Chapter 25

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The nurse raised her eyebrow. "Riley has attacked many nurses..." she was about to continue when I interrupted her. "Ya but the nurses probably did something, like... I don't know..." I wanted to defend her but I couldn't see how Sweet, Caring, Loving Riley could ever hurt someone. Apparently I was not aware of her capability. "No Maya... she, she did it on purpose, just so they would leave her alone..." The nurse told me. "They should have left her alone then!" My voice was getting increasingly louder. "They could not leave her alone, Maya. She was a danger to herself, and as nurses, we have to do what we can to help our patients survive and get better." I didn't say anything. Just wondered about what she could have done. "Well I think I have said enough, too much possibly..." she packed up her things and left. I decided it would be good to get some sleep. My dad was coming to get me in a few days and I needed to be rested up. I fell asleep for the first time in what felt like forever. I didn't see anything for a while, until my dream came up. I was laying down on a blanket that had a perfectly set up picnic on it. Laid on a field of dark green grass. I sat up looking around me. It was all grass, only grass. There was nothing but hills and fields of fresh green grass. I laid back down, looking up at the sky. Big clouds were sitting in the sky, motionless. It was so calming to look up at them and try to find pictures and figures in the clouds. I looked over beside me, only to see Riley. "Riles?" I said, sitting up. She said nothing back, she just kept staring at the sky. "You ok?" I asked. I mentally slapped myself for asking that. Of course she wasn't ok. It seemed like no one was ok anymore. The world just seemed to all be a dream. Sometimes, I wish it all was. Finally Riley seemed to realize that I was there. She sat up and looked at me. Her eyes were big and sad, sadder then I had ever seen them. It killed me to think that Riley was in so much pain. I could tell the great deal of her suffering. I gave her a comforting look and she leaned into me. I brought her into a hug, one of the first Hugs we had in a while, a long while. She cried into my shoulder. "Maya..." she managed through a sob. "I don't want to stay at that horrible place... they treat me like a rabid animal..." "I know Riley... I know..." I said, rubbing her back. "I didn't do anything on purpose... I tried to refrain from hurting those nurses... something took over me..." she cried even louder. "Riley... nurses touching you brings back memories from that night in the art museum... you are so terribly scared that something like that would happen again that you tackle anyone that goes near you... it's a way of self defence when you think about it..." I said. "And don't worry Riles... I'm coming to get you out of there..."

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