You're Perfect | Fluff

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This is set in the apocalypse but imagine it's an AU where no one dies and there are no raiders.

"These scavenges are turning out pretty pointless Clem," says Brody from across the kitchen of the abandoned house the two girls are checking out, "it's been about eight years since this house was a home, even if there is food here it'll be out of date by now."

Clementine frowns at Brody's comment, forgetting for a moment that the students in Ericsons Boarding School have never learnt the importance of scavenging houses and cars, they've spent their whole lives inside walls with all the items they need. Hunting grounds on their doorstep, a fishing shack and plentiful stream just through the woods, though no one wanted to admit it game and fish were getting scarce, which is why Clementine had brought up the idea of scavenging buildings.

When Clementine was younger and had first been thrown into this world she'd hated the thought of stealing from other people, no matter if they'd be long gone. She gets vivid flashbacks about the saloon car left in the woods found by the survivors of the motor inn, she remembered pulling on the cuff of Lee's shirt and saying this stuff isn't ours. As the years rolled by and Clementine spent more time on the road, she learnt that to survive in this world you have to be prepared to scavenge and take whatever you can.

"Take anything you think is useful Brody, shoelaces to replace your own, anything that can be used as a weapon, any cans of food as a priority but remember that Aasim and Louis are hunting and Violet and AJ are fishing so we'll be okay if we don't bring much food back." Clementine smiles at Brody who seems reassured by this statement.

"This house is eerie" Brody states as she opens a cupboard, glancing at the empty space inside before shutting the door with a sigh.

Clementine takes a break from trying to force open the jammed pantry door she's been working on to look at the state of the house. It's littered with mud and sticks, the girl presumes that at one time survivors made a base here, the brown blood that has stained the floor tells her that they didn't last here long.

The countertop is ransacked with broken glass and empty cans littering both the kitchen table and the floor beneath their feet. The windows are covered by wild plants which unattended have consumed the glass blocking all light from entering, Clementine has seen countless houses in this state over the years but she understands why someone used to a sheltered life like Brody would find this unsettling.

The two girls had searched the house for danger before they'd started their scavenges in the kitchen and aside from a walker in one if the upstairs bedrooms the house was empty. Clementine felt reassured by this but still eager to spend as little time as possible here, these houses were sometimes set as traps to lure survivors inside so attacks could be carried out. Clementine just wants to get back to Violet. She turns her attention back to the pantry sliding her knife into the hinges as she tries to unlock the door, the sooner they get this open the sooner the girls can get back to the school.

"Kidney beans," Brody exclaims inspecting the can she'd just found, Clementine turns to face her with a smile on her face "expires on the 20th of December 2008..." Brody reads from the can, she glances at the brunette, "any chance it's 2008?" she says to Clementine with hope in her voice.

The brunette furrows her eyebrows as she thinks, "more like 2010 or 2011" she replies, she offers Brody a small smile as she watches the redheads face fall, "bag it anyway Brody, we can probably still eat it."

Clementine hears Brody place the can in her bag before she carefully climbs onto the countertop to examine a cardboard box sitting on the top of the fridge. Clementine sticks her tongue out as she pushes her knife against the hinge, careful not to damage the steel, she audibly gasps when she hears a click and watches as the hinge falls to the floor. It clinks against the tiles, "yes" she says relieved that she's finally gained entry.

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