(30)Hunter and Hunted (Part 2)

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Hunter and Hunted (Part 2)

Narray's POV

Keya's gold carriage was stopped among the tall, thick trees of Hydean Park, at the very edge of the city of Mania.

I'd dropped down from the building across from the street and jogged past a few unsuspecting residents. The rain was falling down hard now and most people were scrambling for their homes or nearby cafes to hide out the storm. Some souls walked briskly on through the hard rain and thunderous grumblings of the heavens; their umbrellas clutched closely to their chests. They weren't going to let a storm keep them from enjoying the lush city- and I certainly wasn't going to let it come between me and Madam Keya.

I approached the carriage with care and suspicion. It was parked and seemingly abandoned in the centre of the park. There were mortals lingering around the area- most likely because it wasn't safe to be so close to tall trees and bushes when the lightning was hitting down so hard.

A few blocks back, while I had been tailing the carriage, I'd ripped off half of the long, silk dress I was wearing to make moving easier. Now, in the cold wind and rush of the rain, I wished I had something to cover my freezing legs with. Doubtful though that the silk would've served much resistance against the chill in anyway.

I withdrew my small Xiphos sword from my the leather strap tied to my right thigh and angled it to the front, keeping it tightly at my side. My eyes scanned the wet grass; my vision clearer as most of the rain was blocked by the thick foliage of the Oak trees.

"Keya?" I shouted over the thunder. There was no reply. My feet moved softly against the mossy undergrowth; I was careful not to slip or trip with the leathery sandals that every one of Keya's little whores had to wear.

It really was so impractical to chase someone down in these...

A twig snapped.

I stopped and exhaled a curt breath. When no noise echoed again, I took a step forward. The park was deadly silent and the streets had emptied out. The rain was falling hard and I was smack in the entre of the thick forest of Hydean Park.

A little too late, I realised that I might've overestimated my own hand...

A hand flew across my mouth and jerked back my head. My wrist mechanically pulled back and jabbed the Xiphos into my attacker's knee. The scream was loud enough to break over the thunderous clap of lightning in the distance. The hand dropped from my face and I sprang back, but only to be caught by two more hands.

My eyes met the attacker, but I didn't recognise him. He crumpled to the floor, clutching his knee and spilling blood all over the grass. The other two men tried to restrain me against them, but I was stronger and far more motivated.

I plunged my sword into the one man's neck, but as I brought back the weapon to deal more damage, two more men appeared from the side. Then another from the front. I yelled loudly and swung my free arm out to strike at the guard restraining my shoulder, but three pairs of hands grabbed me and were able to pull me back.

"Let me go!" I shouted over the rain.

"Ray, darling!" I saw her fist before I saw her smile. Keya hit me through the face so hard that I felt my lip burst open. "Smile!" She said mockingly and withdrew her hand with a painful sigh. She waved her hand in the air to rid her knuckles of the sudden shot of agony.

"Keya..." I licked my lip and tasted some of the blood that was dripping down. A little harder and she would've knocked a tooth out.

"Happy to see me?" Keya asked with a salty grin. She might've been smiling, but I saw the glimmer of fear and annoyance behind her falseness. Was this a big inconvenience for her? Did I ruin her shopping time?

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