22 - hungover

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When I woke up the next morning, I remembered why i'd only drank five other times before, now six. My head hurt, my throat hurt, and my eyes could not focus on anything. Harry was already up looking at his phone and once he noticed I was awake, he reached over to the ground and handed me a water bottle.

"Drink up" he smiled. I sat up and drank half of the water he gave me and then he got up and went into the bathroom. He walked back out with three Advil in his hand and gave it to me.

"You don't drink much do you?" Harry chuckled.

"How can you tell?" I joked and swallowed that pills.

Michael and Zayn already left the room and I rested my head against the wall. I was thankful that I wasn't wasted enough to not remember what happened because last night was insanely fun. I can't remember vividly everything but I remember that:
1. Michael kissed me.
2. Ashton streaked.
3. Zayn drunk called his girlfriend.
4. Harry peed on Calum's pillow
5. Louis got hit in the face with the pee pillow.

I started to laugh as I thought of last nights events. It made my head hurt but everything was too funny.

"What?' Harry asked.

"Last night was fun." I giggled.

"It was." He laughed "I can't believe I peed on Calum... I still need to go apologize." he blushed.

"Oh my god." I laughed even more "And Michael and I kissed."

"That was funny" Harry nodded "Oh my god.. and Ashton."

I didn't remember what he looked like while unclothed but I remember watching it and remembering it was hilarious.

"We need to do this more often." I smiled. "Are we going to the arena early today?"

"No because unfortunately we have a last minute interview at a radio station." Harry sighed.

"Oh jeez, good luck with today." I told him.

"Thanks" Harry smiled. "I have to get going but will you be alright?"

"I've handled a hangover a few times before, i'll manage." I nodded "Besides, it's not that bad." I shrugged. The water that Harry gave me really helped. Unfortunately the Advil hadn't kicked in yet.

Harry left the room and I grabbed my phone to see what time it was. It was only nine in the morning but I didn't focus on that, I only focused on a text that I got from Calum. All it was was ok.

I know for a fact I didn't drunk text him. In fact I didn't even have my phone last night. I left it on the nightstand. I opened up the message and almost screamed at what I saw.

One of the boys took my phone and took pictures of me while Michael kissed me and sent it to Calum.

"Oh my god" I screeched. How was I supposed to explain this to him when he's not talking to me and it's a picture of me kissing his best friend.

I was starting to think that Calum and I fixing things was not a possibility anymore. So many things were going wrong and so many things triggered us both that it's impossible to not see the signs that maybe Calum and I weren't supposed to be friends.

I just wish that he would talk to me and see if maybe we could repair the massive damage. I missed him more than anyone could realize but I just didn't know how to tell him. I didn't even know how to talk to him anymore.


"It looks like you're back to square one" Seven said. I had been face timing him for an hour now explaining my dilemma.

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