Chapter 21 - My Choice

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   "When they were alive, they were so happy together but one day, my father's so called hobby was in the way of there relationship. My dad he was part of the police department but for a side job, he hunted down demons. None of us in the family knew that. He kept that a secret from the hole family, except for me considering I'd be the one next in line to take place of hunting demons. It's been passed down generation to generation, a demon blade. My father was taught to despise demons, but one day my mother just came to visit dad and I practicing, with the demon blade. Of course she questioned us. She couldn't stand the thought of me doing what my father was doing. So my mother demanded that my father were to get rid of the blade and the demon hunting side job but stubborn as always he refused. That's when mother had taken Anna and I and moved us to London. We were all happy living there for the last two years. One of those nights Anna and I walked home from church. At the time after my mom had left my dad she wanted us to start going to church. So we were walking home from church but when we got back to our estate, a foul stench hit us when we walked in. We didn't know what it was so what anyone else would do in that situation, we searched the mansion. Especially searching the mansion to find our mother. I searched and searched but I couldn't find her. I almost lost hope but when I was going to give up all hope I heard a scream coming from another room that was near the one I was in. It was Anna of course and I rushed kicking in each door I came across until I found the one where Anna was in, down to her knees crying and my mother right next to her, lifeless. No blood, her soul wasn't taken. There were stocked on her stomach and dry blood stains on the floor. I remember it all. At that point on I did all I could do. Take care of my sister, and hate. All I could do was hate what had happened. What got me the most was that I couldn't do anything about it. That day on I spent every hour, every moment, of everyday single day trying to find the person who killed my mother. That's when a demon, convinced me to make a deal. Stupidly so I did and I found out who killed my mother and it was my father. Before I killed him I asked him why and he said, because I can. Without hesitation I made sure he suffered as he died. The same way he killed my mother. After everything was done, I had convinced her to turn me into a demon." I couldn't reply to what he had told me. There was nothing I could say. Couldn't comfort him, or anything because I'm helpless. "Jack why did you have yourself turned into a demon? If you already got your revenge why are you killing people?" I clutched my fists. I almost wanted to cry. It made me angry that I'm so soft. Especially when it comes to this stuff. "I became this way because I wanted to be the thing my father hated the most and I'm killing people because that's what demons do, they kill and I know my father would be enraged if he were to see the monster I have become." I nodded. I didn't know whether to ask him if he would turn me or not. After everything he has told me, how was I going to ask him to stop killing.    I've lost sight of my next move. Jack gripped onto my clutched hands. "So now that you know everything, my past, my present. Where do we stand? Most of all, will you be in my future?" He asked. I stayed silent. I needed to decide. Was this going to be our last encounter or the first of many more encounters. 


*YES or NO*

 *Depending on your choice, you read the YES or NO paragraph.

* Choice Yes Scenario -    

"Jack ... We will still be friends. I will be there in the future. I have to ask you for two favors though." I asked unclenching my fist calming myself. "What would that be?" He asked with a smile creeping onto his face. "I want you to stop killing people. I know that you are doing this to make your father enraged but, your mother would hate to see what you have become. Not that it matters anymore but be the better man then your father. Besides I wouldn't want to see you get hurt. If you continue all of this people are going to try and stop you." I tried to choose my words carefully. I didn't want to upset him or anger him. "I see ... I'll stop ... for you." Tears started to come from his eyes. I didn't know whether I was hurting him or not. He embraced me. Hugging me tight, with small quiet wimpers of sadness coming from him. I hugged him tightly back. "I'm sorry..." I whispered. I could feel his hands kinda dig into my back as I said that. It's was kinda hard to breathe. "I'm fine ... What's the other request?" He let go of me and he wiped away his tears. "I want ... you to turn me into a demon." the wind has stopped blowing, the crickets had stopped charming when I ask him that. An unsettling silence hit us. He pointed at me. "Dont you dare! Why would you want to be this monstrosity? Are you insane!?" He yelled at me. I hit a nerve. "Jack there are things you don't know about me. I'm not from here. I some how got separated from my friends and family. Now that I'm here, I have nothing. The world we live in is fucked up Jack. If things are going to be this way I don't want to be weak and helpless. I'm sick of it. Please, take my soul. Turn me." He shook his head violently. "I won't let you make the same mistake I did. Let's just go, okay? I think we both could take a break." He stated and he left the balcony. I followed him. I failed at my task. I sighed and slouched. 

