Practice Makes Perfect | Fluff

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"Do it again only slower, it won't work if you jam in it you need to gently knock it into place" Clementine sighs with exasperation as she tries to explain to Violet how to get a manual car into gear for the fifth time within the last two minutes.

Violet huffs and puts her hand back on the gearstick as she tries to get used to shifting gears while the car sits stationary in the empty car park.

Violet tries to move the gear stick, only getting more flustered as she feels the resistance push against her hand "Urgh, it's not moving" she says through gritted teeth. Clementine leans over to look at Violet's feet in the footwell of her Jeep, she rolls her eyes before feeling a laugh break forth from her lips.

"Your foot isn't on the clutch Vi, you need to press the pedal all the way to the floor otherwise you won't be able to move the gears" Clementine places her hand on top of Violet's and smiles at her "you wanted to learn how to drive stick so I'll teach you, but you're not getting anywhere unless you get used to using the clutch."

Violet looks down at her feet and pushes the far left pedal all the way to the floor, with her hand still on Violet's Clementine gently pushes the gear stick downwards. "This is first gear" she explains moving their hands straight down "here's second.." Clementine then guides gear stick slightly to the right before pushing it up "third" she explains content that Violet is watching the movement and mesmerising the gears. Violet is in fact not concentrating on the lesson at all as she can't stop focusing on the feeling of Clementine's soft palm covering the back of her hand. Clementine moves the handle back between the gears and gentles shakes it side to side, so the car sits in natural, she gently squeezes her girlfriends' hand and runs her thumb over Violet's fingers.

"Now you do it," Clementine says removing her hand leaving Violet's alone on the gear stick, she watches impressed as Violet gently moves the car through the gears before returning it to neutral. "Good job" Clementine praises before leaning over to plant a kiss on Violet's cheek, Violet blushes and smiles back at her girlfriend, "now we're going to properly turn the car on and try to actually move."

Violet exhales and turns the key in the ignition she double checks that the car is still in neutral as the engine rumbles inside the body of the Jeep. "Right, so what you have to do is put the clutch all the way down and select the first gear, then you need to put your foot on the accelerator and slowly take your foot off the clutch. If you do this right you'll feel the back of the car lift up, then you need to take the handbrake off and we'll be cruising." Clementine smiles happy with her explanation but Violet sits with a confused look on her face her mouth open as she tries to comprehend the brunette's instructions.

"How am I supposed to remember all that Clem," Violet says exasperation tainting her voice Clementine simply smiles and puts her hand on Violet's thigh.

"I'm here, I'll remind you" Clementine reassures stroking her thumb on Violet's leg.

Violet isn't so sure, but she attempts to draw out the conversation in the hopes that Clementine will continue to softly stroke her thigh, "why can't you just drive an automatic Clem, they're so much easier."

Clementine scoffs and removes her hand much to Violet's disappointment "come on Vi," the brunette smiles rolling her eyes once more, "you of all people should know I love to be in control." She winks noticing how her statement has left Violet's face bright red, "if you manage to drive this car even a little I'll take you home and show you how just how much I love to be in control."

That's enough incentive for Violet who quickly presses the clutch pedal to the floor pushing the gear stick into first, Clementine hears the familiar hum of the rev counter building up as Violet presses her other foot on the accelerator, removing her hand from the gearstick and releasing the handbrake.

"Okay, more revs and slowly take your foot off the clutch," said Clementine, leaning over in her seat so she could see what Violet was doing with her feet. The car slowly starts to roll forwards and as Clementine expects, Violet who eagerly assumed she's got control of the car takes her foot abruptly off the clutch, the Jeep starts to stutter and jump as it struggles to gain power from the low revs. Clementine tightens her seat belt as her car lurches forward and shudders before coming to an abrupt stop throwing both girls heads back against their seats.

"Ouch," Violet said rubbing the back of her neck with one hand, the other grips the steering wheel so hard her knuckles slowly turn white, "what was that?"

"That's fine you just stalled, everyone does that when they learn to drive a manual car, try again but keep the revs high and slowly take your foot off the clutch, remember practice makes perfect." Clementine reaches over once more and squeezes her girlfriends hand "come on Violet, lets aim to move at least two meters and then we can go home and spend the rest of the day in bed" she winks, determined Violet turns the ignition back on slowly going through the stages that Clementine had outlined before. 

The car once more begins to roll forward and as instructed Violet slowly removes her foot from the clutch as she adds more pressure to the accelerator. The revs scream, and Clementine silently hopes that Violet isn't doing permeant damage to her beloved car. The Jeep shudders but begins to crawl forward as Violet applies more pressure to the accelerator, "second gear!" Clementine shouts, Violet puts her foot back on the clutch and shifts the gearstick's straight down, slowly removing her foot from the clutch once more as they gain speed.

"Hey!" Violet calls, keeping her eyes on the empty car park as she slowly drives around the vacant lot with a smile on her face, "I'm doing it!" she risks a glance at her girlfriend who smiles back at her. The revs inside the car build to a screeching high and without being told too Violet applies the clutch once more as she confidently moves the gear stick into third gear, the transaction is almost flawless and Clementine is genuinely impressed. They drive in circles for a few more minutes before Violet pulls up in an empty parking space, knocking the car out of gear and applying the handbrake, she turns off the engine and shifts in her seat to look at Clementine with her eyebrows raised and a smirk on her mouth.

"Be honest you're impressed" says Violet, Clementine smiles back at the blonde and gestures for her to get out of the car. They meet at the front of the Jeep and Violet hands back Clementine's keys, Clementine pockets the keys and wraps her arms around Violet's neck feeling the warmth of her girlfriends' hands on her waist.

"I am impressed," Clementine says looking deep into Violet's eyes, "wanna head home and celebrate?" she smiles sweetly pressing her body closer to Violet's and tilting her head to capture Violet's lips. The blonde melts into the kiss enjoying the feeling of her girlfriend pressed up against her, the summer sun beats down on them as both girls savour the moment. Clementine breaks from the kiss observing the odd look on her girlfriends' face, "what do you want?" she says, giggling as she recognises Violet's pout.

Violet looks over her shoulder at the nearby McDonalds sign just across the road, "I was thinking we could go to McDonald's to celebrate, it's just over there after all." Clementine chews her lip as she thinks, she sways gently in Violet's arms.

"How about we do both?" she states raising her eyebrow, Violet smiles back at her.

"Yes," Violet replies nodding her head urgently, "let's do that."

Well if you guys didn't know I lived in the UK I bet you sure know now.

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