Chapter 28 - A Midnight Surprise And A Musical

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~A Few Hours Of Drawing And Relaxing Had Went By~

   I heard a knock on my door. It startled me. I jumped out of bed and rushed over to the door opening it to see a pair of red eyes and crimson red hair appeared before me. "Hello, Madam Red. What brings you here?" I asked moving out of the way to let her in. "I just thought Id check on you considering that the musical is coming up soon." She took a seat on my bed. I didn't really know what to say at the moment. So I just stood still staring at her thinking on what to say. "I just want to say thank you for that act of kindness back there, even though I didn't deserve it from the way I've been treating you. Why did you show me kindness?" She asked. As if she didn't understand why I was being nice. As if she doesn't expect kindness from most people. "Well, whether I wanted to be nice or not I wouldn't have a choice considering that I'm a butler and Its my job to make sure that all guests are happy." A frown appeared on her face and her stare went to the ground. "But thats not why I was being kind to you." I spoke. Her eyes widened a bit and her stare locked with mine. "I was being polite because thats just me. I like to be nice to others. No one should be treated with disrespect. Now, if someone doesn't deserve respect and kindness I wont give it. But you deserve to be treated right ... Angelina." She gave me a surprised look and a smile to go along with it. "How did you know my name?" I just put my index finger up to my lips. The way you would see some people do when they would shush you. "I know alot of things but I'm merely a butler." I spoke and I grabbed my tailcoat and slipped it on, buttoning it up, fixing my bow tie. "I apologize for judging you quickly. I feel like you and I will be close friends. I don't really get the chance to make friends like you even though I attend many balls." I gave her a small smirk. "Elizabeth must be all over Ciel at the moment, we should get going. Shall we?" I gave her a small bow and put out my hand. She grabbed it and I escorted her down the hall and back to the ballroom. 
   We made it down the steps and Elizabeth rushed right towards us. "Are you ready to go?" Elizabeth asked throwing her arms around my waste looking up at me as if I was her mother or close family member. "Why are women so clingy?" I wondered. I nodded with a smile and I hugged her with my free hand. Both Elizabeth and Madam Red let go of me. "Master, Ill be heading out. Not that you'll need me with Sebastian around. Ill be home in awhile. I've never been to a musical but im assuming that its a bit long." I gave him a bow. "Goodnight my lord. You probably wont be awake when I come back." He nodded his head while sipping on his tea. I then followed Madam Red and Elizabeth out. At least thats what I planned until a hand grabbed my arm from behind. I spun around to meet a pair of lips smashed against mine. My eyes widened at first from the surprise then I quickly gave into it. He pulled away whispering into my ear, "Ill see you tonight my lady." My heart pounded at those words but while Sebastian was whispering in my ear I noticed Ciel was a bit flustered. He was staring at me directly. As soon as he noticed that I had had noticed his stare he got up from his chair, and started walking up the stairs, seeming a bit awkward. Sebastian must have noticed the awkward tension as well considering that he looked behind me to see what I was stirred up about. I just gave him a reassuring smile. "Ill see you then ... Darling." I quickly turned around and started to walk out the manor feeling quite joyful. Madam Red stood there, outside the carriage waiting for me. "Hurry! We don't want to be late to the first musical you've ever been to." She spoke with joy. I rushed over to her, entering the carriage sitting down on the opposite side of Elizabeth. Madam Red took a seat next to me. As soon as I was aware of my surroundings I noticed both of them were staring at me with curiosity in there eyes. "Um, Why are you all staring at me?" I asked giggling a little bit. "Whats going on between you and Sebastian?" Madam Red asked with a smirk growing on her face. "Are you guys together? That would be so cute!" Elizabeth squealed. I tried to act normal as if the topic didn't affect me. I just shrugged. "No, why do you ask?" I had to say no because that could ruin Sebastian's reputation a little bit including mine. Sebastian and I are just supposed to be regular butlers at the estate. Nothing more. They didn't seem to believe me. "Are you sure?" Elizabeth spoke. I nodded. "Yes I'm quite sure." I said crossing my legs and intertwining my hands together looking out the window. "Alright..." Elizabeth said with a bit of doubt in her voice. Madam Red and Elizabeth changed the subject and started talking about cloths, special events, and other stuff I wasn't really into so I just stared out the window and kept thinking to myself. "I wonder what Sebastian has planned tonight? Hes always surprising me. I wish I could do the same for him. Especially since Christmas is on its way. Dammit, I have to get gifts for everyone in the household. Mey-Rin, Finnie, Baldroy, Tanaka, Sebastian, Angelina, Elizabeth, even Ciel! What do they all like? I guess im going to have to pay close attention to what they say and what they like for these next few weeks but, what do you get for people who have everything?" I wondered. I tried not to stress about it to much. I gave out a sigh and continued to look out the window.
