(28)The Green Bargain

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"We're done here. Go back to your palace in hell." Nyx said to me, but her eyes held a sliver of sadness.

"There is no way I am leaving here now." I barked at her. She might've been my grandmother, but I felt no need to be respectful towards her. None. I knew the stories and I knew the type of woman I was dealing with. It was as clear as day. "I came here to ruin these sordid games and I am not leaving until I have!"

"Then you should get used to disappointment, little girl." She sneered at me and it was somehow familiar.

"Where's Erebus?"

Nyx's eyes widened at the mention of his name. Simos stared down at me and back up at his mother, but said nothing. He was still in shock and hadn't had the time to process everything that was revealed a few minutes ago. I doubted he'd have enough time in his short mortal-length lifespan to fully deal with all this bad news.

I, however, was trying my best to keep focused and leave the shock for another time and place. Malreus had walked up to stand beside me; his overprotective nature kicking in. "I asked you where Erebus is?" I said again.

"Who? Your grandfather?" She grinned at me.

My throat felt dry as I hesitantly replied; "Yes."

"Don't go looking for trouble you cannot handle, child." She shook her head at me like a disappointed grandmother would.

"Where is he?" I whispered menacingly.

All of a sudden, the large double doors to the room burst open to reveal a familiar face.

Our heads swung back to stare at the twins.

Casseus placed a hand over his heart and with the other, he waved a faded piece of paper around. With a ragged breath, he gasped; "The Labyrinth! He's in the Labyrinth!"

 With a ragged breath, he gasped; "The Labyrinth! He's in the Labyrinth!"

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The Green Bargain

Claudeus grabbed the piece of paper from Casseus' hand and held it up high; "Asclepius found the last part of the poem! It's Erebus!" Malreus met my gaze with wide eyes, but we both knew what my brother was about to say next. "Erebus is the werewolf!"

"Twins..." Nyx whispered behind me with her brilliant yellow stare fixated on my brothers. She'd said it softly and to herself, but I'd heard her loud and clear.

I stepped in front of them, blocking her line of vision; obstructing them from her sight. I snarled at her; "Leave them out of this."

"I had the feeling the twin-gene would stick." Nyx smiled softly and nodded her head; "It's a shame they weren't blessed with his red eyes too- the blue is all wrong on them. It makes them look too mortal."

The twins were handsome and built like stallions- I doubted that anyone who saw them thought that they looked plain and not particularly special. Besides, my mother's blue eyes were a gift all their own; that blue was electric and reminded me of home. "What in the hell is she talking about?" Casseus barked from across the room, his glare directed at Nyx.

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