Chapter 20

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I kept my focus on Riley. Trying so hard, almost too hard, to forget about the pain. The nurse came in and told me to give me her arm. I really didn't want her to touch my arm and then me have a flash back. Riley must have sensed my nerves. "Here, I'll hold you arm..." she whispered to me. She didn't like for others to here her talk, kind of like me. She put her hand on my arm so the nurse could put her hand on Riley's. She put the pain medication in my arm through a needle. It took a minute to start working, but then, the pain cleared up a little. Riley still had to leave though. So there I sat. Alone and board again. Many different thoughts went through my head. I thought about what would have happened if I wasn't rescued from the shed. Or what would have happened if I let Riley get shot. Also the thought of where my dad had gone crossed through my mind. I wanted to ask someone about it, but I didn't know if they knew he was my father. I decided I would tell Riley, just not today. I wanted to talk to him again. I wanted to have a real talk, where we sat down, just me and him, and talked.

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