Betrayal Part Two | Angst

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Violet wakes up on the cold tiles of her bathroom a few hours later. Her head rings with the threat of a migraine coming on and she aches as she pushes herself into a seated position leaning against the wooden door.

It's not just her body that hurts. Her happy memories are forever tainted, her friendship with Louis is probably over and her heart twinges with pain every time it beats within her chest. She signs and runs her hands through her hair, timidly she turns her phone on and gets to her feet, leaning against the sink as she dares to look at her reflection.

She looks as though she's aged three more years over the course of one night, her eyes are dulled by dark circles and her skin is deathly pale, sleeping on the bathroom floor has left her freezing, a cold so deep that it's settled on her bones.

Her phone begins to beep frantically and Violet decides she can't hide from anyone any longer, Clementine cheated on her with Louis. She needs to address this and decide how to move on.

There are multiple texts from Clementine which she can't bring herself to read right now so she scrolls past them. Louis has called and texted her multiple times, she feels sick as her eyes skim over the messages he's left her.

Louis: Violet, I am so sorry, It was my fault I was flirting with Clementine all night, I'm sorry, can we talk about this. Please. X

She feels sick as she deletes that message and its accompanying voice mails, she can't face listening to them right now.

Her heart slightly lifts as she sees a message from Brody that has come in earlier in the morning. Brody has always been there for her and unlike her only other best friend she isn't directly involved in this cheating scandal.

Brody: call me if you need to talk x

Violet feels her lip tremor as she quickly dials Brody's number her fingers shaking as she lifts the phone to her ear, the phone dials and Violet waits through three agonizing rings before the call connects. Violet takes a seat on the bathtub, unable to face returning to the bedroom where she and Clementine had held each other as they fell asleep only two days ago.

"Vi? Are you okay?" Brody's voice sounds through the speaker and it's audibly filled with panic as she speaks to Violet.

Violet grips the white porcelain on the tub "Not really no, I guess you heard what happened?"

Brody is quiet for a while and Violet feels her anxiety rise while she listens to the static crackle on the line, "Clementine turned up at my house early this morning in tears." Violet pushes herself from the tub and unlocks the bathroom door, heading downstairs towards the living room.

Violet can't deny that she feels better knowing that Clementine didn't go running back to Louis as she feared, "oh" is all she manages to say.

"She told me everything, about how she got drunk and... well she told me about Louis"

Violet feels her heart drop remembering in explicit detail the events of last night. Clementine and Louis slept together, they got drunk and forget themselves finding comfort in each other's arms.

"She really wants to speak to you Vi, when she's sober. She wants to explain." Brody sounds sympathetic over the phone and Violet picks up on the way her voice has hushed, she wonders if Clementine is still sleeping off her hangover, in a state of bliss where she's forgotten the mistakes she made the night before.

"What's to explain?" Violet says as she sits down on the sofa in her living room, she gazes at the photo of herself and Clementine that sits on the mantlepiece, pulling her gaze away as a hollow feeling begins to consume her. "It's so fucked up, three years of loving her and giving her my all and she throws it back in my face like that" Violet breathes in deeply, "and Louis, fucking hell Brody. You know I always worried about Clementine going out to all these nightclubs but I knew she'd be safe if she was with Louis." Violet throws her head back in despair, "I trusted him, I trusted them both."

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