02 - plane ride

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After mulitple meetings I went to a while back and constant begging, I was finally allowed one person to acompany me on the tour and the only person I would feel comfortable with is Ian. I still felt that he needed to coach me and it would be a fun journey too, to have one of your friends on tour with you, even if I would be making many more friends. Sadly it was only temporary because Ian needed to get back to the studio so he would be leaving once he felt I was ready to do things on my own.

I got a list of the places we would go. It was huge and we were to travel a lot of places. I informed my parents a few weeks ago and after the planing and the information that I was given, I was finally packing.

I would have the option to share a room with Ian, or if I wanted my own privacy, or didn't feel comfortable sharing a room with him, I could switch. We were going to figure out the arangements later once we got to our first destination.

The first place we were to go is Bogata, Columbia. I decided a few days ago that I would get a film or polaroid camera to take pictures of everywhere we go and put them in a scrapbook. The pages with the pictures would be decorated to the theme of the place we are at.

I packed my favorite clothes, some journals, extra film, my senior gift camera and everything else I would need to travel. I made sure my passport and everything else I needed to go out of the country was in with my things.

We were leaving in the morning and I was supposed to be done packing an hour ago, but procrastination got the best of me.

Someone knocked on the door and I opened it up to Ian.

"You died your hair?" He looked at it. I wanted a change and I thought that maybe dying it would do something. I picked the weirdest color that I could find and I did it because I could. It was a dark green that made my green eyes darker than they naturally are. It was only at the tips though. I thought it would be too weird to have all of my hair dyed dark green. 

"I have" I smiled.

"You've procrastinated haven't you?" He smirked, looking around.

"You know me so well" I smiled and let him in.

"You better hurry up! I told them we'd meet them at the airport in an hour!" Ian told me.

"You need to relax! You're not going to be at work for how long?" I asked him "This is good for you! You need a break."

"I know" He sighed "I'm so used to being orgonized. I used to not be like this.. I was always the one to have fun."

"Then lets have some fun" I giggled.


We finally got to the airport and we made it just on time. After Ian got there, my parents and Braelin showed up to bid me a goodbye. I gave them all hugs and we were on our way.

Harry and Louis were the only other ones in LA. The other boys were home and they were saying goodbyes to their families. Both their families were here in LA with them. They were waiting for a plane back to their hometown and we were boarding a plane to Columbia.

"So, are you excited to travel?" Harry asked me, and I sat down next to the two boys sitting with eachother.

"Yeah" I nodded. I took my camera and snapped a picture of them without warning. they were quicker than I was though and Harry made an suprised face and Louis made a funny face. The picture came printing out and started to fade into black and white.

"You're gonna have to get used to that. It's a habit of mine" I giggled.

"No worries" Louis laughed. I sat across from them now and took out my black sharpie to write on it the caption part. I wrote: plane ride to bogota, columia.

"I'm goint to be doing that a lot if you didn't know.." I giggled. Ian sat down next to me and I took a picture of him as well and captioned the same thing.

"She's not kidding" Ian defended me. Harry laughed and we started to talk.

I got to know him more and he's quite the charmer. He is a sweet guy and he's easy to get along with. He even mentioned 5SOS a few times and how they're great guys. I tried to change the subject though. I didn't want to talk about them. We talked about where we would be going and what we were looking forward to. I told him that I was excited to see the eiffel tower, as lame as that sounded.

"That's what I wanted to see the first time I went on tour" Louis chimed in "It's quite spectacular."

I was so excited for this tour the more I talked about it. I was so ready to experience things and get out there.

After an hour after taking off, Pretson called me over to where he was sitting.

"Hey Ester" He smiled "How's your first plane ride ever?"

"It's good" I nodded. I was getting sleepy but I managed to stay awake to talk to Preston.

"Good" He nodded "I'm glad. Look, I forgot to tell you this but there's going to be opening acts for some of the shows."

"Oh" I widened my eyes

"Yes." He smiled "I just wanted to make sure yuou knew that you wont have to take any pictures of the opening acts."

"Okay" I nodded "Who are the opening acts?"

"They depend on where we are." He said. "The only opening act you might want to take pictures of, allthough it isn't required, is one band that you can get some shots of. They're good friends with One Direction. But they don't start until the Europe tour."

"Okay" I nodded "Who would that be?"

"5 Seconds of Summer"


A/N: Picture tat ester took on the side

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