(13)The Emerald Playground

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The Emerald Playground

So this was Mania...

We walked through the crowded streets, all huddled together. I had never thought that it could be this busy on an island that was unbelievably strict with their entrance laws, but good Gaia, it was hard to move.

My shoulder kept knocking against Malreus' and I'd apologised more than I could count, but he didn't seem to care at all. His dark blue eyes moved from one colourful stall to the next- eyeing the luxurious items with astonished eyes. We were all entranced, to be honest. It's probably ignorant of us to think, but we had no idea mortals could create such beautiful goods.

I passed a stall entirely dedicated to selling golden peacocks and other embellished birds. A small smile spread across my mouth as I thought about how quickly aunt Persephone would stop and dart towards the merchant- no hesitation at all. She'd probably unburden him of all his stock and uncle Hades would close his eyes in frustration. He hated spending his gold on frivolous things, but tell aunt Persephone that her golden statue collection was senseless.

Honestly, it's a wonder Malreus had grown up to be so independent; his mother had doted on him all his live, but I suppose that's possibly why he's so self-sufficient in the first place. He had to break away from her suffocating pampering.

"Theia," Malreus nudged my side with his hand and I looked to the side where he was holding up a small jewellery box. It was plastered with pearl textured tiles and the clasp was bronze and polished. It was beautiful. "Weren't you looking for something like this the other day?"

"Wow." I took the small chest from his hands. It just fit in my palm- it was the perfect size for my mother's aquamarine pendant. "It's stunning."

"Three hundred quanti." A snobbish merchant said with a deadpan expression, his arms crossed and his body angled away from us, towards wealthier patrons. I glared at him from under my lashes and moved to place the box down, but Malreus stopped me.

He reached for his side strap and I heard coins jingle; "Here." Malreus smacked the coin on the table with a superior look and the merchant's eyes widened. We didn't look like much, with these underprivileged disguises, but our quanti looked real- very real.

The merchant bowed quickly and gathered up the heap of coin, smiling; "Let me get you a bag."

"No need." Malreus grabbed the box and placed a hand on the small of my back. He led me away and closer to our moving group with Simos at the front.

"Mal," I looked up at him, "You didn't have to buy that. I don't really have space for it now."

"I wanted to, and besides, that man irked me." He shot a short glower to the back, where the merchant was watching us walk away. Malreus looked annoyed and I couldn't help but notice how handsome he was when annoyed. Of course I'd noticed it many times before.

"Most people irk you." I smirked and took the box as he handed it to me. It really was beautiful.

"Some don't." He smiled at me and winked. I laughed at his sweet smile and we moved faster to catch up with our party.

Casseus and Triton were sending suave and flirty looks to a group of mortal girls standing beside a large fountain. They giggled and waved their emerald fans in my brother's direction, signalling a coy 'hello'.

Asclepius and Narray were trying very hard not to touch anything and avoided all and any contact with others. Even each other. Morpheus was walking in step with Simos, talking. Most probably discussing some of the trails and challenges. Simos looked focused and his eyes scanned the crowds and buildings for a good lodge to unpack in.

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