Chapter 27 - A Thanksgiving To Remember

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   I left my eyes closed, letting my thoughts take over. "I have what I've been wanting for the longest time even though I didn't expect to get it. I didn't even want it at first. I didn't think anything of it but what now?" The excitement of trying to get Sebastian was exciting and spontaneous. "Now I have him, will there be any excitement?" That shot across my mind. 
   As I was thinking, I noticed Sebastian had let go of me and had been standing next to the door, waiting for me to notice. I sat up, staring at him in curiosity. "The night is still young, (Your Name)." I smiled and jumped out of bed, following him into the dark. Unlike him, I still had a hard time remembering my surroundings while walking through the dark. I had my arms out trying not to run into anything. I stopped and took my phone out of my pocket trying to use it for a source of light considering I didn't have a candle on me. Sadly, it was finally dead after all this time. "Sebastian come here." I stared into the dark trying to focus on him. He was wearing black, but I could still see him slightly. "He appears darker then the dark itself. I can see a dark outlining of him." I thought. "Yes?" He asked. "Give me your hand. I cant see anything." I could almost tell he was smirking. I rolled my eyes. I felt his hand intertwine with mine and once again our symbols glowed. I was quite curious to why it was. "Hey Sebastian, why does are symbols glow when our hands are clasped together?" Walking in the dark, seeing the glow gave me some of a light to see my surroundings. "When our gloves are on and are hands are touching, they don't seem to glow unless we are touching skin. I didn't notice it until now. When we were in that ally with me, you had your gloves on and your symbol wasn't glowing. When you laid down with me your symbol glowed because your gloves were off. So did mine. I didn't notice it until now. Why is it like that?" He still remained silent. I felt his grip on my hand go a little tighter. I was a bit worried. "Sebastian are you alright?" Still no answer. So I just kept quiet. "Is he mad at me?" I started to get a little anxious. I held his hand a little tighter. "Are symbols glow because you and I have a bond. Its a really rare occasion. When two demons make  a connection they tend to have this connection. You and I are one. Its rare to have a demons bond between two." He said it like it was not such a good thing. Which brought me to ask. "Why do you say it like it such a bad thing? I like being ... one with you Sebastian." I mumbled. He then stopped dead in his tracks. He let go of my hand. "Its not a bad thing. Its probably the most greatest thing that has ever happened to me in my many years of being here. The only thing that is a problem is that you'll be a distraction from my main goal. I'm a Phantomhive Butler. I have a job to do at this estate." I wanted to get mad at him for saying that but there wasn't much I could do. He was kinda right. If I wasn't here he wouldn't have any distractions. "I'm... sorry, if I'm a problem. I'm sorry if im in the way of you completing your goal. Look... I don't want to talk about it. I'll stay out of your way." I said didn't say it in a way to show that I was a bit sad. I said it in more of way to show him that it didn't really effect me. Besides, I didn't want him to know that I was a bit upset about it. I was a bit angry about it more then I was sad about it. Without him holding my hand, I continued to walk. I wasn't to sure to where I was going but I ended up leading myself into the kitchen.
   "Sebastian where is it you wanted to take me?" I mumbled ending up in a bad mood.  "Its Thanksgiving. I thought you might want to help me. The young master isn't really fond of the idea but Lady Elizabeth liked the idea. I figured that the young master would be on board with the idea if you were as well." I loosened up and agreed. I'm was glad he asked me to participate with him. Usually he just leaves me out and doesn't tell me. 
   Sebastian and I just kept quiet. I just followed his lead. He was working on side dishes like mashed potatoes, green beans, even some pasta. I worked on dumpling, stuffing, and made sure that the turkey was ready to be made. We had vegetables and fruits on the counters to set the table with. Thanksgiving wasn't always my type of time but I was excited  to get everything ready. By the time we finished we finished there was only ten minuted to spare. We just sat in the kitchen, relaxing. We weren't exactly tired but we were sick of preparing food for three hours straight. I leaned against the wall next to the door wanting to walk out it considering I didn't want to look at Sebastian any more than I had to. I was unhappy with him. "Why would he tell me that hes a bit disappointed with how things are when hes the one who made it this way? After everything he decides to tell me now?" The thought of it made my angry. I guess Sebastian noticed. "Why so glum?" Sebastian asked with a smirk growing on his face. "Nothing..." I mumbled. I tried to leave the room but before I knew it he was blocking the exit. I rolled my eyes in annoyance. "Why are you blocking the door?" I asked trying to keep myself tame. "Why such an attitude?" He asked. I stayed silent remaining quite I didn't want to answer. "Please?" He asked loosing his smirk and replacing it with a friendly smile. "Thats the first time hes said asked nicely." I gave in and spoke what was on my mind. "Sebastian, why are things the way they are if you are disappointed with them? You went through all that work and your not even happy with some of it. I'm truly befuddled." He tilted his head to the side with that innocent little smile peering on his face. "Because (Your Name), you're worth it. Yes, with you around its going to be alot harder to claim the young masters soul considering that  you'll be in the way but I like a challenge." He moved out of the exit of the door. He went back to where he was standing. I couldn't help but smile at his words. I somewhat didn't believe him though. "I dont believe you but thanks. You know I could be some help to you rather than a pain. I know alot more than you as crazy as it sounds and you know I could help you along the way." He picked up some of the plates, and sat them on the food cart. 
