Chapter 8

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I was in a different place. Where was I? I looked around, seeing all the things there were. There was a big white dresser in the corner, right beside it was two doors. I figured they lead to a closet. There were small pictures in frames all over the room. Some of them looked familiar. I got up off the bed, just to see what the frames had inside them. There were beautiful drawings in almost every one! My favorite was one of a young girl who was sitting on a rainbow, just beautiful. My mom came in while I was admiring the drawings. "Hey Maya! You awake! Can I get you anything?" I shook my head no. "Ok... Are you looking at your drawings? I remember that one you have now was always your favorite!" She said. I was confused. "Your a good little artist there Maya..." she said, standing beside me. She was standing in front of a drawing of a flour. It was also a very good picture. "Wait, I drew these?" I said very quietly. "Um..." she looked taken back. I then realized I hadn't spoken to anyone in almost a month. "Yes Maya... you did." She sounded unsure. She looked at me like I was crazy. How did I not remember the amazing talent I had? I loved these drawings, how could I not remember drawing them? How much else did I not remember? I then stood there, trying to think of one happy time I had before my dreams of Riley. Nothing. I started to panic, my mind was blank. I didn't know anything anymore. Who even was I? "Maya, your memory will come back..." I heard my mom say. "But I'm not sure you want it to..." she said also. I turned to look her in the eyes. She didn't say anything else, just smiled and walked away. Leaving me here. I walked over to the curtains that were hanging. I opened them, revealing a big window. There was no view whatsoever, just a brick wall that had a sign on it. The sign was a big, neon light up that said "Dance Bar" on it. I sighed, realizing my room was next to a bar. That would be good on New Years. I decided to lay back down in my bed. I wanted to fall back asleep so I could see Riley again, but, would she be in there? I fell asleep, hoping to see Riley. As I entered the dream, I immediately started to call for her. "RILEY! RILEY! IM HERE NOW!" I yelled, running through the halls of the place I was in. Riley was not there. I guess I would have to stay in here until I woke up. I was in the same place I was in last time I dreamed. An art museum it seemed like. I remembered the drawings that were hanging in my room. They were no where near as gorgeous as these. The memories came back again, just like they had the last one. I hoped I could remember these ones, they were good and made me happy, witch was uncommon. I continued to walk down the long halls. They were filled with pictures and paintings. I was in my element. Enjoying every minute of this time I had alone. Although I couldn't help but wish Riley was here with me. She made everything ten times better! I suddenly had a feeling of worry, like my mind knew something my body didn't. Like it wanted me to run, to run fast and far from this place. I tried to ignore it.

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