You're So Cold | Angst

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She's got golden eyes.

Soft brunette hair that curls and coils into ringlets. When she laughs, really laughs with her whole body, she throws her head back and her hair cascades over her shoulders, rippling against her skin.

Violet's always been so in awe of Clementine, so shaken by her beauty, her intelligence and her love for Violet.

Clementine's mind is wild and imaginative, sometimes she stares off into space and Violet is convinced that she can see things others can't. Colours and shapes, things she conjures up in her head.

But she's got secrets coiled up inside that pretty mind of hers as well.

Violet watches her lean back on the sofa, her face is lit up by the dim blue light of her phone screen, and the older woman watches Clementine's fingers tap against the keyboard with increasing speed.

"How was work?" queries Violet as she keeps her eyes on the brunette, waiting for Clementine to lift her head and address her, acknowledge her presence, or tear her eyes from the screen.

Violet bites her lip, and furrows her eyebrows, trying to ignore the way her heart clenches behind her ribcage.

"Hmm?" says Clementine, eyes still trained on the screen, fingers still tapping at the keys.

There's a small flicker of hope that lights up Violet's eyes, and she takes a step closer to Clementine before finding her voice once again. "I just.. uh, just asked how work was going."

Clementine puts her phone down and smiles at Violet.

It feels forced.

"Good," she says with a sigh as she runs her hand through her hair. "Hey, I'm pretty tired, I think I'm going to go to bed."

Violet looks at her watch, it's only 8.42 pm. Usually, Clementine would be up for hours yet. The blonde joins Clementine on the sofa and lets her hands make their way to her girlfriend's cheek, where she slowly strokes her skin.

Chancing leaning forward and pressing a kiss against Clementine's mouth Violet tries to coax a smile from her partner. Clementine closes her eyes and returns the kiss, but it's void of passion, just a simple peck that doesn't carry any meaning or love. Recoiling slightly Violet kisses down Clementine's neck, hoping for any kind of reaction.

"How about I come and join you?" she whispers, looking back into Clementine's eyes and searching for any passion within her irises.

"Not tonight," says Clementine as she gets to her feet.

Violet sighs and falls back against the sofa, "okay," she says quietly. Clementine lets her gaze linger on Violet and when she notes her facial expression she rolls her eyes.

"Don't look at me like that," she states, frowning and furrowing her eyebrows.

"It's not because of that," says Violet, "though we haven't been intimate in weeks," she points out. Clementine continues to frown, gritting her teeth. "I'm frustrated because you never talk to me," says Violet, forcing herself to look away.

"What are you talking about?" Clementine says with a frown. "We talk all the time."

Violet freezes for a moment, unaware that Clementine would raise her walls and query her girlfriend's intentions. All the scenarios Violet played through in her head didn't end up like this, not with Clementine confronting her with a scowl on her face.

"We don't really talk though Clementine, we exchange pleasantries like strangers and then lie in the same bed at night in silence. When you do need to talk to someone..." Violet sighs as she lets the words tumble from her mouth. "When you do need to talk to someone, you talk to her."

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