   We had made it to this large red building. We approached it with me gazing at this magnificent building. "I love the design of this building." I said and Angelina gave out a small chuckle. "But of course. If it didn't look this nice most nobles wouldn't come to it." I nodded and we all made our way in. Even the inside was huge. There were seats even up top. "Are we going to sit up top?" I asked. She nodded. "Its the best seat in the house." Elizabeth spoke. They didn't seem as excited as I was but I didn't expect them to. They probably do this often. "Hello Madam Red, Lady Elizabeth. Here again I see. You guys were just here yesterday. What brings you here again so soon?" A man asked who seemed to be the manager. "Yes usually we do this only so often but our friend (Your Name) here hasn't ever been to a musical before." She gripped my shoulders and moved me in front of her to put me in sight of the manager. "Uh, Hi." I spoke. He gave me a smile and said, "Of course, and lucky you. You get the best seat in the house." He spoke then he started to lead us up the stairs and there we were in the seat closet to the stage up top. "This looks amazing." I spoke as I sat down. "Shh, the show is just now starting." Elizabeth whispered. I sat up straight in my seat and watched the red curtains open up. Stood there a boy with a green pointed hat and shoes. It appeared to be Peter Pan. All the characters had these goofy looking costumes but I guess that was expected for the time line I was in. I didn't even know what I was in. I mean everything was in cartoon form. Even I was an anime character which I thought was cool but, was my world in anime form and I just went in time or did I enter the anime world? I didn't know. I tried not to think about it so I continued to focus on the play. 
   After two hours of sitting in the dark staring at the stage, the lights had finally came on and the crowd started to cheer. I clapped along with everyone else. It wasn't that bad. It was good for something that happened in the 18 hundreds. Once the lights had came back on I stood up in my chair stretching. "I thought stuff like this wasn't supposed to effect you when you are a demon." I thought. "So how was your first musical (Your Name)?" Angelina asked peering in my face. I was caught off guard when she appeared before me so I fell back into my seat. She gave me her hand and she helped me back up. "It was actually pretty good. Id love to go to another one. One of these days at least." I answered. They both seemed satisfied with my answer as well. "Angelina." We were heading towards the carriage and it seemed quite late. I needed to be home by midnight or at least close to that time. "Yes? What is it my Dear?" I couldn't help but smile when she called me dear, but I couldnt take the time to think about it. "What time is it? You have a wrist watch right?" She nodded and she put out her wrist looking at her red watch. "Its 11:32." I gulped at those words. "How long does it take to get home?" I asked hoping to hear only a half hour. "About, 40 minutes I believe." I gave out a sigh. If it were the other way around Sebastian would have found a way to be on time. "Um well, I actually have to go run a few errands. Ill see you guys soon." I spoke. Elizabeth gave me a disapproving look. "(Your Name), we can give you a ride if you need it." Elizabeth said trying to get me to go. I bit my lip. "Thank you Elizabeth but you head on home. It quite late." She gave me a very sad expression as if I just broke her heart. It kinda broke my heart seeing her like that. I approached her and gave her a hug. Then I keeled down to her, grabbing her hand. "Thank you for bringing me with you. Please don't give me that sad face. Ill see you really soon. I'll need someone to come along with me when I go Christmas shopping." I stated with a smile appearing on my face. A smile crept onto her face as well. "Okay, can Madam Red come as well?" I looked back, seeing Madam Red stare at me with a smile on her face as well. I turned around to face Elizabeth and I nodded in acceptance. She let go of my hand and hugged me tight. I couldn't help but hug back. "Thank you (Your Name)." She whispered. Tears of joy were streaming down her face. I stood up and patted her on the head. "Well I'll be off now. Have a lovely night you two." They both nodded and got in the carriage, leaving satisfied. I went past a few buildings running through the woods. Running as fast as I could to get to the estate. "At this rate I should make it just in time." I thought and the excitement of just thinking about it only made me go faster. I was going to make it there in no time.
