26 - Fixed

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and tbh not sure I like this myself so sorry it sucks lul.

When we got to Italy, I went straight to the hotel. It was a lot different then the others. I was also getting sick of living in a different hotel. It was nice at first, having a clean bed every day and having a room all to myself, but I missed home. I was extremely homesick.

The boys were doing interviews as well as recording today. Later on today the 5SOS boys would be showing up and I needed to prepare myself for that, mentally, that is.

While on the phone with Steven, I worked on my scrapbook and did some other things to keep myself busy. The One Direction boys were schedualed to go to the arena and do a sound check so I was thinking of going over there to take some test shots and hang out with Harry. As I was about to get up and get ready, there was a knock at my door. I went to go open it to see Luke.

"Luke?" I looked confused.

"Just wanted to say thank you for saying goodbye when you left!" He smiled sarcastically.

"I am so sorry mom." I smiled back at him.

"Just don't do it next time or i'll have to ground you!" He pointed a finger at me and I giggled.

"Lucas, come put your bags in your room!" A familiar voice said. I poked my head out to see Liz. She smiled at me and I skipped over to give her a hug.

"It's been so long!" I said to her.

"I know, how have you been?" She asked. We made small talk until Calum came out of the room next to us and talked to Liz. He looked at me and back to Liz. Once their conversation was finished, he stood in front of me. He was about to say something but my phone rang. I looked to see Kezia calling me.

"Dammit," I cursed. "I really hate to do this but I really should take this...."

"It's okay," he assured me.

"Seriously, I'm so sorry," I apologized as I answered the phone.

"Hey!" I smiled. "God it's been so long."

"I know," she widened her eyes. Her smile was as big as mine was. I was happy to see that she'd call. "How's life!"

"God it's amazing! I'm living my dream right now," I told her. "Having this kind of experience with photography has been unreal."

"I'm so glad you went," Kezia beamed. She knew it was because of her. I remember having doubts because of Calum.

"So how are you with... you know?" Kezia asked.

"Well, speaking of, I'm a little busy at the moment," I looked up at Calum who was down the hall, leaning against the wall looking at his phone.

"Well is everything okay?" she wondered.

"I'm hoping so. You have a lot of catching up to do. I've gotta go," I just laughed at her before I hung up. I walked out of my room to see Calum still outside against the wall. I walked up to him with sweaty palms, failing ot keep my composure.

"Want to take a walk?" Calum asked. I just nodded. I didn't look him in the eyes because I was honestly terrified of how this was all going to go down. It could either make us or break us for good.

"You're nervous." He smirked at me. I looked over at him, but not at his face. "You know how I know?" he asked and I didnt respond. "You hold you hands in fists. That was one of the first things I noticed about you."

I looked up at him this time, in his eyes. He seemed calm and comfortable. I, on the other hand, didn't feel the slightetst calm.

"Why do you look like i'm about to kill you?" He asked me. I looked down at my feet and watched the carpet as we put one foot in front of the other.

"Is that honestly how I make you feel?" he asked after more of my silence.

"No" I said shakily. I hadn't been this nervous in forever.

"Est..." he stopped walking and looked at me. I looked up at him and he looked worried this time. He looked hurt as well. Not the kind of hurt he was feeling, but the kind of hurt he felt for me.

"You don't scare me Calum" I told him. "I just... this cares me." I pointed at us two.

"What do you mean?" He asked.

"Every time we talk... it ends badly. It ends up one of us mad or hurt or feeling shitty. I'm scared of how this will end," I said honestly. He sat down on the floor and leaned against the wall. He sighed and I copied him but across from him.

"I want to fix this." He said.

"Me too." I nodded.

"I think that's been the case for a while now." He said. "So, lets make a deal."

"Okay.." I nodded again.

"Lets just agree to put all of this behind." he said.

"Right." I agreed.

"You got mad at me, I got mad at you, we're finished." He said. "We made our mistakes, we were both in the wrong one way or another, lets just forgive and forget because that's the only way we're going to let this go."

I nodded again. I liked this side of him. We were agreeing on something once and for all. I was begining to calm down.

"I know things aren't going to be the same right away... that's not going to happen. But it just takes time." Calum shrugged. "We move slow. But most of all we try."

"In what way 'slow'" I asked, confused now.

"We just be normal friends." he said. "We hang out with other people only and we don't try to avoid eachother or get angry at little things because we're only friends. I think we just move from there and see where it takes us."

"Okay" I nodded. I wanted to bring up the whole feelings thing but I didn't want to ruin this good thing we had going. It's been too long that we've had a normal conversation. "But when do we... wait.. nevermind."

"What?" He smiled "No, say it. We need to figure things out."

"Okay" I giggled and he smiled at me. "How are we going to know when we take things farther than friends and what exactly would that be?"

"I don't really know what that is.. We'll figure it out when we get there. I think we should just try to be friends." He answered. "Like that day at the fair!"

"That day was so fun!" I threw my head back with a smile. "I still have pictures of you on my laptop." I laughed. "When we ditched everyone else.. that was so fun."

"Oh my god, I was so nervous that day. I seriously thought you hated me and the boys.. so when I asked you to hang out I didn't think you'd say yes." He chuckled.

"Are you kidding?" I smiled "Even if I didn't want to, Steven would have made me."

"Man, I miss those days. We had so much free time." Calum smiled.

"Yeah" I nodded "Things were... easier i guess."

"Yeah, so anyways.." He trailed off into his own thoughts. "Friends?"

"Friends," I nodded. I wanted to take whatever I could get. He stood up and yawned.

"I'm gonna go take a nap" He chuckled "I'm dreadfully tired."

"Okay, sleep well." I told him and got up as well. I walked to my room and called Kezia on FaceTime.

"So what's going on?" Kezia smirked at me.

"Grab some popcorn because I have a lot of explaining to do."

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