   Once he was finished he got out his pocket watch glancing at it once again. He slipped off his apron and put back on his tail coat. I did as well, waiting for him to give me another task. "(Your Name) I have to wake up the young master. Will you take the food cart and set the table in about seven minutes tops?" He asked. I tried to put some confidence in myself and I nodded my head. Before I knew it he was out the door on his way. I rushed as well. "Only seven minutes. I can do this." I reassured myself. I reached the ballroom room where a long table sat. I put on a red silky table cloth. That matched the plates that had a red outlining to them. "I wonder..." I stared at the plates and silverware. I picked up one plate and threw it to the other side of the table, without it braking and it landing in the perfect positioning. "Thats awesome." I spoke. And plate after plate started to fly into place. Then getting to the silverware and throwing them into place. I felt so cool. As crazy as that sounded.
   After everything was set out I got heard footsteps scattering on the floor above me. As each step was taken I followed the sound of it and right there at the top of the steps was Finnie, Mey-Rin, and Baldroy. Down the steps they went and they all approached me with smiles. "Why are all you all so jumpy today?" I asked. "Because its Thanksgiving! We could smell all the delicious foods from upstairs." Mey-Rin spoke. "Yeah, usually we would make such a fuss about it but knowing that there was tons of  food laid out only meant that we were celebrating Thanksgiving this year." Finnie said with him drooling a bit by starring at all the food. "We don't usually celebrate Thanksgiving so we're kinda excited. Did the young master have a change of heart this year?" Baldroy asked. I scratched the back of my neck. "Well, I wouldn't say that..." I said then bringing my stare to the door of the manor noticing that Elizabeth had pushed the doors wide open. "Im here! Where is Ciel?!" She asked with Madam Red appearing from behind her. "He is just getting up and ready. He should be down shortly." I spoke giving her a giving her a bow.
Madam Red started to make her way to the table but she first stood side by side with me mumbling, "(Your Name)..." In an impolite way. "Hello Madam Red." I said back to her still standing there jolly as ever. She then continued walking past me over to the table. "Ciel! You look so cute!" I heard Elizabeth shout from behind me. I turned around and saw Ciel dressed up in the color green. Very appropriate for a Thanksgiving dinner. "Oh my boy looks so adorable!" Madam Red shouted! Instead of Elizabeth being the one to rush up to Ciel it was this time Madam Red. With Ciel having that cute annoyed look on his face.
   "You seemed to have managed well." Sebastian said approaching me. I shrugged accepting his compliment. I was at first keeping eye contact with Sebastian but I got lost staring at Madam Red and Ciel. Madam Red had picked up Ciel and threw him on her back, giving him a piggy back ride. Everyone around me began to giggle besides Sebastian. Just a grin on his face. "Let me go!" Ciel hollered. "Come on my dear boy,-" Madam Red was cut off by Ciel's shout. "Im not your boy!" He shouted. She then lost the smile that was once on her face moments ago replaced with a sad look. "Ceil..." Elizabeth gasped. I could see tears peering in her eyes. "I just want to get this over with." Ciel mumbled as he walked down the steps. I walked up them to Madam Red. "Miss Red, If it makes you feel any better ... I think you'd make a wonderful mother for Ciel." I spoke under my breathe. She looked at me and instead of a nasty look she gave me a smile. "Thank you." She spoke regaining her composer. I smiled back and offered her my arm and happily she hooked hers with mine, gladly walking down the steps with me. 
   I pulled out a chair for Madam Red then Elizabeth, with them both gazing at the food in front of them. They all went at it, even the other servants. Ciel just picked at his food. I wish he could just be happy. He lost his parents but, its not hard to be happy. I gave out a sigh and looked towards Sebastian who was just gazing at everyone else, eating the giant portions of food we made. I couldn't but help take the moment to stare at him. That was until Elizabeth caught my attention. "(Your Name), Arnt you going to eat? Its delicious!" She spoke still having a bit of food in her mouth. "No thank you Lizzie." I reassured her. I approached Sebastian, "Hey what time is it? Id check but my device died." I asked. He took out his pocket watch, then slipped it back into his pocket. "10:30 my lady. Why if I may ask?" I just wanted to be alone. I was the type of person that would keep to them selves. I haven't had alot of alone time lately. "I just want to have some alone time. You know, draw, read I guess. Anything really." I mumbled. He nodded. Sebastian and the servants. I made my way up the steps, until a voice called out to me. "Wait, (Your Name), would you like to go out to a musical with Elizabeth and I this evening?" I though about it for  moment but I made my mind up quite quickly. "I'd love too Madam Red." I smiled. Elizabeth got excited when I accepted her invitation. I continued to make my way back up the stairs and to my room. 
   I unbuttoned my tailcoat as I opened and closed the door. Throwing on the bed but I seemed tonotice something under my tailcoat. I picked my tailcoat back up to see a little stuffed white bunny with a black bow around its neck. There was a note on it. I picked it up and started to read, "I apologize if I did upset you at some point today. It wasnt my intentions. Here is a stuffed animal I wanted you to have. When I was laying with you last night I noticed you grip and hold onto things when you lay down whether its your pillow or your blanket, now you have something you can hold. I want to thank you for all your help. Im Thankful to have you around. Meet me tonight outside in the garden at midnight." I could help but melt to his words. He always finds a way to make me feel great. I put the note in the pocket of my tail coat and picked up the bunny staring at it. I held it close to me, plopping in bed. I wanted to relax so relaxing is what I did.

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