thirteen • it's hard to love people

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Maddie's POV

Why did Oliver chose me? He's so ... normal compared to me. I was "that grunge girl." I did hear that Oliver was into grunge girls, though.

I walked hand in hand with him down the hall. We reached the exit of the school and began walking down the road towards the gas station. Oliver said he wanted to buy food first and then walk to the park.

And, of course, we just happened to see Chris in the gas station. He smiled at me. "Oh, hey, Maddie! I didn't expect to see you here."

I gave him an "oh really?" look. He innocently smiled and then looked at Oliver. "You must be Oliver. I'm Chris, Maddie's dad."

Oliver nodded. "Nice to meet you."

"Ditto," Chris replied. He turned back to me. "Well, I should get home. Kuza's coming over for awhile. Love ya."

"Love you, too. Tell Kuza I said hi."

Chris nodded walked outside, back to his fancy BMW. I shook my head and then grabbed a bag of Doritos, paying for that and the Diet Coke I had grabbed earlier.

We walked down the sidewalk towards the park. Oliver cracked jokes about how stupid our teachers were and I was laughing my ass off.

I could do this everyday. Hang out with the people that I love. It's hard to love people, though. It's really fucking hard.

•     •     •     •     •

Oliver's dad dropped me off at my house. I walked up the driveway towards my house, waving to Oliver and Ron, his dad.

I thought that only Kuza would be over. But I guess I was wrong. Ricky, Devin, Ryan, Balz, Vinny, Allie, Kylie, Ryan-Ashley, Kuza, Jaime, Chris, and Gaia all sat on the couch. They all stared at me.

"Oh, hi," I murmured, scratching the back of my neck.

"Details, please," Kylie sang.

"There better not be any details," Chris growled.

"There's not," I assured him. "We hung out at the park."

"No kisses?! No nothing?!" Ryan-Ashley exclaimed.

"I mean, we held hands."

Chris rolled his eyes and I giggled. The girls' eyes widened and they all said, "ooh!"

Kuza flipped his hair over his shoulder and his voice got an octave higher. "Girl, you held hands?!"

I flopped onto the floor. "Oh my Satan!" I exclaimed with tears of laughter falling down my face.

It's hard to love people. I don't care how hard it is, I'll always love these people.

This is short and crappy and I hate life rn.
     - salem ♡

Edited and revised
420 words

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