07 - moments missed

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The Glasgow show wet by quick and so did the second Dublin show. Before I knew it I was on a plane with nine crazy boys and we were headed to England. Ian decided that I was good enough to do the rest of the tour on my own and he needed to get back to the studio so he left to go home while we took a plane to Sunderland.

The only place I wanted to go to in Sunderland was the Souter Lighthouse. I've never really seen a light house before and I thought I could get some great pictures while here. Niall was the first one I could think of to go with because he was so good at showing me around in Dublin. I guess it might be different this time because he probably hasn't done this, but I could be wrong. 

I went to his room and knocked on the door. He opened it up and he had no shirt on. In his hand was his phone, he held it to his shoulder like he was on the phone with someone.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to interrupt.." I backed up "I'll come back later"

"No, no, no, it's fine. I'm almost done. Come in." He said and opened the door even more. I entered the room and it smelled of cologne and clean sheets. His suitcase was in the corner and it was opened up. There were some clothes coming out of it but his room was fairly clean. He walked ahead of me and a white shirt hung out of his back pocket. 

"Yes" Niall said to the phone, "No absolutely, I agree and that's what Paul was saying to us as well."

I sat down in the chair that was in the corner and waited patiently. 

"Okay, thank you so much. I really do appriciate it." He said. "Alright, you have a good day now. Goodbye." He tapped the screan of his phone to hang up and then looked to me. 

"Sorry about that" He smiled. He took his shirt and put it on. "What can I do for ya?" 

"I'm bored" I huffed. 

"Are you now" He raised an eyebrow.

"Yeah" I giggled. "I wanted to go see the Lighthouse that's around here.."

"And you want me to come?" He asked as though he was kind of shocked.

"Well of course" I smiled "You're my official travel buddy."

"Am I now" He chuckled. "Alright then, lets go." He smiled.

He grabbed a sweatshirt and then called for permission and we got a driver and a body guard. Harry said he wanted to go too so we had to wait for him. 

It was extremely cold here just like it was in Dublin. It was cloudy and rainy but we still went. I had my Polaroid and my regular camera. I had Harry carry the regular while I kept the Polaroid. 

We drove about 15 minutes and got there in no time at all. We started to walk around and there weren't many people there. We went down by the boats and took some funny pictures. I got a Polaroid of the light house and we asked a person we saw to get one of us all in a boat. I looked at the picture and in the background was the light house as well. It was a perfect picture to me. 

As we walked towards the inside of the lighthouse, they asked for a small fee. I reached for my wallet which was in my over the shoulder bag that I got from an Indiana Jones ride gift shop at Disney Land. As I pulled it out, Niall grabbed my wrist.

"No, I got this" Niall insisted.

"You don't have to do that for me. I dragged you along remember?" I reminded him.

"I want to" He smiled at me. I sighed and didn't fight him because we were already at the door. Once we got in, we looked around at the cottages inside. It was nice and classy inside. I liked it. Harry took a couple pictures for me and then we went to the top. The view was beautiful and I wanted to take a thousand pictures. I switched cameras with Harry and as I put my eye up to the view finder, Harry snapped a picture of me with the poloroid camera. 

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