08 - the wheel of manchester

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Our next stop was Manchester. This was a place I was dying to go to. I already had some of the places set out that I wanted to go to. Unfortunetaly we didn't have as much time. 

It was such a beautiful, photogenic place and I couldn't wait to see what it had in store for us. We had one day to travel and it took about three or four hours to get there from Sunderland so hopefully management would let us run around a little bit before we go back into working. 

I was on the bus with 5sos because there were already a ton of people on One Direction's bus. I mostly say in the back and worked on the pictures. I was now putting everyone I had in a folder. I orgonized it so there were ones i've edited to look a lot diffrent just for fun, ones I want to stay in its original form and the rest I haven't worked on. 

I took the time to get what I needed to get done because I would either be posting these somewhere, sending them somewere soon, or giving them to someone soon. Either way I wanted them finished. It only took my about an hour and a half, but even after then my brain was fried. 

I started to read because we still had about an hour and a half left of driving. As I sat there and started to get lost in the stupid book that I had, the door to the back started to slide open. I looked up to see who it was and when the person was I just looked back down at my book. 

He came in with a guitar and sat down across from me. It wasn't a very big place so our nees were kind of touching. He started to play guitar and I found it amusing. I also found it annoying that he saw I was reading and he would still come in here to play guitar.

"I thought you play bass" I said not looking up at him.

"Well, fun fact." I could just feel his stupid smiled "The first four strings on a bass are the same as the first four strings on a guitar. And you know I play guitar."

I finally looked up at him and he had a stupid smirk on his face. I didn't want him to get a laugh out of me so I gave him a glare.

"I'm not ready to talk to you yet so please leave me alone." I told him.

"Ester, please just talk to me. You can bag me all you want. I can take it. I just want you to talk to me." He begged. 

"No." I shook my head "Get out."

He sighed and stood up to leave me alone. 

I felt bad but I didn't know what to say to him yet. I didn't want to break down and show him I'm still vulnerabe. I'm just being stubborn. 

I kept reading the terribile book until someone inturrupted me.

"That book must be really bad.." Luke chuckled. I assumed he saw the look on my face.

"It is" I rolled my eyes and threw it on the ground.

"Why are you reading it?" He laughed. 

"What else am I supposed to do?" I giggled. 

"Talk to people? Like Calum?" Luke wiggled his eyebrows. 

"Did you send him in here?" I looked at him.

"No" Luke smiled. 

"You liar." I shook my head. 

"We're gonna get you guys to talk." Luke said "We need this group to be repaired and with you mad at him, it's just not working out for us." 

"I told you to give me some time." I said. 

"Okay" Luke smiled. 

Luke and I changed the subject and caught up the rest of the ride there. Once we got there it was the afternoon and we were all starving.  We decided to go to the closest Nando's and then walk around for a little bit. One Direction went back to their hotel after eating because management didn't want them to get mobed. 

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