20 - room service

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I slept so well last night it was unbelievable. I didn't realize how tired I was until I got off the phone with Steven and Sariah and didn't have him on my mind like I had the past few days.

I didn't have him to worry about anymore. His recovery was moving fast.

We had one more show in Paris and then we were on our way to Amsterdam.

I laid in bed for a while because I finally woke up on my own in stead of my alarm or Harry coming in. But after twenty minutes of just sitting there, Harry slipped in quietly. He came over and saw I was awake so he laid down on the bed next to me.

"Good morning" He said to me.

"Good morning" I said in a tired voice.

"How are you?" He asked.

"I'm honestly great" I smiled.

"Did you hear from your friend?" He asked.

"He called me last night with one of my best friends Sariah." I told him.

"That's good. I'm glad he's okay." He smiled.

I really underestimated Harry. He wasn't just some jokester. He was probably the sweetest person on this tour. He was so genuin and nice. He was so real. After all of this fame, you'd think different, and I didn't know him before this, but he has such a kind heart that it wasn't hard to see that there's no possible way to even remotely begins to say he has changed for the worse.

"I can't wait to get back out and take some good pictures." I sighed and sat up.

"Well, you better take a shower first... you don't want to be looking like.... That." He joked as he got up too. I missed the playful Harry.

"I can always count on you" I smiled and fell back on the pillow before I crawled out of the covers.

"When you're finished lets order room service." Harry smiled "Just you and I."

"That sounds great." I smiled.

Harry left and I jumped in the shower and washed off all the stress that lingered from the past.


"Okay.... favorite movie" Harry asked as the threw another grape at me. I actually caught it that time and he smiled.

Harry sat on the other bed in the room and I sat on mine and we threw each other grapes while asking questions about each other. What I learned was that Harry likes to write music in his free time, he has too many favorite songs, perfers tea over coffee, loves Japan and he also told me he likes long walks on the beach.

"Lilo and Stich... or Happy Feet." I smiled at the names.

"Lilo and Stich is a good one" Harry smiled and I threw a grape.

"I'm out of grapes and out of questions." I sighed.

He just laughed and came back over to the food tray that sat in the middle of the room. We ate so much already and I felt I was ready to burst.

I sipped on an orange juice and Harry and I sat and just talked. It was so nice to know that there was no drama between us and no weirdness because Harry and I were just strictly friends. I was so glad that I still had someone on this tour that wasn't caught up in the stupid drama.

We talked about everything we could because it was rare that we didn't have some place to be at the exact moment. We didn't take it all for granted.

After two hours of talking and eating we finally got called to get ready to leave.

I threw on some clothes and grabbed my things. Harry and I rode in the same car and when we got there, Harry and I hung out in the main room where food and drinks were. Lou was working on the 5SOS boys and everyone else was in and out but Harry and I. We stayed with each other the whole time.

We did exactly what we did back at the hotel.

We told different storys of our past and things we used to do before this all happened. Harry had such a simple life. I did as well, but it was just weird to think that he did such normal things before when you looked at him and saw that he was a performer of millions of people.

"Harry, they're going to do a soundcheck, you need to be on stage in five minutes." A stage crew worker told him.

"God, I really hate that." He sighed.

"What do you mean?" I giggled. My head was on his lap and I used it as a pillow.

"I have this amount of free time before I'm expected to report to work." Harry laughed "When they said that, it's like, they make it like 'you better make the most of those five minutes or you're dead'."

"Or they're just giving you time to prepare" I laughed at him.

"We just sit up there becaues we still need to do vocal warm ups." Harry sighed.

"I'm very sorry that you have a job." I teased him.

"What ever" he plugged my nose.

"What is this going to solve." I said as he pinched it.

"Science has proven that this makes you less annoying." Harry smirked.

"Wow, really?" I played a long with it. "You should always do this because I love talking like this anyways."

"You need help." Harry shook his head. "Get off of me" he pushed me off and I laughed. He was like the brother I never had.

"Have fun Harry, i'll miss you." I tried to annoy him.

He just shook his head and started to walk away but I stood up.

"I have an idea" I followed him "Why don't I just come with you?"

"Get away from me" Harry rolled his eyes.

"Okay, i'll be back here waiting for you." I called out as he walked away.

When I turned back around, Calum was sitting at the couch I was just at. I had to walk over to get my camera but it was in the corner, blocked by the exact couch that Calum was on.

"You can do this" I whispered to myself.

I walked to him and he just sat on his phone. He didn't look up at me or seem to notice that I was there.

"Calum, can you get my camera bag?" I asked. He just reached for the bag, not even looking at me, and handed it to me while he still stared at his phone.

"Thank you so much Calum. I really appreciate it." I smiled as I grabbed it and walked away, actually laughing at myself.

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