Within The Pines | Feelings

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There's a thin plume of smoke rising from deep within the pines, just a few miles away from Ericson's Boarding School for Troubled Youth.

Violet leans against the wooden railings on the side of the lookout tower and furrows her eyebrows. Ever since Marlon killed Brody and AJ killed Marlon, the remaining survivors stuck at the school have been left without proper leadership. And as a result, Violet's had to take charge.

Though Clementine and AJ were voted out of the school it didn't take long for them to return. AJ with a bullet wound and Clementine with news that the school was under threat from raiders. The same raiders who took Minerva and Sophie. Violet had spent a lot of time in the past week helping the other students fortifying the school, but she's also spent a lot of time thinking about Clementine.

The girl with the hat. The survivor, who at such a young age has been through so much. The girl with the dancing amber eyes and curly brunette locks.

Yesterday after dinner she'd taken her hair bands out and Violet had been entranced by the way her hair tumbled down past her neck and bounced off her shoulders. Each individual curl tightly coiled into a delicate spring. Violet wonders how it would feel if she were to run her hands through Clementine's hair, if it would knot in her fingers or if the strands would feel like silk against her skin.

Shit. Violet's thinking about her again, she shakes her head as if that will disperse her visions. Her vivid fantasies and uncontrollable thoughts. She knows she's in deep.

"What do you think Vi?" says Aasim from the foot of the watchtower. Violet looks back to the smoke plume and scratches her neck, it needs to be investigated, even if it's from afar.

"I'll go," she calls back.

Aasim looks around the courtyard, "Mitch and I are going hunting, Louis has just got back from checking the perimeter of the safe zone so he can stay here, keep an eye on the younger kids. So why don't you take Clementine with you as back up?"

Violet swallows as she registers Aasim's words. A scouting mission with just her and Clementine. The thought makes her heart flutter. Violet wants to spend as much time with the brunette as possible. Violet's plagued by her feelings for the brunette, they overwhelm her every thought and threaten to swallow her up. As much as she told herself she'd stay away from love after Minerva, she can't help the way she feels.

Violet doesn't even know if Clementine feels the same way, but the only way to find out is by spending more time with the brunette. That's why Violet looks back down at Aasim and nods in agreement.

"I'll go grab her," says Aasim as he turns back towards the admin building. After he leaves her alone once more and Violet glances at the plume of smoke wafting in the distance. She descends from the watchtower with a huff and leans against the iron gate as she waits for Clementine.


"What's the plan?" asks Clementine as she walks side by side with Violet down a trail through the deep pine woods.

Violet looks at her, scanning her face quickly before she answers the question, "scope out the place, keep our distance if there's any sign of survivors. See if we can find out who these people are." Violet takes a sharp inhale of air, "see if they're raiders or not."

Clementine watches Violet furrow her eyebrows as tension begins to wrack her body, she knows that Minerva meant something to Violet. She knows talk of the raiders must bring Minerva to her mind. She wonders how long they were together for; how happy they were before Marlon traded the twins over and ripped Minerva away from Violet. Clementine wonders if she should feel bad for being happy that Violet's now single. For wanting to move this thing between them from friendship to something more. She wonders if Violet feels the same.

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