Within The Pines - Part Two | Feelings

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It takes another three days for Violet's wound to heal. On the fourth day, Violet sits on her bed in her shorts, unravelling the bandage and brushing her fingers over the puckered and scarred skin. The cut is still slightly inflamed as it slowly recovers.

Violet's desperate to get back to a full bill of health. The raiders still haven't shown up at the school and with every passing day, worry grows in Violet, why are they waiting? Violet stands and fishes out her jeans, pulling the denim carefully over the bandage as she slinks her legs into the trousers.

With her injury, Violet's been stuck on lookout duty, watching the rest of the group harvest food, take care of walkers, and complete tasks around camp in preparation for the arrival of the raiders. Violet slings her jean jacket over her shoulders and then steps out into the hallway, limping slightly on her sore leg. She looks down the hallway towards the entrance, the lookout tower and the outside world. And then she looks in the other direction, back into the depths of the school, the other dorms and more specifically, Clementine's room.

She takes a deep breath and slowly makes her way down the corridor. She thinks about how helpful Clementine was when Violet needed her the most, how careful and gentle she is. Yet, how nervous she was, how red her cheeks flushed when she told Violet how much she cared for her. Violet can't tell if that's just how friendly Clementine is, or if she acts differently around Violet because she's craving something more.

Violet stands outside Clementine's door and exhales. She could tell her how she feels, open the door and declare her feelings, her crush. She's just worried that Clementine doesn't feel the same. Violet lifts her hand to knock on the sturdy oak door, thinking over how she wants to go about this. Before she can knock, however, the door abruptly opens and Clementine jumps to see Violet standing inches away from her, arm still lifted in the air.

"Oh shit," Clementine exclaims as she takes a step back into the room, widening the gap between the two girls. "Sorry," she says, "I wasn't expecting you to be right outside my door."

"No, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare you, I was just wondering if we could talk," says Violet, leaning against the wooden doorframe to take some weight off her leg.

Clementine blushes again and tilts her head down to the floor. She rubs the tip of her boot into the wooden floor as she bites her lip. "I was actually about to come to talk to you," she mutters, finding the confidence to lift her head and smile at Violet.

"Oh," says Violet raising her eyebrows in surprise, "yeah I'd love to talk." She slips inside Clementine's room and settles on the brunette's bed. The same bed that Minne used to sleep in. Violet tries to detach those memories from her mind. All the times Violet and the redhead spend curled up on this very mattress. Talking, kissing, touching....

Violet wonders if that will be her and Clementine someday.

"How's your leg?" asks Clementine, Violet looks up to see the brunette sitting opposite her. The collection of drawings pinned to the wall there tell Violet that that must be AJ's side of the room.

Violet places her hand softly over her thigh, her damaged skin aches slightly at the contact, "it's good, I think. I've had Ruby running around like a headless chicken making sure I'm resting and it's not getting infected."

Clementine chuckles, she laughs in a melodic tune that Violet would never get tired of hearing. "I'm glad it's all healing well, I hope that it's back to normal by the time the raiders decide to show up."

"I just hope that they show up soon," says Violet as she looks out the window to the courtyard.

"Me too," says Clementine, "almost everything is in place now, just a few more touches and this place will be a fortress."

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