(14)Earthly Desires (Part 2)

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Earthly Desires (Part 2)

Malreus' POV

We snuck out from under the fur blankets and the fresh, ocean air whipped through our hair with a gust.

"Oh, dear gods. That's good." Simos groaned and sucked up another gulf of cold air.

Theia dusted off some hairs and dirt from her clothes, her blonde hair hanging over her head as she bent over; "I smell like sweaty socks."

"Come on." I signalled to them to get a move on. The cart may have been moved into a docking station, but that didn't mean we were out of trouble just yet. Some workers would be sent in to off-load the goods and we needed to disappear before then.

Simos and Theia followed me up the wooden stairs of the large warehouse and we stepped onto a loft. The air was stuffy again, but I found an open window and budged it slightly, to allow us to move through it and up to the roof of the warehouse.

"Here." I held out my hand for Theia to take. She quickly grabbed it and lowered herself onto the bottom windowsill, carefully balancing her foot. With her other foot, she hoisted herself up onto a rusty ladder and climbed up onto the roof of the storehouse. Simos moved to go after her, but I wasn't about to let that happen.

I swung out and jumped up, catching the ladder with both hands. With one swift move, I was on the rooftop with Simos glaring after me. He'd have to find his own way up.

Fine. Yes. I was jealous. I loathed him.

I barely knew the man, but I knew that I couldn't for the life of me stand to be around him. Simos acted like he could just waltz into our lives and beg and plead Theia to do what he wanted. I wasn't falling for it- there was something more to him than meets the eye.

Had Claudeus been right? Was I in love with my best friend?

Gods... Yes. Yes, I was madly in love with Theia- of course I was lying straight to his face when I'd denied it, but I had to. What on earth would Theia think? I've felt this way for a long time. For such a long time she's been everything. Whatever she needed, I wanted to get it for her.

I knew she was so strong and such a caring person; she didn't need me to do anything for her, but I wanted to. I wanted to treat her like the queen she was; the queen I saw her as.

I shook my head and tried to focus. This wasn't the time for tender moments. We had work to do and I had to get my head straight.

Right. Focus. Just focus, Mal-

Theia bent over and stopped midway to the edge of the roof. I hadn't expected it at all and slammed right into her. With a deep, bright blush, I jumped back and nearly shouted; "What in the hell are you doing?"

"Oh, sorry!" She jolted back up and sheepishly smiled at me with pink-stained cheeks. "I thought I saw a stain on my boots."

"A warning would be nice..." I muttered and walked past her with a glare. I wasn't angry with her, I was angry with myself. These thoughts... They needed to stop.

"Sorry, Mal." She sniggered and followed me towards the edge.

Earlier, inside the cart, it had been my hand on Theia's ass, but I swear to all the gods that it had been an accident. I'd only meant to comfort her and place my hand on her back to feel her warmth, but uh... I'd slightly misjudged where her back had been. When she shouted at us, I panicked and blamed Simos. Not one of my finest moments.

I was normally so good at thinking on the spot and talking my way out any problem, but with Theia... It was a hopeless case. I was a hopeless case.

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