Chapter 4 - His Friend

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  Your P.O.V

          "It looks like I win," I said with joy, giving out a chuckle. I was full of energy. "Sorry Sebastian, I guess that was cheating. Let's do it again." He didn't answer me. He just sat there, looking shocked. His eyes were glowing pink and his cheeks were going a light shade of red, but it was hard to tell. I couldn't tell if he was angry or not. He looked a bit disappointed in him self. Looking at his face made me start to question myself. "What did I just do? Am I crazy?" I wondered. I reverted back to my calm, uneasy mood.

          "Sebastian?" His eyes went back to its normal red color. He kept his stare locked with mine. It was as if he was paralyzed. I started to regret my actions. "Maybe I should have just let the game end when it was going to instead of going that far. I-I'm sorry Sebastian. I wasn't myself. I just wasn't thinking clearly." I spoke. He still wouldn't budge. His expression softened though. He seemed frustrated. "If I made you angry I apologize. I was just getting a little ahead of myself. I don't know what happened. Please forget that I did that please." I stared at the table In front of me trying to avoid eye contact. "I'm not angry. I'm more concerned on how I so easily fell into that. There must be more to you than you let on. Care to explain that too?" Sebastian said craving an answer. I was a bit unsure of what he meant by that. "I'm not exactly sure what you mean by that. I'm nothing special. I'm as normal as it gets." I coughed finishing that sentence. It was awkward.
          I took a minute to observe what just happened. Especially since Sebastian wasn't being very specific. He just sat there in silence, biting his tongue. He looked as if he wanted to explain. Then it hit me. "Could he possibly be referring to the kiss? What about it though? It's not like it meant anything to him. Or did it?" I wondered. My heart began to pick up in pace. "S-Sebastian, if you're talking about the kiss then what is it about it that you are confused about? It's pretty obvious on what happened. I just leaned in and kissed you. I don't understand what more I could tell you." He gave out a sigh and ran his fingers through his hair. "Never mind. It was a silly question. It doesn't matter." He states.
          The room grew silent once again. He just held my stare as I held his. It was like he was putting me in a never-ending trans again. It started to get awkward. I decided to speak up. "Well, Sebastian, let's go again. For real this time. No more games. I won't interfere this time. Again, I'm sorry for my actions, although I shouldn't be." He nodded, gaining back his composure. He took off his glove and prepared himself. He had his guard up this time. We both interlocked hands. He nodded to signal me, we then started round two.
          In the end, he ended up winning, but I already expected him to win. I might be strong but I'm only human. I can only last for so long. I honestly don't know why I have this strength. I took a minute to think about and It. I couldn't come to any real conclusions. "Maybe it's due to the energy I have carried from where I'm from to here?" I wondered. "Maybe it was because I'm real and he's just an idea. A drawing, a fictional character." I couldn't think of anything that could be proven. This could all be a dream for all I knew.
          "Dammit," I mumbled. "Whats the matter?" Sebastian asked as he took his grip off my hand. "I'm not stronger than you. That's a little disappointing." I said giving out a chuckle. I'm usually not like this. I feel so adventurous right now. I guess it's because I'm around him. "I can't believe I just kissed him." I thought to myself. I could feel my cheeks going red. At least I had the courage to do it. I like being able to be fearless around him. He makes me feel that way. I feel strong and powerful. "He must feel the same way, right? Did he possibly.. like the kiss?" I began to be optimistic about the situation. "Now that I think about it, that was my first real meaningful kiss. It was soft, gentle, and firm. I'd do it again if I had the chance." I smiled. My heart was racing. I also realized I needed to be realistic. "What am I thinking? It would be stupid if I thought he felt anything. He was just probably playing around. How can I so easily fall for his facade?" I gave out a sigh.
          "He's so charming and classy with a rebellious side to him. I'm just an ordinary character, especially in this world. Besides, it's not like I'd fall for him anyway. I won't let myself. He'd hurt me in the end like everybody else anyway. He's not even capable of love... and now that I think about it, he must not even want me here at the estate. This was all just a waste of time. I'm just a distraction. Just a toy for him to manipulate and use to pass time." I thought, and thoughts kept on piling up from there. I gave out a sigh. I stood up and made my way towards the door. "Sebastian, thanks for taking me in for the time being, but I'm just going to go," I said and opened the door.
          Just as I was about to exit the room I felt a hand grab my wrist. "Who said you could leave?" He whispered into my ear. I was taken back by his words. Chills and shivers went down my spine. Goosebumps covered me. "What is it you want from me? There is nothing you could possibly gain from having me here. All I will be is a burden and Ciel won't be happy with me here." I tried to shake him off but his grip was too tight. "(Your Name), there is no way you'll make it out there. Do you even have the slightest clue on how to get home? I honestly don't think there is a way to logically get you back to where you're from. You'll never survive the streets either. Not with what's around here." He said with a serious look on his face. I grabbed his hand, gripped onto my wrist, and unhooked him from my arm. "Why do you even care?" I said coldly. My response didn't phase him. If anything he was annoyed. "You honestly shouldn't be arguing with me right now. You really can't afford to be alone. Judging by what I've seen, you have no clue what you're doing. I'm only keeping you around because you know too much." His straight answer struck me. All my tension faded. I really couldn't afford to be anywhere else. "Besides, you also remind me of someone I used to know." He said. That comment stuck with me more than I would have liked it to.  
          I began to realize he was right. "Why am I even arguing?" I wondered. His reasoning for keeping me wasn't my favorite, but I was grateful. I gently grabbed his tie and brought his face down to my level, inclining up to his ear I whispered, "Thank you, Sebastian. " I released him and took a step back. "May I walk you back to your room?" He offered. I stared at him giving it a thought. "Not tonight Sebastian, but thank you though," I said, politely rejecting him. "Well, goodnight then (Your Name). Call me or any of the others here in the estate if you need anything. Until morning then." He said giving me a bow. "Goodnight ... Sebastian Michaelis." I smiled and exited the room. I walked down the hallway but what Sebastian said was still biting at my mind. "He said I reminded him of someone he met before. I wonder who he could be speaking of. Definitely no one that was airing on the show." I gave out a sigh. The thought began to annoy me. "I hate being compared to other people," I mumbled and in no time at all, I finally reached my room.
          I threw myself onto the soft bed wrapping myself In my blanket. I took my phone out of my back pocket and went into my photo gallery. I searched through my photos until I ran into a picture of my best friend and I. I wanted to cry but I couldn't. I was lost and confused. "I wonder how she is right now." I thought. I slipped my phone back into my pocket, closed my eyes, and went back to sleep.

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