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There's chanting all around Violet's ears as she feels the cold rush of air breezing past her jersey. Listening to the booming chants as her heartbeat seemed to sync up right along with it. Thumping against her chest as she adjusts the top of her jersey, feeling against the fabric not with worry or anxiousness, but confidence.

The same she's had as long as she could remember. Sure it'd get...painfully annoying at times, but it was all Violet needed as reassurance for herself.

Especially on the rink.

The blonde feels the way her skates smoothly move across the ice. The satisfying noise they make behind her as she makes her way to the center. Being sure to wave to the crowds of people as the spotlight quite literally shines across her. The smirk she gives only looking to find a certain person among the sea of people behind the glass. Those wearing deep coats or hoodies almost blending in perfectly, but Violet has a keen eye, she knows exactly where this person is, and what they're wearing only confirms it.

It'd been her chosen spot for the past nine games, all bundled up in the signature scarf to the point where it almost covered half of her tanned skin. Curling in her tiny form on the chair as her grin matches the blonde's, giving a thumbs up that the pools of green can hardly see from where she's standing on the ice.

Violet only grins warmly as Clementine tries to get her attention, not knowing that she's spotting her right from where she's currently at in position, and definitely not enough to notice the game was starting soon.

She couldn't hear the announcers anyway, not the booming voices across the stadium that not only gave people warnings but decided to highlight their favourite players.

And Violet was certainly one of them, luckily having the spotlight over her head for Clementine to see her with a grin. Knowing that even in her small form among the giant amount of people nearby, she was still like a spotlight out in the seats by the glass.

And Violet couldn't ask for anything more. Only smiling as she remembers when she'd first met the brunette. And how her confident attitude had brought her to the girl she knew now.

Someone she was falling for rather hard herself...


It'd only been the middle of their current senior year, as Violet was finally making her way to the lunch table with the same cocky grin she always had. Enough to remind people of who she was and how little shits she was going to give. Jogging down to the specific table right in the far left corner of their cafeteria. Away from the annoyance of other groups and a small place she could actually enjoy while also being able to hear her friends, as the rest of the room was quite deafening to begin with.

It's only when her green eyes notice a small and new figure at the table does her intrigue heighten. Wondering who it could've been with their curly hair and small hoodie that they hugged to themselves rather tightly.

The blonde quickly and quite literally jumps into the old seat, surprising the girl next to her far more than the others at the table—as they were rather used to her shenanigans. "Hey, who's the newbie?"

Louis grins, moving his hands as if it was a way to "show off" their new tablemate. "This here is Clementine-"

"Hey, Clementine. I must say it's rather nice to meet you! What brings you to our table?" Violet grins, raising an eyebrow curiously as the brunette doesn't even turn her way, only looking to her lunch instead.

"Uh, hello?" She asks again, almost thinking that maybe she'd been a little forward. But hey, it was already too late to change that anywho.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 11, 2019 ⏰

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