Chapter 23

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Days passed... all sleepless. I missed Riley beyond belief. There was not a second that passed that I didn't think about her. I thought of her long, dark, brown hair that fell Angelically by her shoulders. I thought of her big, sparkling, beaming eyes, and her incredibly gorgeous smile. I sat in my hospital bed, just thinking of her, for hours and hours, that eventually turned to weeks. I spoke to no one, no one whatsoever. People would speak to me, but I would not answer. I wouldn't even shake or nod my head like I did before. I had switched rooms twice in the passed few weeks. I was in a very small, very isolated room. It was on the very top floor. Only 5 other rooms were on that floor. One day, I think it was the 5th of February, and my mom, who I have not seen in over a week, came into my room. "Hey Maya!" She said. She didn't bother making eye contact with me, she knew I was not going to answer back. She remained by the door, as if she wasn't going to stay. "I brought someone that I think you would be happy to see!" She said. I sat up a bit in my bed. Starring at her. "Hey Maya..." my dad walked in. He put his arm around my mom, witch caused a million feeling to hit me from all sides. It was as if 800 trucks, each carrying a different emotion, collided into me from all different directions at the same time. Why was he here? And more importantly, why did HE have his arm around HER? They should hate each other, the last time she saw him he was on his way out, he was leaving us. "So how are you?" He asked. I didn't speak back. "She doesn't talk much..." I heard my mom whisper in my fathers ear. I wanted to make a liar out of her, I'm not sure why though. Maybe I was mad at her for just, out of no where, taking my dad back. I still didn't speak. I just watched my father and my mother talk to each other and some nurses for a while. And then, an idea crossed my mind. Maybe, just maybe, it would work. I waited for a minute until my mom was pre occupied and talking to a doctor. Then, I motioned for my dad to come over to my bed. He gave me a confused look, then stood up and walked to me. "Would you like something Maya?" He asked. "Can you help me with something?"

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