fifteen • ohio sucks

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Maddie's POV

We had gone through New York, Maryland, Rhode Island, Massachusetts, Vermont, Connecticut, and Michigan in the past two weeks. We were in Ohio now, and lemme tell ya, it sucks.

I sat at the kitchen table, doing my schoolwork. Math also sucked. I hated it.

"Hey, Junebug, are you coming to our show tonight?" Dad asked.

"Yeah, sure."

"Well, it's already 5, the show starts at 6. Better start getting ready."

"Okay." I closed my laptop and ran to go get my clothes. Oliver Facetimed me, and I answered as I fished around for clothes.

"Hey, babe," he said.


"What's up?"

"Getting ready to go to a MIW show, how bout you?"


I grabbed a maroon crop top and a black skirt, rushing into the bathroom. I set my phone on the counter so Oliver couldn't see me changing. Once I was done, I showed him my outfit per his request.

"Cute," he commented. "Shmexy."

I laughed and walked back to my bunk, getting my spiked combat boots on. I laced them up before putting on eyeliner and mascara. It was 5:45.

"Gotta go, babe," I said.

"Okay, have fun!"

We weren't really on the "I love you" terms yet. I mean, we had only been dating for a couple weeks. I think if Chris heard us say "I love you," he'd faint.

I held dad's hand as we walked towards the venue. He was so tall compared to me.

"You need to shrink," I told him.

"You need to grow."

"Not happening. I love being short," I said.

He stopped walking a bend down. "Hop on."

I shrugged and jumped on his back. "Damn, you're light for a 14 year old."

"I'm 98 pounds."

"That's to light." Ricky pinched my arm. "Get some meat on your bones, kid."

I laughed. "You have no room to talk."

We were at the venue, now. We headed to the sidestage and waited. They were on in 10.

I helped Dad and made sure he had his water bottles and that his eyebrows were  even. "Are you sure you don't wanna come on stage?"

I shook my head. "Maybe the next show. Not boring ass Ohio."

He chuckled. "Yes ma'am."

"You're on!" Someone shouted to the guys.

Chris kissed my forehead. I smiled and yelled, "good luck, guys!"

Their setlist was a pretty good one. I loved all of their songs, but these were some of my favorite.

Eternally Yours
Not My Type: Dead as Fuck 2
.Com Part II

I screamed and clapped when they finished Hourglass. They were so good! I was really lucky to have a family like this.

Chris engulfed me in a big, sweaty, hug. "Eww eww eww!" I exclaimed, still hugging him back.

I let each of the guys hug me (and cover me in their sweat.) I smiled and congratulated them.

"You guys stink, showers for everyone!" I demanded.

"She's right," Chris said. "You guys smell."

"You smell the worst, go shower," I retorted jokingly.

"Okay, fine," he murmured.

We walked back to the bus and Chris started to walk to the bathroom.

"Wait!" I said. "I have something for you."

He turned around with a questioning look on his face. "What?"

I handed him the picture I'd finished drawing. He smiled and walked over to the fridge, hanging it up with a magnet. He gave me another hug.

"Thank you. Its beautiful."

"Sure thing."

Ahh, the anxiety of being a writer. I don't know if I want Chris to be known as dad all the time, or just as Chris, or as both. I also did not know where to end this chapter so it's kinda choppy. Oops.
     - salem ♡

Edited and revised
629 words

Edited and revised

junebug {adopted by chris motionless}Where stories live. Discover now