Chapter 16 - His Feelings And Rival

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   I jumped out of bed and dropped to my knees. I started to breathe deeply. I looked back and there I saw Sebastian. He rushed over to me and dropped to his knees. Putting his Hands on my cheeks. His eyes staring into mine. "(Your Name)! It's okay calm down! Do as I say. You need to calm down." He brought me into an embrace. "Breathe slowly. If you keep breathing like that your heart might not be able to handle it." He whispered into my ear. He was right. If I keep this up it could kill me. I started to take long slow breathes. I held onto Sebastian. I held onto him tightly. I started to cry of the thought everything. "S-Sebastian, I can't take it." He looked at me. Once again wiping away tears that had fallen from my face once more. "(Your Name), what has been stressing you that causes you to be like this?" He asked that question and I didn't know how to answer. "Sebastian, I-I can't tell you. If I do it will just make things worse for me. I can't tell you yet." I stuttered having a hard time getting the words out while crying. He stood up bringing me up with him. He held me all bridal style, I had no idea on why. I'm to stressed and sad to care.

   He laid me in bed covering me up as if he were tucking me into bed just like my mom did when I was young. He then disappeared from my point of view. "He left." I thought. Before I could have been sure I felt a warm sensation hit my back. I looked behind me and I saw Sebastian laying there next to me holding me tight around the waist. "Sebastian this isn't nessasa--" He cut me off. "Just relax. You actually calmed down. I'm going to help you fall asleep, nothing more." I was going to question him but he started to brush his finger tips on my arm. He gently started to rubbed my arm. Then he went to my head and started to run his finger tips through my hair. The feeling made me go dizzy. It felt so nice. My eyes started to flicker. I almost wanted to stay awake just so I could hold onto this moment a little longer but not being able to do anything about it, I drifted off to sleep.

Sebastian's POV

   "There must be something going on around here that I don't know about. What is she not telling me? How is she able to hide it?" I thought. I stopped brushing through her hair and took the moment to gaze at her face. I can't help myself anymore. "I want you but there I can't let myself show emotion. It shows weakness and I can't be doing that while I'm here trying to earn the Young masters soul. This human feeling, it's absolutely foolish and silly, but I can't stop myself. Not when I'm with her but I havnt made any progress. She still manages to push me away. I guess I'll just have to stop with the gentleman act, I'll just have to try something else but I feel like there is something holding me back." I thought. I glanced out the window. I saw a dark shadow. It only took me a split second to realize that there was another demon involved. "Another demon but the question is, why is it here and how have they been doing it without me sensing them here?" I thought. I could no longer see the shadow and I climbed out of (Your Name)'s bed. I grabbed the plate with the peice of cake I was going to give her before this all happened and left the room.

Jack POV

    "Looks like I have competition. That's fine, I like A good fight but why would you want her Sebastian? You're a demon with a job, wait." I started walk and think of why he would want her. Then it hit me. "(Your Name), you got him to start feeling the worst feeling of all ... Love. Well just as mother used to say, if you want something you have to fight for it." I continued to walk away from the Phantomhive Manor without looking back once. "I'm sorry for not staying and helping you (Your Name). I'll make it up to you. I promise, first thing tomorrow." I told myself.

- That Morning -

Your POV

   "I feel so much better." I told myself. "I'm glad, I was worried about you." I jumped out of bed and looked over to see Jack sitting on the edge of my bed. I didn't know what to say. I was kind of disappointed. I was in pain and he left as soon as Sebastian showed up. "You're mad at me. Arnt you?" I gave no reply. "I don't have anything to say but, why did you leave me?" I asked pushing my gaze towards the window. He didn't seem to want to answer me. "Fine, don't answer but loyalty is everything to me Jack. I thought you were one of those people." I said in a quiet voice. I looked back at him and he had a sad sorry look on his face. "(Your Name), you're right I should have stayed but instead I left because of my own reasons and I'm sorry. I promise you that I will make it up to you." He said. He approached me and put his hand on my shoulder gripping it. "Yeah whatever, I have to go. I have a job to do so ... Don't you have a job you need to go to as well?" I asked taking his hand off my shoulder. "I took today off so I could see you early today but I'll go. Can I still see you later?" I nodded in acceptance. He passed a smile and left my room. I opened up my suit case and took out my usual butler suit I'd wear on a regular bases and a jacket. I changed up and walked out of my room and when I did I saw Sebastian. He imidietly stopped and gave me a smile. "You're up early this morning. Usually I have to wake you up." Sebastian said giving a small chuckle which I wouldn't see that often from him. "Yeah, I guess I'm just used to getting up this early now." I replied as I started to walk down the hallway. "Hey Sebastian was there something you wanted last night? Before the hole anxiety thing happened?" I asked. As soon as I reached him he started to walk along with me. "Well we made cake last night and I wanted to come in and offer you a piece. You only ate breakfast yesterday." Now that he mentioned it I haven't been eating alot this past month.

"Thanks, sorry about last night. Thanks for helping me through it." He glanced down at me and I glanced up at him. "No need to thank me. A butler who couldn't do this much isn't worth his salt." His response was enough to make me feel all happy inside. "Is Ciel awake yet?"

"Yes, he is down stairs reading the paper an eating breakfast. Would you like anything to eat?"

"No thank you. I'm not in the mood to eat. I just want to get today over with." I replied. We finally reached the room Ciel was eating in. It seems that he was reading the paper as well but when I got a look at his face he didn't seem happy. "Master, are you okay?" I asked. "No, there was another killing last night."

That Was Chapter 16! Hope You Liked! This Story Is Also On Quotev! You Can Read It There As Well! Ill See You In The Next Chapter! ,"Chapter 17 - The Crime Scene"

Quotev -

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