two • nicknames

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Maddie's POV

I sat with Ghost and Kylie on their couch, watching Sweeny Todd. Their cats, Lexus and Mercedes, sat on my lap.

It was around midnight and Ghost said I could stay up late with them if I wanted. I had agreed and we'd ordered pizza and sat together.

Kylie was really nice. She offered to take me shopping sometime soon; if I was even here for much longer.

I felt my eyes drooping. The sound of Lexus purring and Mercedes' calm breathing soon pulled me into a deep sleep.

•     •     •     •     •

Ghost's POV

Maddie fell asleep and Kylie took out her phone, snapping a picture. Maddie really was a sweet girl.

"Do you think Chris will take her in?" Kylie asked.

"Yeah, he's not the type of guy that could send her away," I assured her.

"She's so small and fragile. I wonder what happened to her."

"She told us she hid in her room most of the time; she hid from her parents. She said they only hurt her occasionally, but I just think she was afraid to tell us, ya know? She didn't want to sound like an attention whore or anything."

Kylie nodded. "I understand. Plus, it's kinda cliche. You find a young girl and she begs for you pity and care because she was abused. Those situations are sad, but some people are so open about it."

I agreed with her and slipped my arms under Maddie. I'd take her to the guest bedroom. She shifted in my arms before sighing and falling back asleep.

Kylie was already in bed, reading, when I walked into our room. She set her book down and smiled. I gave her a kiss goodnight before switching the lights off.

•     •     •     •     •

I rubbed my eyes and walked downstairs to see Maddie and Kylie sitting downstairs. Well, Maddie was sitting with the cats. Kylie was making breakfast.

"Chris will be over at 10," she informed me.

I glanced at the clock to see it was only 9. I said okay and walked over to the couch, plopping down next to Maddie.

"Wanna play truth?" I asked.

"Sure," she replied, patting Mercedes' head.

"Okay, do you have any nicknames?"

"Yeah, my mom used to call me Junebug. Before she got fucked up." Her hand flew up to her mouth. "I'm sorry!"

"No, it's okay, we don't mind. Um, your turn."

"Okay. This is a question I've been wondering since last night: are you guys all in a band?"

"Oh, yeah. We have a band called Motionless in White. I play bass, Chris sings, Ricky and Ryan play guitar, Balz, or Josh, plays keyboard, and Vinny plays the drums," I explained. "Do you play any instruments?"

"The violin. It's always been my passion."

The way her eyes lit up when she talked about what she liked made me smile. Kylie did too, then announced that the food was ready. I grabbed Maddie's hand and we walked to the table.

•     •     •     •     •

Maddie's POV

I took a nibble of the eggs Kylie had made and my eyes widened. They were so good. She had also made bacon and potato hash.

I hadn't eaten a meal this good in a long time. Most of the time, it was Ramen or pizza rolls. Kylie and Ghost were being really nice to me.

I ate and said thanks to Kylie. She smiled and told me I could watch Netflix. I decided to watch Truth or Dare until Chris got here.

The hour passed by quickly. I heard someone knock on the door. Devin opened it to reveal Chris. I smiled at him.

"Hey, Maddie," he greeted me.

"Hi, Chris."

Chris said thanks to Devin and Kylie. Then he turned to me. "Ready?"

I nodded and said bye to the cats before engulfing Dev and Kylie in a hug, saying my thanks. Kylie said we'd go shopping soon.

Once Chris's black car started moving down the road, he turned to me, still keeping his eyes on the road. "Maddie, I would really love to adopt you. But you need to tell me everything your parents did. That's the only way I can legally take you in as mine."

I took a deep breath. "They got drunk a lot. They sometimes for high, too. I would stay in my room a lot, but whenever I came out, my mom would usually hit me. My dad was probably out with some whore. This started when I was seven. My older sister, Lyla, died in a car crash. My parents were never the same."

Chris looked me in the eyes for a quick second before turning back to the road. "I'm so sorry. I'll get papers filed as soon as possible."

"Do you really want to adopt me?"

"Of course, Maddie. You seem so nice and fun."

I smiled. "Junebug."


"Call me Junebug."

Okay, so don't get mad over the whole thing with Ghost and Kylie. I wanted my story to have a somewhat dark background, and this is what I thought of first. So many stories have the backstory, but I couldn't think of any other way she could get adopted. I'm trying to change it up a bit. And don't get you panties in a wad about those comments made. Abuse is horrible and it is not meant to be taken lightly. I was referring to other stories here not abusive relationships of any sort.
     - salem

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909 words

junebug {adopted by chris motionless}Where stories live. Discover now