that perhaps but I left it alone.
When we reached town we stepped out of the carriage. "A lot of other people decided to go shopping today as well huh?" I mumbled. "But of course. Its the most wonderful time of the year. Its always flooded in the streets when this time of year comes around." Madam Red replied. I studied her face for a moment and she seemed to be in a better mood. "I guess she just needed a break." I thought. We started to roam around the town. I didn't know what to get anyone. "I need to get a gift for Elizabeth, Ciel, Madam Red, Mey-Rin, Baldroy, and Finnie. I guess Ill start with Baldroy. I have an idea on what he would like." I thought. We walked and I noticed a nearby gun shop. "Hey guys, I'm going to head into the gun shop. I'm going to get Baldroy something. I'm going to end up buying it then Ill end up carrying it back to the carriage so you guys go on ahead. Ill catch up with you guys momentarily." I spoke. "Are you sure? There is a huge crowd. You wont be able to find us with this many people around." Elizabeth pointed out. "And I need your help finding Ciel something." She said worriedly. I couldn't help smile. Even when she was worried she was adorable. "Dont you worry.It wont take long and Ill find you just fine. Dont underestimate me. Ill meet up with you too in a few minutes." I reassured her. She nodded in acceptance. "Come on Elizabeth. There are too many people here. Id like to get this done. And if you're looking for a gift you might want to hurry. With this many people here ... there might not be a lot of things left for you to look at." Elizabeth jumped up in surprise. "Oh my you're right! We'll see you soon (Your Name)!" Elizabeth shouted and she grabbed onto Madam Red and dragged her through the crowd. I smiled at the sight of it and I made my way into the shop.
There were many guns to choose from but I had to think on what Baldroy would want. I looked all over. "Maybe he would like a M249." I though. I picked it off the shelf it was on and examined. "Ill go with this I suppose. I think he will like this." I carried it over to the front counter. When I reached there I had noticed no one was there. I gave out a sigh and decided to wait. I ring the bell that was sitting right next to the cash register. Still no one seemed to show up. That was until I heard the front door open. I turned around to see a young man with purple hair walk in. Is brown eyes glared at me. He had a dirty gray apron on and a look of exhaustion on his face. He noticed me and he stood up straight and cleared his throat. "Hm, sorry if I kept you waiting. I had errands to attend to. I see I forgot to put up the closed sign while I was gone. Silly me but, how may I help you today?" He asked going behind the counter. "Oh! This one is a beauty. Do you like guns?" He asked. I never really thought about it. "Well, I'm more into knives. I'm just getting this for a friend of mine." I answered. "Oh I see. Well whoever you are getting it for, they'll love it." I nodded. I didn't really know how to start side conversation with the man before me. It was just awkward tension. I handed him the gun and his arms weighed down a bit. "Oh my, this one is heavy. You must have been holding this for some time now. You arnt even tired?" He asked seeming a bit surprised. "Well, yeah I guess so." He nodded and I threw him a sack for of coins. It was exactly the amount I needed. I had earned alot working for Ciel but I guess thats expected. "Well, I have to unload new guns every week by myself and It gets lonely here at the shop. I can see you must have a job. Nobody just carries this much money around but, if you'd like a side job you're welcome to work here." He offered with a smile. "A side job? I never really thought about getting one. I'd have to think about it." I thought. I nodded to his offer. "Maybe. It all depends on the hours and such. Ill come back and visit one of these days." I reassured him. He boxed up the M249 and handed it to me. "I don't mean to ask so many questions but, why the tail coat?" He asked with a chuckle. "I'm a butler." I said giving a smile. "Why not wear a dress then?" I gave out a sigh. "Everyone asks that question." I thought. "I don't like dresses." I said looking down at the floor. "Well, I like it. Its different. I don't see people like you just do and wear whatever they want." He spoke. I gave off a smirk. I turned around and started to make my way to the door. "Uh wait! "I um, didn't catch your name." I turned around glancing at him one last time. "Its (Your Name), and you?" I requested. "Stanley ... Stanley Railmen." He said scratching his head. "Stanley. I like it. Ill see you around ... Stanley." I answered and I walked out the door.
