Chapter 16

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Waking up never got easy, every time, I still hated it. This time it was different. My dream may have revealed the way that I could find Riley! I had to got to that room across from me. I had to find Riley! I slowly got out of bed, being careful not to wake my mother, who was asleep in the chair. I tiptoed across the floor. I laid one hand in the door knob, as slowly as possible. I wanted to somehow test if the door squeaked. But there was no way unless I opened it. I took one last look behind me, checking if my Mom was still asleep. She was, so I looked out the window. There she was, the girl I was ever so hoping was Riley. My heart beat quickened as I looked at her. I quickly slide out of the room, not bothering to close the door again. I took off down the hall way, it looked empty, but not as empty as it was in the dream. There were people just, they were all in their rooms or they were busy. I kept walking, having no idea where I had to go to find this room. I walked around the whole floor that I was on, now I had to head down. I entered the elevator, and it started to move. My pulse quickened. I had always been scared of elevators, even before 'that night'. But I was not going to let this get in the way of how excited I was to see Riley! The elevator stopped, and I ran out. I continued my walk around searching for the room. It was not on that floor either, so I decided to try the one above mine. I clicked the button in the elevator that said 'floor 10' it opened, but I could barely get anywhere. There was a desk and then a locked gate. No one was sitting at the desk, so I managed to steal a key. A bad feeling hit me before entering. I tried my best to ignore it. I stopped for a minute, getting ready to open the gate. I saw a sign on one side of the door that said 'these patients may be dangerous or in danger, please do not enter' the sign made me shudder. A part of me wanted Riley to be in here so I could end my search, but a bigger part didn't want her to be in danger or dangerous. I entered anyway and started down the hall. It was dark, due tithe fact that there were no windows. Every room had a name on the front. So I would just have to find the name Riley! I kept on looking at each door until I found one that said Riley on it. 'Riley Mathews' it read. I smiled bigger then I ever had before, but then realized, she could be a danger to herself. I knew if anyone could calm her down it would be me. I looked inside the room. It was different then the last room I had seen her in. Smaller. It had nothing in it except for one bed. Everything else was padded and secured. I tried to open the door, looking in to see if Riley moved at the sound of her door, she did not. The door was locked, so I tried the key. It went in and unlocked the door. 'How stupid' I thought. Anyone with half a brain could sneak into here and just have access to the patients. I took a breath, then opened the big door. It was just like the dream had showed. Riley was huddled in a corner, her face in her knees. I moved closer, she didn't look up. I put my arm out to touch her shoulder, then realized, maybe I should do something different. "Riley?" I said. She didn't move. "Riles-" I was cut off but something hard hitting me in the stomach. It took a minute to realize what was going on. She had slammed her body into mine and pinned me against a wall again. I sighed. "NO ONE CALLS ME RILES! NO ONE EXCEPT..." he voice trailed off as she realized it was me. "Maya..." she finished. I smiled at her. She backed up like she had in the dream. "No Riley. Remember the dream last night?" I said. Reaching out for a hug. "Yes..." she ran into my arms. I couldn't believe we had finally been able to hug, in real life that is. We were both apart of the same world, I had never been happier to be alive in this world. "I saw you in the dream last night, I hoped when I woke up that you would come for me, but I told myself that you would not..." she cried. "The universe wants us together Riley... look at all these signs..." I stroked her dirty, tangled, long brown hair. She hugged me tighter then I had ever been hugged. It was as if she was hanging over a pool of lava and I was the only thing she could hold on to. "Maya?" She said "yes?" "Please promise you won't leave me!" She pull away and looked at me with tears forming in her eyes. "I promise!" I said.

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