sixteen • voices and "i love you's"

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Ricky's POV (4 weeks later)

I rubbed paint up and down my arms as I got ready for our Washington show. We had only been on tour for about six weeks now, but it seemed like so much longer.

Maddie walked out of the bathroom, done with her makeup and stuff. She wore simple black jeans and a cream colored, long sleeved sweater. She grabbed my beanie off the table and placed it over her faded red and black hair.

"Are you gonna come to VIP with us? Meet some fans?" I asked.

She shrugged. "I don't know, you guys have fans, and I don't wanna infringe on their time with you."

"You have fans, too," Ryan told her.

"Yeah, you have fanpages on Instagram," Vinny added.

She scoffed. "Doubt it."

"We're serious. Our fans love you!"

"Okay, if you say so. I'll come."

"Let's go," Chris said, walking out from the back lounge.

Maddie grabbed my hand and we walked off of the bus. She gave it an encouraging squeeze.

I ran the setlist over in my head.

Queen for Queen
The Ladder
Synthetic Love

We walked into the venue and made our way backstage. We were on in 15. Maddie sat in Chris's lap and I snapped a picture for my Instagram.

"How's school going?" I asked her.

"It's good," she replied. "Pretty easy, actually."

"That's good."

Chris hugged her. "She's smart."

"Gonna come out on stage this time?" Ghost asked her.

"I don't know ..." she said. "It's scares me."

"You should sing Voices with your dad," he suggested. "You have a pretty voice."

She huffed. "I'll come out, but I don't know about singing."

"Okay," everyone agreed.

We left backstage and headed out to sidestage, chugging water and stretching our necks. We all high-fived and ran out onto the stage.

"Seattle, how you doing tonight?!" Chris screamed.

The crowd yelled and shouted. I saw him glance and Maddie and she gave him a thumbs up. He smiled. "This one's called Queen for Queen, let's go!"

By the time we got to Synthetic Love, Maddie looked as if she was freaking out. The songs finished and I set my guitar down, running to the sidestage and hugging her. "You'll be okay," I reassured her.

She smiled and nodded. "Okay."

I grabbed her hand and led her out. The crowd screamed and cheered. Chris hugged Maddie and said into the mic, "this is my daughter! She'll be singing Voices with us!"

•     •     •     •     •

Maddie's POV

My hands shook as I was handed another mic. The song started, and dad and I sang in sync.

I could feel that all the guys were smiling. I knew they were proud I was able to come out here. So was I. And I'm not gonna lie, I was enjoying myself.

The song soon ended and I said goodbye, waving to the audience. I ran offstage and waited for the guys to finish Rats.

They all ran offstage and engulfed me in a hug. "I'm so proud of you!" Chris exclaimed. "Ice cream for everyone tonight! But, uh, it's not on me!"

Vinny's mouth fell open. "So we have to pay for our own?"

"Well, duh."

I giggled. "Come on, you guys have to clean up before the meet and greet. I do too, I'm all sweaty."

•     •     •     •     •

"When will you be home?" Oliver asked over FaceTime.

"I'll be home for Halloween, that's when we take our two week break. And then we go back on tour for three and a half months," I said.

"Why so long?" He groaned.

"Well, we have to go through Canada and we have a couple dates in the UK."

"Junebug, let's go!" Balz says.

"Okay, gotta go," I said.

"I love you."

I smiled. "I love you, too."

I love you! Finally! Also, I don't know if they went to Canada and the UK for the GS tour, but oh whale.
     - salem ♡

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664 words

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junebug {adopted by chris motionless}Where stories live. Discover now