thirty three • santa's pissed

453 16 4

Maddie's POV

"Go away!" I groaned.

Gaia and Chris were at the end of my bed. I was curled into Oliver's side. He opened his eyes slowly.

Mom and dad looked like kids in a candy store. "It's Christmas!" They exclaimed.

"Yeah, and Santa's pissed because you woke him up."

"You're a girl though ..." Oliver said.


Oliver's eyes widened and he laughed. "Well, guys aren't supposed to have boobs."

"Okay, this is getting out of hand. We'll be out in a few." I shooed them away and kissed Oliver before going to brush my teeth.

We made our way downstairs, hand in hand. I saw my whole family there. I jumped into Nick's arms. "Hey, uncle Nick!"

"Hey, Junebug!"

I said hello to everybody and sat on the couch with Ol. He was gonna have Christmas with us first and then go home to his parents.

I'd gotten everyone presents. I gave everyone drawings I'd worked on since my birthday. I told mom and dad they could have the night to themselves. Oliver and I would hang out tonight ... that was his present.

This might be TMI, but I was gonna lose my virginity tonight.

•     •     •     •     •

It was the day after Christmas, and I was now home, sketching. I was super bored.

"Hey, dad?" I called.

He came into the kitchen where I sat. "Yeah?"

"Can I get a new laptop charging cord? Sparky ate mine."

"Yeah, sure. I'm going to the mall tomorrow, we can go pick one up for you then."



"Why don't we hang out as much as we used to?"

He sat next to me and wrapped his arm around me. "I'm sorry, Junebug. It's been really busy, seeing as we just got off tour and released our album not that long ago."

"I know. But we used to spend every second of the day together. Now I have a boyfriend and you have a girlfriend, and I'm getting older, and I feel like ... like you don't wanna be around me as much."

"Maddie, that's ridiculous." He smiled. "Come on, we'll go out to the mall today and get your thing. We can spend the whole day together."

I smiled back. "Okay."

Short chapter oof. I wanted the Xmas part to be longer but I didn't wanna write so this sucks. Also, the last chapter is coming up!
     - salem ♡

Edited and revised
400 words

junebug {adopted by chris motionless}Where stories live. Discover now