   After all that running, I had finally made it to the estate. I started to search around the manor and then I saw rose pedals scattered across the ground, giving me a path to follow. It was dark but the full moon gave a glow. "He even managed to plan all this on the night of a full moon. How does he do it?" I wondered. I followed the trail of rose pedals until I found the very end. The wind started to have them blow away in my direction. It seemed so magical. I took a deep breath of the atmosphere around me. I felt free. I turned around and there stood Sebastian. He had this sexy stare going on. It sounded weird but thats what was happening. He approached me, circling me. He came up from behind me and held onto me. Suddenly, he pulled me back and we fell to the ground. With us both staring up at the sky. I rolled over to lay next to him in the grass and the rose pedals surrounding us. We laid there, staring up at the starry sky. I rolled over to stare at Sebastian and he turned over to stare at me. He smiled, I smiled, I loved it. He grabbed both my hands and held them in his. He put the strands of hair that were in my face behind my hair and same to go with his hair. "(Your Name), How was the musical?" He asked. "It was really good. Not what I expected." He let go of my hands and placed his hands on my cheeks. I held onto his hands, placing them over his. "Sebastian I love you." I spoke. I never really said it out loud. I've said it in my head on occasion but never directly to him. "I love you." He spoke. I sat up with him sitting up right next to me. I looked at him, starting to peer into his face. I kissed him. The longer I kissed him, the more I got into it. It seems the more I kiss him the more I want to. As if I'm addicted. I cant stop. I opened my eyes. I could feel a stare piercing me. A familiar stare. I peeked over at the manor and there was Ciel looking out his window awake. As soon as he noticed me peeking he left my sight of view. Thats when I leaned away from Sebastian. I gave him a smile. "Thank you Sebastian." I spoke. "Hey Sebastian, what do you want for Christmas?" I asked laying my head on his shoulder. He brushed his hand through my hair. It was quite comfortable. "Absolutely nothing. I already have everything I want." He spoke whispering in my ear. "There has to be something he wants." I thought. I scratched the back of my head wondering what to get him. Then it hit me. "Ill get Sebastian a cat." I gave out a laugh. Sebastian gave me a curious look. "Nothing, don't worry about it." I spoke. "Hey Sebastian, you wouldn't happen to have an ax just laying around would you?" I asked. "Yes, but why would you need an ax?" I looked up at him with a smirk creeping onto my face. "I want to put up a Christmas tree tonight and I assume you don't just have ornaments laying around so I'll have to go out and buy some. Also, why don't you come Christmas sh--." I stopped right there. Sebastian wouldn't be able to go shopping with me. He'd have to bring Ciel along and Ciel wouldn't want to do that. I gave out a sigh. I stood up, giving Sebastian my hand and helping him up. "Well, you cant go Christmas shopping with me but you can help me set get ornaments and set the tree." I spoke. He gave me a smile. "That actually sounds like a good idea. I cant remember the last time I celebrated Christmas but I do remember that I loved it growing up." I let go of his hand and started to walk towards the manor. "Well, we have alot of work to do and so little time to do it. Lets go inside and get planning." I spoke. He ran up to me and we walked side by side. "I think this will be a good thing and maybe it will make Ciel happy. I feel like Ciel should have something to enjoy. I would have told Sebastian but he might have got mad. If Ciel where to become happy once again, he wouldn't feel hatred, and if he didn't feel hatred, Sebastian would leave and make him realize his errors. Well thats what happened in season one when Ciel was starting to become soft. Hopefully that doesn't happen and I can stop him when he does." I thought

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