It Hurts to Look at You | Angst

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It's unbearably hot.

Clementine pulls the fabric of her t-shirt away from her neck wishing she'd decided on a camisole or a crop top instead of the black band t-shirt she slung on in a rush. Louis sits beside her on the picnic cloth, he's sipping on a beer sunglasses covering his eyes. To her left Brody is leaning against Marlon's chest, she's babbling about her plans after graduation. Behind her, Marlon plays softly with her hair.

Everyone's smiling. Bright beaming smiles that are so big that their teeth are exposed. Clementine is not smiling, she's staring dead ahead at Violet and Minerva who are wrapped around each other. So absorbed in each other's touch that it's almost as though they're in their own isolated bubble.

She tries not to stare, tries not to make it obvious that she's bitter about them being together. She clears her throat and takes a sip of her beer to distract herself. The others around her senselessly chatter.

"Once I graduate I'm getting far away from this town," Brody says leaning forward to sip on her gin and tonic, "I can't wait to explore more of America, feels like I've been stuck here for an eternity."

Marlon nods his head in agreement. Minerva turns Violet's head towards her using two fingers to angle her girlfriend's chin. Clementine holds her breath and feels thankful that she's wearing reflective sunglasses. No one can tell she's staring.

Louis begins to talk about where he wants to go once graduation is over but Clementine can't focus on his words. Instead, she watches Minerva and Violet share a small kiss. Violet smiles into it and has a soft grip on the redhead's arm. Clementine bites down hard on the side of her mouth and averts her eyes. She wishes that it was her who was kissing Violet.

"Earth to Clementine.." says Louis as he moves his hand in front of Clementine's face. The action makes her flinch and she feels her cheeks warm up as all eyes settle on her. Violet and Minerva included.

She coughs behind her hand and clears her throat, "sorry, what did you say?" she asks trying to sound calm and collected.

Louis raises an eyebrow as he looks at her, Clementine purses her lips "are you not completely with us Clem?" he asks. Louis wouldn't know what was going on in her head. Clementine has kept her pining's to herself, and while she shares most things with Louis, she hasn't told him that she has feelings for Violet, or that Violet's relationship with Minerva is killing her.

"It's the heat," she lies, taking another sip of her alcohol, she finishes the pint and sets the beer bottle down on the grass beside her.

Violet sits forward and stares intently at Clementine "you sure you're okay Clem?"  Violet asks. Oh. She's so sweet, her voice is so soft and husky and she has no idea what she's doing to Clementine just by asking her a simple question.

Clementine goes to stand, eyeing the bar stand that's set up in the centre of the park, "I'm going to grab another beer."

"Get me one Clem," pleads Louis, shaking his empty bottle. Marlon too signals that he would like another drink and Clementine nods as she begins walking towards the stand, glad that she can get away from the group for a while. Get away from Violet and Minerva's kisses and hushed whispers. Her hands buzz as though there's electricity running through each finger and she strides towards the bar and the line of people queuing there. 

Clementine thinks back to the conversation going on before she zoned out, everyone talking about their plans for post-university life. How they've promised that they'll stay in touch no matter where they end up. Clementine always used to think she'd stay in this city after graduation. She isn't sure anymore.

She would love to stay in this town, with these friends, but it hurts too much knowing that Violet is with Minerva. It hurts seeing them at university and it hurts seeing them everywhere she goes. But it's the fact that the two girls are madly in love that hurts the most. Because she would do anything to call Violet her own.

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