16 - be okay

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After the show, I couldn't sleep. 

I couldn't get my mind off of Steven and it was incredibly frustrating. I stayed up until about 4 working on photos; perfecting them the way I always tried to do, even if there was nothing wrong with them.

After sleeping a few hours, I woke up because of a nightmare. Harry was already at my door an hour later and I opened it up, wincing at the light. 

"You look like complete and utter shit." he said honestly. 

"I feel like it too" I sighed. 

"You're not coming today." He stated.

"I have to Harry." I sighed. 

"OH MY GOD THAT'S DISGUSTING" Harry shouted and his tone and volume of voice startled me. 

"What's wrong?" a man's voice said from down the hall said. 

"Don't come any closer, she just barfed everywhere. I'll get someone to clean it up. She needs rest." Harry demanded.

"Okay" The man's voice said. He winked at me and then stepped inside and I hugged him. 

"Thank you" I whispered "I don't know if I would have made it through today." i said honestly. 

"Is everything okay?" He asked.

"Just a friend... he got in a car crash." I sighed. 

"Rest." he said to me.

"Thank you." I nodded.


I slept a few more hours and I finally felt rested enough, but the weight of the worry was still there. I didn't know what I was to do about this. Part of me wanted to go to where Steven was but I knew that I had priorities where I was and I couldn't leave.

I stayed and worked on some pictures to keep myself busy while I waited for the boys. They started to record some new songs so they were busy while we traveled. We were going to Denmark next and we were leaving later in the day. 

Luke, Calum, Michael, and Ashton were sill in there rooms probably sleeping. I'm not sure what they did after the final Stockholm show because I went straight to the hotel after. I didn't bother to wait for anyone because I didn't want to be around anyone.

After talking to Harry, I stayed mostly to myself because Steven clouded my thoughts. I didn't really think to do anything else other than lay in by bed and pray that he would be okay. My best friend. 

I couldn't focus my mind and I was completely done so I went down to the gym that was built into the building and started to run.

It was somewhat difficult at first. I don't normally run but I pushed myself because it gave me time to think and believe it or not I could think clearly. I jogged for an hour straight until my lungs felt they would burst. It probably wasn't healthy but my adrenalin ran so high that I didn't notice.

Once I was on the bus, I stayed to myself the whole six hours to Copenhagen. I got some constant update texts from Lydia but nothing too big. Nothing important. I was worried sick. Physically ill at the thought of Steven being in danger. My best friend. 

I don't know what I would do if he ever... I couldn't even think of what could happen to him. That wasn't an option in my book.

Steven would be okay. We would all be okay. I hoped. 

Micheal tried to talk to me and even Luke wanted to hang in the back where I always hung out but I think they got sick of my frequent silence. They got bored. Ashton was always on the phone with my sister and I wasn't in the mood to talk to Calum so I sat and kept my mind on Steven.

He'll be okay I told myself.

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