05 - reunion

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sorrry it's been a while. Hello new chapter. very tired. parents are out of town. swag. 

I got a good nights sleep and soon enough, Harry was in my room waking me up. 

"Ester" He kicked the bed. "Don't make me jump on you" 

"I'm up. Go awaaay" I whined. I saw a flash and opened my eyes. Harry held my camera and a picture came out of it. He pulled it out and shook it so it would dry. The picture started to come out and he showed it to me. 

"You're drooling too but I don't think you can see that" He said. I looked at it and it looked like a trendy Polaroid with the nice bed sheets and the hotel carpet. The only this was that my mouth was open, my hair was a mess and he's right. I was drooling a little bit. He then took the bottle of water on my night stand and dumped it on me.

He started to laugh at me and I jumped up. He threw the camera on the other bed and he was lucky I was wearing some clothes. I normally slept with no pants or anything but I had some spandex shorts just to be cautious of incidents like this, and a sweatshirt on that Steven sent me. He ran to the bathroom and closed the door. I ran over to the bed to grab the picture so he wouldn't show anyone. I decided to keep it at the bottom of my box of pictures. I heard the door open and Harry wore running shoes, some soccer shorts and a sweater. He looked like he just got done working out.

"GET BACK HERE" I yelled, trying not to laugh.

He charged out of my room and I followed him, barefoot. I stored out of the room so fast that I tripped and slammed into the wall across from my door. 

He started to laugh harder and ran down the hall way.

"HARRY STYLES I'M GOING TO KILL YOU" I yelled and was laughing too.

"What are you going to do even if you do catch me?" He asked.

"You shit" I laughed. We ran by two boys but I was so in focus of catching Harry that I didn't look at them. I didn't care at the moment. I just wanted payback for the water works. It was also so funny to see Harry so afraid of me. 

"You're crazy" He yelled to me.

"This isn't crazy!" I yelled. "You wanna see crazy" I yelled even louder. 


*Luke's Point of View*

I walked out of my room and saw Harry. He was entering the room where everyone said the photographer was staying. She apparently was extremely tired last night so we missed her. She spent the day with Niall and that's why we didn't see her all day yesterday. I didn't know anything about her, even her name. I just know she lived close to the area that we used to live. 

"Luke" Michael called to me. "Hey, can you help me with something?" 

"What?" I asked.

"I can't tell which hair color to buy" He told me. I chuckled at him and looked at his phone. He was debating between orange and red. 

"I don't know mate.. don't ask me. Go ask Lou-"

"GET BACK HERE!" A familiar voice interrupted our conversation. Harry stormed out of the room and a girl followed him. She had water all over her sweatshirt. It was a sweatshirt for the college that Steven was at. She slammed into the wall across from her door and I couldn't tell who it was because her hair, which had dark green dyed tips, was covering most of her face.

"HARRY STYLES I'M GOING TO KILL YOU" She yelled and laughed. Once she laughed I knew exactly who it was. 

"What are you going to do even if you do catch me?" Harry teased and laughed even harder. He ran by and she followed.

"You shit" She giggled while passing us. Was she the new photographer? Did Cal know?

"You're crazy" Was all I heard and then then went around the corner. I could faintly hear their yells. It was a good thing we had a private floor because they were being extremely loud. We could be kicked out.

I looked to Michael who had been staring at me since Ester ran out of her room.

"Was that..?"

"Ester?" I answered for him. "Yes."

They came running back and Harry had the biggest smile on his face. They were fighting like siblings. Her face was clear now. She looked like she had grown a little. Her facial structure looked more mature and her hair was died a velvet green. It looked good on her. She looked good. 

They ran into her room again and yelled some more. Harry came out and Ester was right on his tail. She tackled him and he lost his balance and fell to the ground. He rolled over to try to play-fight her but she straddled him. She had a water bottle full of freezing water in her hand.

"That's not fair!!" Harry laughed "The water I had wasn't cold" He yelled. She opened the new water bottle and held it over his face.

Liam and Niall came out and Niall instinctively pulled out his phone and started to record. Ester took a sip of the water and then teased Harry. Harry caught her off guard and flipped them both over so she was laying on the floor. He took the water bottle and started to pour little drops of water on her. She just laughed and yelled. She tried to fight for freedom but it clearly wasn't working. 

Liam took charge and pushed Harry over. It spilled water all over him and then Ester got on top of Harry. She grabbed the water and this time she didn't hesitate. She dumped it all over his face. Liam ran in and got another bottle and gave it to her. Niall recorded it all and was on the floor laughing. 

*Ester's Point of View*

I went full out with dumping the water on him. He just continued to laugh and soon Ian and the other boys were watching us. I was laughing too and when I dumped both waters on him I rolled over on to the ground and we both had water everywhere. 

Everyone was laughing at us and Harry and I were the ones laughing the hardest.

"You're an idiot" I tried to make out. 

"You're both idiots" Louis said and laughed at us. 

Once we calmed down I looked to Harry and chuckled again. Niall ran in to my room to get the camera and took a picture of us both.

"This is priceless." I laughed, my full focus on the picture.

"Hey" A voice said. I looked up from where I was sitting and saw Luke and Michael looking down at me.

"Guys, this is-" Niall was going to introduce me to them but Michael stopped him.

"Oh we know who this is" He smirked at me. I didn't know what to say. I completely forgot about them once again.

"If it isn't Ester Murphy" Ashton said from behind them. 

I just smacked my forehead as everyone around us gave me a confused look.

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