I walked out and went back to the carriage. I made sure to keep the box in the front with coachman, Daniel. "How are you today Daniel?" I asked making sure he was alright. He seemed cold. I there was a breeze out today. "I'm good! How about you (Your Name)?" He asked giving a wide cheerful smile. "I'm fabulous! Are you cold Daniel? If you are, you're welcome to come along with me or sit in the carriage." I offered. He gave out a small chuckle. "Oh no, Im fine my dear. A little wind wont bother me." He reassured me. "Okay, but its supposed to start snowing so if you get cold come find me or sit in the carriage. Ill talk to you later!" I said walking away cheerfully. "Who knew that small talk could make me kind of cheerful?" I thought. "Okay, now, I need to get Mey-Rin something. Maybe a new dress?" I though. I walked through crowds of people but a shop caught my eye. It had mannequins sitting int the window wearing what appeared to be dresses maids would tend to wear. I walked in and I was welcomed by the sound of the bell hanging on the door. When I first walked in I noticed a dress that seemed to pop to me more than others. It was a cherry red dress with a black folded collar. It would go down to a little bit passed her knees. "Mey-Rin would love this. It matches her hair as well and the buttons on it match her eyes. It'll be perfect." I spoke to myself. I took it off the rack. I looked for a a price tag but I couldn't find one. "Hmm, looks like Ill need to ask." I thought and I turned around and when I turned around I was greeted with a smile. "Hello! I see you are interested in that dress. Can I help you at all?" The woman with pink eyes asked cheerfully. She seemed to love what she was doing. She seemed passionate about the dresses surrounding us. "I think Ill just be getting this but I fail to find the price tag." She nodded and grabbed onto the dress the was in my hand. "This is 6 pounds." She spoke. I thought about it for a moment. I was kind of confused on pounds. I was still learning the money system. "So 1 pound is about a $1.50. So, 6 pounds would be $9 U.S dollars. Huh, things are cheap back in the date of 1888." I thought. I reached into my tail coat pocket and grabbed 6 out some coins and counted through them. "Here you go. Sorry for taking a little longer then expected." I spoke. I placed the pounds in the palm of her hand and she handed me the dress. "You're new here arnt you?" She asked waving me off. "Hah, yeah. You could say that." I answered as I exited the shop. I placed the dress over my shoulder. and started to find my way to Elizabeth and Madam Red.
"Finally I found you guys. What is Elizabeth up to?" I asked. Elizabeth seemed to be running around the store befuddled. "She wanted to get Ciel an outfit but shes having a hard time finding one. Well... picking one out I should say." Madam Red spoke. I nodded and I just watched Elizabeth scatter around the store. I looked over at Madam Red staring at her in curiosity. "Hey since Elizabeth is busy, you could talk to me about whats bothering you... If you want to! Of course..." I spoke hesitantly. I didn't want her to get her back into her sad upset mood but when you let something off your chest it gives off a little bit of relief. "Thats what she needs. Relief." I thought. "Cant you just drop it (Your Name)? What could you possibly hope to gain from me rambling about my own problems." She spoke coldly but she seemed curious to why I'm trying so hard to help her. "Id gain the thought of knowing you are okay. Sharing what is bothering you with someone you trust is the most greatest thing you can do. Knowing you can trust someone and having them to vent out on is one of the most greatest things you could do in situations like this." I spoke but she still remained stubborn. "And what makes you say I trust you?" I looked away from her for a moment. "I don't know but, you should trust me. As what I can see I probably the only person in contact with you that can listen and help. But, thats fine. You work at a hospital right? You know whats good and not good for you. Ill drop it. I'm sorry I pestered you about it this long." I gave her a rude response. I I made my way to the worried Elizabeth. "Here Lizzie, let me help you. And when we are done, I need to go to the pound to pick out a dog for Finnie. I'd like your help on the type of breed I get him." I said giving off a smile and her worried face turned into a cheerful one. "Okay! Lets get to work!"
Ciel's P.O.V

My New Life (Sebastian x Reader) - (FIXING ALL SPELLING, DIALOGUE, PUNCT)
FanfictionAshco ♡ Story Sneak Peek ♡ Sebastian's POV Right just when I was going to finish her off she leaned in kissed me. I was going to push away but I ended up leaning back into her cupping her cheek with my free hand. She then suddenly pushed away with a...