(8)A Changing in the Grove

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I followed the light.

I did as Conrad had suggested and travelled back towards the light of the sun. Leibysos was hotter in midday and the crowds were nearly doubled in size.

I'd taken Simos' advice and dressed myself in inexpensive garbs. I'd hung a dull, grey cloak around my shoulders, that trailed all the way past my knees, and covered my mouth with a light grey cloth, hiding the bottom half of my face. My red eyes scanned the busy market from below my hood. No one could make out the vibrant, sunny blonde of my long hair- it was tied back and out of sight. The only thing that would tip anyone off was my unusual eye color.

But nymphs and dryads were common here and they had the most peculiar eyes. I assumed it wouldn't be an issue.

I moved around like a shadow, from stall to stall, until finally, I recognized the feather-adorned booth near the centre of the square.

My feet moved quicker across the stone square, until I carefully touched a small hat on the side of the table. It was very similar to the one Malreus had bought, only pink. It was equally hideous.

I smiled softly and glanced around to see if I could spot Kukeeto. A few customers walked past, their faces lit up with bright smiles. My feet moved quietly inside the booth and I looked around vigilantly. It looked like there was a small sign hanging on the side of the stall reading 'closed'. Strange...

It was a very busy day here, in the market. Why would Kukeeto leave his shop closed and unattended to? He seemed the type to want to lick up any and all sales he could get his hands on.

I sighed and turned around to exit to small, low-hanging tent. A young woman walked past me, carrying four bags of shopping. "Excuse me," I called for her attention and she stopped to stare up at me.

I removed the cloth from my mouth to speak more comfortably; "Have you seen the merchant of this shop?"

"Kukeeto?" She looked like a local; her eyes were large and dark and her skin was a deep mocha color. "Oh, no. I saw him yesterday morning. He said he had a new client coming in, but seems he's sleeping in today." She chuckled, as if that didn't surprise her. "You know him?"

"We're business partners." I lied quickly with a polite smile.

She nodded; "Hmm... Word of advice; I've known Kukeeto for a few years and he's known for missing meetings. Don't take it personally. He likes a good drink more than most men."

"Right, thank you." I smiled and she waved goodbye.

At least the people were friendly...

With a shrug, I decided that I'd visit Kukeeto again another day- I couldn't wait all day for him to nurse his hangover and finally set-up shop. I'd need to find another source of information.

I moved towards the north side, my eyes set on the docks. Perhaps there were a few sailors bringing in suspicions powders and chemicals in through the boats?

I knew I wasn't supposed to be here- on earth- but I couldn't care less. My discretion was of utmost importance though; I didn't want word of this to get out to my father that I'd been spotted rummaging around in the city he explicitly forbade me from going to again.

Swiftly I maneuvered myself through he thick crowd, but before I reached the edge, a sudden surprised cry and an angry shout caught my, and the rest of the large crowd's, attention.

All of us instantly turned to look back as the dramatic scene unfolded beside the golden fountain in the centre of the square. I stepped forward a bit to get a better view.

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