Chapter 10

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I was running now, running somewhere, I didn't know where, just away. As I was running I heard police cars, they didn't help, they just brought back the police cars and fire trucks that came to save me in the bombing. I just kept running. Eventually I turned into an ally. It was in the middle of the city. I had ran all the way from my house, into the city, cop cars chasing me the whole way. I was still crying, still scared. I kept looking around, trying, hoping to see Riley. Maybe this was a dream. But never once did I see her beautiful figure standing in a window, or walking on the streets. I ducked behind a recycle bin, it had old, smelly pizza boxes, piled high on top. I sat on the cold, dirty ground, hugging my knees and crying again. I was muttering to myself, attempting to calm my self down. "It's ok Maya... your going to be fine..." I told myself. I know I probably looked like a crazy person, but these words are what Riley would tell me when I got all worked up. I closed my eyes and tried to picture her. The image of her dancing around in the flower field came into my mind. I didn't think about anything else, just cleaned my mind. Nothing but Riley was in there now. I was tuned out for a while until other thoughts entered my head. I noticed my heart rate came down I bit and I was breathing normally. I heard voices running down the streets yelling "MAYA?" Or people asking others things like "have you seen a young blond girl? She is around 16 and is like, 5'2?" I didn't want them to find me, so I just stayed put. A few hours passed. It was getting dark, and becoming quite cold. I was hungry too. But I refused to move. I closed my eyes, hoping to sleep. I felt everything fade, my hearing, the coldness. "MAYA!" Yelled a beautiful voice. I looked up to see Riley! "Oh, Riley! Your here!" I said. "I haven't talked to you in forever!" "I know Maya..." she said. Her head hung low. I was still not used to this broken Riley. "I saw you in my dream last night..." "I saw you in my dream last night!" She said. I was confused. Did dream people also have dreams? "You were being carried away in a stretcher. And you were yelling at the men holding you." She said looking back at me. "I tried to save you, I really did." I said. I put my arms up, motioning for her to hug me. She walked towards me and took me into a big hug. "Maya, I know... it ok! That was more of a flash back then a dream." She said. "You remembered what happened that night, and it came into your dream." "I remembered?" I said, pulling away from the hug. What did I remember? Did that whole scene from inside an art museum actually happen? "You remembered that night." Riley said. "Everything that happened in that dream... happened in real life!" So that is how I got to the hospital!? Finally I knew! But one thing was not right. Why was Riley in that dream? "Riles? Were you there that night when the museum was bombed?" I asked. I wanted her to say yes with all my heart, that would mean she was really real! "Yes, Maya... I was..." she said. A tear rolled down the side of her face. I grabbed her and pulled her into my arms. I felt so terrible that Riley had to go through this, but I was so overly happy that she was alive and actually in my world! "So... does that mean your in my world now?" I asked. "I told you... I woke up. I woke up just like you did, angry, confused, upset. I asked if I could see you. All they did was stare at me. They didn't know who you were, Maya!" She cried into my shoulder. It was all to familiar. Riley just told the story of how I woke up. "Maya..." she said. "Yes?" "I do believe your real! And I will not stop searching until I find you in that world." She said. She looked up from my shoulder. Her big brown eyes glistened with hope. "I know Riles, I won't stop looking either." I put both my hand on her face and pulled her down to my level. Once there I kissed her gently on the lips. She kissed back. And then, of course, I woke up.

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