Betrayal | Angst

830 42 42

It's 3:42am

Clementine hasn't come home.

Violet tosses and turns in her bed anxiety building in her stomach, Clementine is out with Louis again. Her girlfriend seems to spend most nights partying with Louis these days and it makes Violet fume with anger that Clementine continues to choose her best friend over her lover.

Violet knows that when they all first met Clementine and Louis went on a few dates. If Louis and Clementine told her the truth their relationship it went no further than a heated make-out session. That was years ago now, but Violet's seen the photos from recent nights out and they seem to be getting closer and closer with each club night they attend together. She tries to push those thoughts from her mind Clementine is loyal to her, she knows this.

She tried attending the clubs with Clementine and Louis, but the nightclub scene just wasn't for her, she was too quiet and introverted to get a taste for the loud music and hundreds of bodies packed into one small room. She instead tried pleading with Clementine to stay home but that didn't work either and the two girlfriends had never fought more in their three-year relationship after that suggestion.

Violet lays flat on her back as she gives up on sleep, she grabs her phone from the bedside table and turns it on the wait for her phone screen to light only fuels her frustrations as she swears under her breath. She opens the texts between her and Clementine and reads the last conversation, her heart aching when she sees that Clementine promised she'd be home by midnight. She's nearly four hours late.

Violet: Where the hell are you, Clem? I'm getting worried xx

She never receives an answer, Violet huffs and pulls the covers aggressively as she turns on her side closing her eyes as she attempts to find comfort in sleep. Just as she feels the tendrils of sleep grasp her and begin to take her away she hears the from door slam.

Violet jumps out of bed as if an electric current has shot through her, all of her nerves are on edge and she doesn't know whether to be relieved that Clementine is finally home or angry that she's stayed out all night once again with Louis. As she wraps her thin dressing gown around her body Violet decides that she's going to have to talk to Clementine about how lonely she feels. Something has to change.

She walks down the hallway hearing one of the chairs in the kitchen scrape against the tile floor as Clementine takes a seat. Sniffles and small sobs come from downstairs and Violet picks up the pace, worry overtaking her other emotions as she hurries down the stairs and pads into the kitchen.

Clementine is seated on the kitchen chair with her elbows resting on the table her shoulders shake as she softly sobs. The black dress she wore on her way out isn't fully zipped up and is hanging off one of her shoulders, underneath the table, Violet notices that her girlfriend is wearing Louis's shoes rather than the heels she left in.

"Clem, my god are you okay. What happened?" Violet says as she rushes to her girlfriend's side, she goes to take Clementine's hand but the brunette shrugs her off, Violet furrows her eyebrows in confusion.

"Don't" is all Clementine says, her voice quiet voice and dripping in sorrow, "don't feel sorry for me, I fucked up" she keeps her eyes low refusing to meet Violet's gaze.

"What happened Clem, did someone hurt you?" Violet says as she sits next to Clementine placing her hand on Clementine's back as she rubs circles there with the palm of her hand. The action makes Clementine burst into tears and Violet soothes her while she cries into the palms of her hands.

"I don't deserve that," she says between sobs, she lifts her head to look at Violet for this first time since she arrived, her eyeliner is messy and her bright red lipstick is smudged around her mouth, Violet has no idea what could have happened to get Clementine in this state.

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