- Or Choice Scenario NO -  

 "Jack, you've been killing innocents because of your past. Like that woman you left dead in a local garden. She could have been the mother of two children. Those two children are now alone. Just like you and Anna. All this, because your past is fucked up. Jack I don't want to be rude about it but it's selfish. I want to be in your future but, you ... don't deserve it. Do you know how much pain it brought to me to know that you were the one doing all this? My heart hurt. The aching feeling hurts Jack. It's because I care." I hanged my head low and looked to the ground. "(Your Name) ... What can I do? I know I can't get you back but what can I say or do to just get you to forgive me? I've been blinded (Your Name). I've been blinded by hatred. Please, let me redeem my self. What can I do?" I lifted my head up. There was no holding back at this point. "There are two things I must ask of you." I mumbled. "Anything." He replied trying to get me to look him in the eyes. "I want you to stop killing people. I know that you are doing this to make your father enraged but, your mother would hate to see what you have become. I know I do. Not that it matters anymore but be the better then your father. Besides I wouldn't want to see you get hurt. If you continue all of this people are going to try and stop you." I tried to choose my words carefully. I didn't want to upset him or anger him. "I see ... I'll stop ... for you." Tears started to come from his eyes. I didn't know whether I was hurting him or not. He embraced me. Hugging me tight, with small quiet wimpers of sadness coming from him. I didn't hug back. I couldn't at this point. I could feel his hands kinda dig into my back. It's was kinda hard to breathe since he was holding me so tight. "I'm sorry ... What's the other request?" He let go of me and he wiped away his tears. "I want ... you to turn me into a demon." the wind had stopped blowing, the crickets had stopped chirping when I asked him that. An unsettling silence hit us. He pointed at me. "Dont you dare! Why would you want to be this monstrosity? Are you insane!? Your telling me to stop killing but you're asking me to turn you into a killer?" He yelled at me. I hit a nerve. "Jack there are things you don't know about me. I'm not from here. I some how got separated from my friends and family. Now that I'm here, I have nothing. The world we live in is fucked up Jack. If things are going to be this way I don't want to be weak and helpless. I'm sick of it and dont you dare compare me to you. Please, take my soul. Turn me." He shook his head violently. "I won't let you make the same mistake I did. Let's just go, okay? I think we both could take a break." He stated and he left the balcony. I followed him. I failed at my task. I sighed and slouched, hanging my head. - Meanwhile with Sebastian and Anna - Sebastian POV    "Madam, will this dress do?" I showed her a dress that looked quite similar to hers but it was white instead of black. "Yes that will be fine." She gave a sweet smile. Such an innocent smile indeed. I blindfolded myself, and spoke up. "Stay still and I'll help you into your dress. If you'd prefer to do it yourself or if your feeling uncomfortable I leave immediately." I couldn't see but I could sense her right in front of me. I imagined a smile on her face as I said that. "Don't worry Sebastian, it will be fine. You know, you could help me with your blindfold off." She spoke. I could feel her hands holding on to my cheeks. She untied my blindfold and took it off. She wasn't dressed. I did a background check on her before she even arrived to the estate. This is just completely unessasery. I still continued to do as commanded. I helped her into her dress. I tightened her dress strings in the back. I had finally got her dressed. Before I could speak up, she kissed me. In response I posed he off. I gripped her by the neck and started choking her. "What ... what are you doing?" She asked. I smirked. "Oh please. I know why you are here an I know why you're doing this. Jack pit you up to this just so Madam (Your Name) would get jealous. Quite funny really. All you're doing is giving me unnessasery work." I gripped onto her throat even harder. You could hear her faint gasps for air. "If you knew all of this ... Then why DD you play along?" She asked gripping onto my wrist trying to escape. "Well, at the time there was no need to cause any trouble. Calling you out on your plan could have ruined my own plan on getting Jack to spill. Besides, I was curious onto whether (Your Name) would get jealous or not. So I guess I should be thanking you for assisting me somewhat." My smile had disappeared quickly from that point. I through her to the other side of the room. I through her hard enough to were it had killed her. "Another mess I have to clean." I gave out a sigh. I turned around to the door but there stood Jack in tears and mixed with anger in his face. He rushed over to Annas lifeless corps. "No... Anna! Wake up! You can't be dead! Please Anna, wake up!" He shouted. I looked back over to the door to see (Your Name) in shock. "Sebastian, what have you done!?" She yelled. "Exactly what needed to be done. Jack was using Anna to mess with me and in some point in time Jack could have been a threat to the young master so I thought I'd give him a warning." I spoke. I looked over to Jack. He was holding A blade. Not just any blade. It was a demon blade. "Oh my. Well arnt you just full of surprises." I gave Jack a joyful smile. One similar to the ones he gives off all the time. "Sebastian Michaelis ... I will kill you." Jack spoke.

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